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to the number of相关的网络例句

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与 to the number of 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Habit that two, invites paying attention to washing face, definitely be more thorough than time irrigation, while being put into use washing milk, the massage time is not needed less than half minutes, and then thorough irrigation, does not use towel to scrub right away not nursing under several , that is able to lead to the thing already checking up out return to a pore once again , the dorty thing hardens as time passes, black-headed take form naturally , the number of times washing therefore is not needed less than ten is inferior , the number of times being just to use towel to wash face is not to less than ten has been inferior


Fluctuating number of windows have not lived in the number of hotels will feel wronged feelings of separation is used to browse the collection or used them so How long have toiled every day unforgettable calamity wet flies long sad eyes can see is the legacy of love for vagrants and a few have double beds several rings resolute belief before the exchange warmth to a person's chest for the last mistakes committed by another reflection Everyone dreams are out on tenterhooks refused to do so enjoyed the lamb love Guilt is not track on the Moon enclasp change the silhouette disappeared in the darkness of false circulation was fine in the sun all obstacles want to be bound to God to forgive non-stop love need more courageous no answers as the candlelight dinner dinners -- love is not a warm embrace for petals spread on the bed sheets it grow too crowded, open to the emotional needs of other people came close to the soil return to the vicious cycle of short-term expectations disappointed expectations always dissatisfied with the Federation of romantic long lost youth for a better husband to be your best not to be disappointed exciting ordinary


Nuclearization of the family system and alarming increase of divorce, 2 Reduction of the number of children in a family, 3 Rising number of working mothers and womens equal right movement, 4 Lack of opportunity for parents to learn how to raise a child, 5 Steep competition and exclusive emphasis on scholastic achievement in school, 6 Marked changes in value orientations from traditional to modern ones, 7 Confusing and often contradictory advices by "experts" and "professionals" on child rearing and child education, 8 New tides of globalization and confounding co-existence of multi-cultures in most countries and emergences of virtual world, IT and BT industry in some advanced countries, resulting in new forms of psychopathology such as 'internet addiction' and extreme social isolation.Implications of these findings in terms of interventions and prevention for mental health children in developing countries are discussed in developmental, ecological and ethological points of view.

作者提出在大多数亚洲国家存在儿童抚养问题危机,主要依据以下观察:①避孕和意外怀孕②逃避和拒绝抚养,虐待儿童,遗弃幼童③不恰当的早期抚养④不恰当的/不够充分的教育,过度保护和过度控制⑤性别角色和态度改变⑥对智力发展拔苗助长以及学习成绩的压力作者还提出了以下几种现象,它们与亚洲国家的儿童精神健康有着密切关联:①家庭体系核心化和令人担忧的离婚率猛增②家庭成员中儿童数量的减少③职业妇女做母亲及妇女解放运动的兴起④父母亲抚养孩子经验不足⑤学校对学习成绩的过分强调合潜在的竞争压力⑥传统价值观在现代化的冲击中发生明显的变化⑦所谓&专家&和&权威人士&对孩子抚养和教育的观点众说纷纭⑧全球化新潮及多种文化共存的问题,虚拟世界的出现,发达国家IT、BT 工业引发新型精神病理现象如&网络成瘾&和极端的社会隔绝根据这些发现,如何干涉和预防发展中国家的儿童精神健康问题,我们将从精神发育、生物学、行为学观点进行阐述。

So I think we will see not only an increase the number of stores, but an increase of number of brands which we launch to cater to very specific and nitch markets.


This paper therefore examines the development of "the folklore Pai-Chang of Peking opera aria in Tainan city" through literature review depth-interview oral history and participant observation The concept frame is culture organism as the vertical axle and elements of a folklore activity as the transverse axle There are several significant findings about the general picture of this subject: During the late period of Japanese colonial era Tainan local people who played Peguan music learned Peking opera aria and tried to bring Peking opera aria into the folklore Pai-Chang which was one kind performance and traditional custom of Peguan music Some people who came from other places and played Peking opera aria had also known or learned "Pai-Chang" with touching Tainan local amateurs "Pai-Chang" used to be performed by amateurs for worship of god or goddess or for seasoning and wedding celebration without rewards Amateurs volunteered to perform "Pai-Chang" only for their duty temples and fraternity of Peking opera aria The majority of the audience is people who perform or like "Pai-Chang" or who live nearby There is a fixed pattern of the performance including the repertoire and the arrangement of the band The main meaning of this performace is to pray God's blessings therefore the procedure of "Ban-Hsian" is the most essential and ahead of Peking opera aria singing With time goes by the number of the amateurs has dropped; yet the demand for the worship ceremony remains; hence some of the amateurs have been trained to become professional performers Besides although the idea and the meaning of "Pai-Chang" remains the pattern of the performance has become simplified and rigid which is because of the performers' number decreasing and market adapting Nowadays the whole ecosystem of the folklore Pai-Chang of Peking opera aria in Tainan city keep changing which is mainly influenced by the transition of the society(such as the time and space of the industrial and commercial society being compressed and most people's pursuing of specialization and utilitarianism etc ) According to the findings in this paper the phenomenon can be regarded as the subject matter both of Peking opera and folklore studies For the studies of the Taiwanese culture however the subject not only enriches the subject matters of the Taiwanese culture(signifies the localization of Peking opera and a new pattern of Taiwanese folklore) but also reflects the characters of diversification integration adaptation and compromise of Taiwanese culture which used to be influenced by different regimes and the historical contexts Facing such a multicultural context this paper thus suggests researchers should show an open-minded attitude toward the complex of the Taiwanese culture studies and then important phenomenon would not be ignored or misunderstood


The testis index, testis volumes were same as the annual changes of testis mass. The curves of annual variation were all unimodality.2 The spermatogenetic cycle of Myospalax cansus comprises seven stages with significant features: Stage I , from February to April, the testis were at the stage of spermatogonia proliferation. In this period, testis index and the number of spermatogonia began to rise. Other spermatogenic cells had not yet formed; Stage II to III, from March to April, primary spermatocyte meiosis period. The testis index was highest in this stage, and spermatogenic cells were in spermatocyte stage, the primary spermatocyte meiosis generated to secondary spermatocyte; Stage IV, from April to May, spermatocytes continued to split, germ cells appeared in seminiferous tubules; Stage V, in May, sperm formation, spermatids of seminiferous tubules were transformed to spermatozoa, a large number of sperms existed in the lumen; Stage VI, spermatozoa emission period, from May to June, testis index were a significant drop and mature spermatozoa excluded gradually; VII, the testicular activity ceased basically from July to September, November to January of the following year, the spermatogenic activity ceased completely. Therefore, Myospalax cansus are animals of seasonal reproduction, spermatogenesis cycle is discontinuous type.


And is subject to a number of companies, commissioned by the manufacturers of the proceeds because more monthly sales are not completed, the existing ordinary part of unstamped: unification of goods for sale, the latest version of the computer, other services, advertising, construction, leasing, and other special invoices 1.5 percent and other concessions to foreign and open, according to your company by a small number of concessions to discuss the points.


About a Year and half after I had entertain'd these Notions, and by long musing, had as it were resolved them all into nothing, for want of an Occasion to put them in Execution, I was surpriz'd one Morning early, with seeing no less than five Canoes all on Shore together on my side the Island; and the People who belong'd to them all landed, and out of my sight: The Number of them broke all my Measures, for seeing so many, and knowing that they always came four or six, or sometimes more in a Boat, I could not tell what to think of it, Or how to take my Measures, to attack Twenty or Thirty Men single handed; so I lay still in my Castle, perplex'd and discomforted: However I put my self into all the same Postures for an Attack that I had formerly provided, and was just ready for Action, if any Thing had presented; having waited a good while, listening to hear if they made any Noise; at length being very impatient, I set my Guns at the Foot of my Ladder, and clamber'd up to the Top of the Hill, by my two Stages as usual; standing so however that my Head did not appear above the Hill, so that they could not perceive me by any Means; here I observ'd by the help of my Perspective Glass, that they were no less than Thirty in Number, that they had a Fire kindled, that they had had Meat dress'd.


St. Andrew's also keeps the number of international students to a small number in order that these students learn to speak English better and come to understand the American culture.

St。 Andrew学校保持少数的国际学生,以便他们能够更好地学习英语并了解美国文化。

I agree that 30% of this money will be for you as foreign partner, in respect to the provision of a foreign account and 70% would be for ME; Therefore to enable the immediate transfer of this fund to you as arranged, you must apply first to the bank as relations or next of kin of the deceased indicating your bank name, your bank account number, your private telephone and fax number for easy and effective communication and location where in the money will be remitted.


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The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
