英语人>网络例句>to-dos 相关的网络例句

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与 to-dos 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Steel moment-resisting frames with welded beam-to-column connection were traditionally regarded as having excellent performance, and widely adopted in steel constructions, but this opinion changed after the 1994 Northrige earthquake and the 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu earthquake. These earthquakes also arouse engineers to resurvey the behavior of end-plate connections. It is well known that end-plate connections have definite flexibility, which can increase damp, prolong period, and decease swing of structure. So it can reduce the damage, and is one of the best choices for resisting earthquake.

中文题名钢框架梁柱端板连接在循环荷载作用下的破坏机理及抗震设计对策副题名外文题名 Collapse mechanism and design criterion of steel beam-to-column end-plate connections under cyclic load 论文作者郭兵导师顾强学科专业结构工程研究领域\研究方向学位级别博士学位授予单位西安建筑科技大学学位授予日期2002 论文页码总数127页关键词钢结构框架结构抗震设计钢框架梁柱端板连接馆藏号BSLW /2003 /TU392 /6 传统观点认为,梁柱焊接刚性连接具有较好的抗震性能,因此在工程中得到了广泛地应用,但1994年的Northrige地震和1995年的阪神地震改变了这种传统观点,这两次地震也引起了工程技术人员对端板连接的再审视。

The Riot Act, which was not repealed until 1973,became a part of the public consciousness literally (the term is firstrecorded in 1731)and then figuratively in the phrase to read the riot act, meaning "to warn forcefully."

取缔闹事法"直到1973年才废止,从字面意义上讲,它成为公众意识的一部分(该词最早记录于1731年),而从比喻意义上说用在短语 to read the riot act 中,表示"严正警告。

To its west is British Columbia while to its east is Saskatchewan.

但是这句话中的两个to 应该是关键词。

When the effect of inductance is such as to cause an induced voltage in the salne circuit in which the changing current is flowing,the term self-induction is applied to the phenomenon.

当电感效应在变化的电流流过的同一电路里足以引起感应电压时,我们就用"自感"这个词来描述这一现象。(such as引导的不定式短语to cause。……表示结果。)转贴于:口译笔译考试

Semantically, fixing to can refer only to events that immediately follow the speaker's point of reference.

从语义上来看, fixing to 仅用于紧跟在说话者观点后的事情。

The nurse is attending to a sick man.The nurse is attending to a sick man.

这个护士正在照顾一个病人。attend:出席,参加;attend to :照料、看管、注意。

Where I slept sounder than ever Iremembered to have done in my lifeThank you to ...

Thank you to answer如果你是个成绩刚及格的学生,作为一个刚从高考走过的大一学生,我。。。

I will, therefore, not attempt to create better LINQ to SQL code.

因此,我将不试图创造更好的LINQ to SQL代码。

Return to a previous stable state, such as one in which a database is known to be complete and consistent.

2,返回到先前的一个稳定状态下,例如 To 在数据库中回到某个被已知是完整的和一致的状态下。

The study also evaluates the effects of FbAANC headset on speech intelligibility on a disyllabic Mandarin word discrimination test platform. We expect someone under the noisy environment in SNR equal 0,–5,–10,-15,-20 and –25 dB, the noise cancellation technique could either improve the speech discrimination effectively. Finally, the SNR below -10dB, the mean WDT score with FbAANC headset was superior to without FbAANC headset 13 to 32% through 30 subjects of normal hearing threshold for evaluation. These results suggest that the FbAANC headset would be useful for hearing protection in workplaces with high levels industrial noise.

同时,本论文亦透过华语双字词语音辨识力测验,以评估此噪音消除技术对於语音理解力的影响,期望在SNR为0,-5,-10,-15,-20和-25dB的环境下,暸解噪音消除技术能否有效提升语音辨识力;经过30位正常听力的受测者之评估,我们可以得到当讯噪比在-10 dB以下时,经过噪音消除后的语音辨识力成绩可明显地提升13 to 32%,因此,本噪音消除耳机确实可以作为耳机防护以提供给工人对抗高分贝的工厂噪音。

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Why Do You Have To Be So Hard To Love
To Be Young (Is To Be Sad, Is To Be High)
Learning To Make Love To You
Down To The River To Pray
Who To Listen To
(They Long To Be) Close To You
You've Got Me To Hold On To
Good To Me As I Am To You
I Used To Know How To Walk On Water
To Laugh Is To Know How To Live

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
