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与 to-dos 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Torque rheometer with an internal mixer is commenly applied to study the property of PVC in polymer laboratory. Compounding temperature、rotor speed、and totalized torque are three main influence factors to affect the fusion of PVC in a torque rheometer.

力矩流变仪(To-rque Rheometer)配备内部混合器是一般高分子加工实验室常用的PVC混练仪器,而此仪器影响PVC熔合最主要的混练因素为混练温度、转轴转速及力矩总和(Totalized Torque;简称TTQ),本文应用一个2的3次方因次实验设计法来判定上述三个混练因素对PVC熔合之影响程度。

He is not healthy for he never vomits up any hairball. the english name "to meet you" probably indicates that after meeting you, nobody knows what happens next. we hope our work can bring more interesting stuff to everyone.

工作室的英文名字是&to meet you&,大概就是见到你之后,有一种非常说不出来的感觉吧,我们希望自己的工作能给大家带来更多有趣的感受。

BREE: We sat on Skyline Drive and drank a bottle of apple wine. And when we finished it, you turned to me and you said, If you marry me, Bree Mason, I promise to love you for the rest of my life.

engaged to:订婚这段是BREE回忆REX与她结婚的场面,她回忆到REX曾对他说过的话&我保证在我有生之年,一定会爱你&嗨。。。

BREE: We sat on Skyline Drive and drank a bottle of apple wine. Andwhen we finished it, you turned to me and you said, If you marry me,Bree Mason, I promise to love you for the rest of my life.

engaged to:订婚这段是BREE回忆REX与她结婚的场面,她回忆到REX曾对他说过的话&我保证在我有生之年,一定会爱你&嗨。。。

BREE: We sat on Skyline Drive and drank a bottle of apple wine. And when we finished it, you turned to me and you said, If you marry me, Bree Mason, I promise to love you for the rest of my life.

engaged to:订婚这段是BREE回忆REX与她结婚的场面,她回忆到REX曾对他说过的话&我保证在我有生之年,一定会&嗨。。。

Part V Translation (3 0 minutes,l 5 points)Since 1981,farmers in Holland have been encouraged to adopt"green"farming techniques that were thought to benefit plant and bird life.

Since 1981, farmers in Holland have been encouraged to adopt1981年以来,荷兰农民被鼓励采用被认为有利于植物和鸟类的&绿色&耕种技术。

DingTai's concept of customers contains all the people who have contacted with DingTai, including consumer, dealer, supplier, co-operator, tourist. We will offer considerate and heart-to-heart service to those customers.

我们的顾客概念涵盖着所有与鼎泰有接触的人,包括消费者、经销商、供应商、协作者、参观旅游者,对于这些顾客,我们要各尽所能地为他们提供最真诚最贴心最周到的服务considerate service Heart-to-heart service。

State Senate Republicans yesterday proposed their own plan to bail out financially strapped Empire Blue Cross/ Blue Shield and hold rate hikes the state's largest insurer seeks to an average of10% to15%.

纽约]州参议院的共和党人士昨天提出了他们自已的方案,去救助财务困难的纽约蓝十字/蓝盾牌[医疗保险公司],以便将该州最大保险公司所争取的提高保费维持在平均百分之十到百分之十五。;He submitted a claim to the insurer。

Head to the temple and ask Dorion M2.2(2) about temple's problem. It appears that there are giant amebas in the crypts and they want you to clear them out and find three pieces of a broken relic relic.

和多利昂对话 Talk to Dorion 前往神殿,和多利昂(DorionM2.2(2)对话,得知在地穴中有巨型变形虫,你需要清除这些怪物,并拿到遗迹的三个碎片。

Various social and political movements promoted Byres as an example of the values held by their particular movement.In 1902her name was added to the Memorial to Heroic Self Sacrifice and in 1936a street near the scene of the fire was renamed Byres Street in her honou r.

各种社会和政治活动为了传达其特定的价值观,也纷纷推崇阿瑞斯为典范。1902年,她的名字被载入&勇于自我牺牲纪念馆&(Memorial to Heroic Self Sacrifice),1936年人们又将一条靠近火灾发生荒的街道命名为阿瑞斯街,以纪念她的荣耀。

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Why Do You Have To Be So Hard To Love
To Be Young (Is To Be Sad, Is To Be High)
Learning To Make Love To You
Down To The River To Pray
Who To Listen To
(They Long To Be) Close To You
You've Got Me To Hold On To
Good To Me As I Am To You
I Used To Know How To Walk On Water
To Laugh Is To Know How To Live

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
