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与 to-dos 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They were exposed to ambient temperature of 43 degrees C to induce heatstroke.

当36℃等张氯化钠溶液治疗鼠行热暴露,他们的存活时间是23 to 28 分钟。

We highly recommend Ed's book, Acting for Animators, Revised Edition: A Complete Guide to Performance Animation (Heinemann Drama, 2003),23 as additional reading to this chapter.

我们强烈推荐埃德的《动画师的表演,修订版:动画表演完全指南》(Acting for Animators, Revised Edition: A Complete Guide to Performance Animation)一书(Heinemann Drama,海纳曼戏剧出版社,2003年)23,作为本章的参考读物。

Pull sb's chestnuts out of the fire (亦作pull the chestnuts out of the fire for sb)— to help sb out of a difficulty at one's own risk; to assure another's burden or hardship代某人火中取栗,替某人冒险;为某人挑重担 I had pulled the chestnuts out of the fire for him on several occasions and was unwilling

to do it again。我已经替他冒险过好几回,我不愿意再干了。

She knows that she deserves a confident, masculine and high-status man who will allow her to be a woman.

To develop true confidence, you will need to:一个美丽的女子知道她可以做的好得多,比解决一个温柔,不安全的人,她有当地雇员,以保护从世界,她知道她是值得一个自信,男性和高地位的男子,谁将会让她被一名女子。

They refuse to bend to the hijacker's demands.

他们拒绝屈从于劫机者的需求。bend to…向……屈服

That brings me back to the movies, namely one of my favorite Judy Holliday films "It Should Happen To You."

这让我回到了电影上面,具体来说最喜欢看的一部Judy Holliday的电影是:"It Should Happen To You"。

More commonly,"to burke" something is to avoid a problem, usually by stifling it or hushing it up .

更常见的用法是,"to burke"某些东西以免产生问题,比如压制或者回避。

To be in a tight corner is to be in an awkward, distressing or even dangerous situation.

To be in a tight corner 就是指陷入了棘手的、令人烦恼的或者是危险的境地。

This means that it is time to bring infective treatmeats to people in all parts of the world.

今年大会的主题是"TIME TO DELIVER"即意味着是时候在全球各地采取有效治疗措施。

The book of Job a none Jew but of Ishmaelite/Arab origin was written by Moses during his pre-islamic study with Jethro - and about Melchedezek Arab Priest to whom Abraham paid his tithe to.

这本书的工作,但一没有犹太人的Ishmaelite /阿拉伯裔的作者是摩西在他的前伊斯兰研究Jethro -约Melchedezek阿拉伯神父人亚伯拉罕支付他的十分之一to。

第21/100页 首页 < ... 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ... > 尾页
Why Do You Have To Be So Hard To Love
To Be Young (Is To Be Sad, Is To Be High)
Learning To Make Love To You
Down To The River To Pray
Who To Listen To
(They Long To Be) Close To You
You've Got Me To Hold On To
Good To Me As I Am To You
I Used To Know How To Walk On Water
To Laugh Is To Know How To Live

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
