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与 to the number of 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Exchange-to-date figures show a huge mystery with Huijin Company fought side by side, its time to buy and buy all varieties and Huijin is identical to the operation, buying the number of Huijin is 100 times.


For example, just to participate in the work of the graduates, parents can use the property as collateral; Second, housing is not difficult, but want to buy property of the public, such as the number of beneficiaries to use rent; 3 is intended to sell homes to buy new houses, but not enough to solve the immediate cash payment, or the public.


According to the requirements of plant cell immobilization techniques, a number of immobilized matrices were developed and used.


So government should limit the number of people to move from one place to another immoderately, especially from the country to the city for job hunting.


In order to overcome the technological difficulties encountered in the course of insulation fault diagnosis on the base of dissolved gases analysis, several kinds of mathematic models and actualized methods are brought forward to improve the reliability and veracity of fault diagnosis of transformers. The research works are shown mainly as followings:1 A modified fuzzy multi-criteria method is brought forward for insulation fault diagnosis of transformer. Furthermore, a new method for insulation fault diagnosis is proposed on the base of fuzzy multi-criteria together with rule reasoning. With fuzzy diagnosis in the method, fault reasons are filtrated and then the reasons in low probability are prohibited, Moreover, the left reasons are testified by using rule reasoning and then final concludes are drawn in much less misjudge probability and better results.2 On the base of geometry characteristics of C- partition to sample set of DGA data of transformer, a method is put forward to compute effective radius of neighbor field of a sample, number of clusters and values of initial centers. Moreover, the fuzzy C- means cluster model with adaptive weight is brought forward in the first time and then the fault classifier is designed for insulation fault diagnosis of transformer.3 According to the weakness of the degree of gray of gray incidence, a new formula to compute DGI is put forward and then incidence order criterion is ascertained. Moreover, a new DGI model for fault diagnosis is proposed according to the further analysis to relationship between fault reason and content of oil dissolved gases of transformer.

为解决在应用油中溶解气体分析方法(Dissolved Gases Analysis,简称DGA)诊断变压器内部绝缘故障时所遇到的主要技术难题,论文提出了用于提高变压器故障诊断准确性和可靠性的数学模型及实现方法,主要研究工作如下:1)提出了一种改进的变压器绝缘故障诊断模糊综合评判方法;进一步提出了将模糊综合诊断与规则推理相结合进行绝缘故障诊断的方法,该方法采用模糊推理对故障原因进行"过滤",滤掉可能性极小的原因,然后进一步利用规则推理验证剩下的可能原因,得出最终结论,大大减少了误判比率,获得了较好的效果。2)根据以变压器DGA数据为特征量的样本空间的c-划分几何特性出发,提出了一种求取样本有效邻域半径和聚类数及聚类中心初值的方法,在此基础上,首次提出了一种自适应加权的变压器绝缘故障诊断的模糊c-均值聚类模型,并设计出故障分类器。3)针对常用灰色关联度的不足,提出了一新的灰色关联度计算公式及确定关联序的准则;并在此基础上,通过深入分析变压器发生绝缘故障时的原因与油中溶解特征气体含量的关系,建立了一种新的故障诊断灰色关联模型;通过实例分析证明,该方法能有效地诊断出变压器绝缘故障及故障部位,大大提高了诊断的准确性。

According to the characteristics of hand, foot and mouth disease, it is estimated that in February after the national incidence of a number of reports will continue to rise.


If you press the small black triangle pointing down next to the icon you can use the mouse to drag to select the number of rows and columns to include in the table.


Ningbo port has got a container throughput of 7 million TEU, its container lines has reached to 163 and the number of flights per month has got to 728. The increasing throughput uncovers a series of problem.


The number of students has reached 500, indicating a rise of 20%, compared to last semester.


Hybrid Inlining is a good approach from mapping DTD to relational schema, it inlines lots of nodes into table, it reduces the number of joining table when we query table, but Hybrid Inlining has some problems when data is deleted or inserted.

Hybrid Inlining方法是一种比较常用的映射方法,此方法将多个元素内联到一个表中,从而可以降低查询时连接操作的次数,但同时也存在一些诸如删除异常、插入异常的问题。

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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
