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to the number of相关的网络例句

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与 to the number of 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

1 Unless otherwise notified by the Company to the contrary, the Supplier shall be entitled to invoice the Company on or at any time after delivery of the Goods, or performance of the Services, as the case may be,(subject always to an unqualified Acceptance Acknowledgement of Order having been received by the Company) and each invoice shall quote the number of the Order, the invoice number, the packing or despatch note number, the quantity and description of the Goods and/or Services, the date of delivery and/or performance, the Supplier's name, address, telephone number and the Supplier's VAT registration number.

6.1 除非被对方另外告知,供应方将有权在交付货物或履行服务时或其后开具发票,(即便交易对象不符合合同的接收认可条件但已被接收方接受)。发票要包括的内容有:合同编号、发票编号、包装配送编号、物品或服务项目的数量及描述,交付日期,供应方的名称、地址、电话号码以及供应方的增值税注册号。

The perpetual inventory system on the values of all assets are normally increasing number and reduce the number of according to relevant accounting vouchers in the books in the registration and settlement account at any time in the property of the book inventory count materials, Usually only for field inventory system of all assets according to the increasing number of relevant accounting vouchers, account credited without registration number, reduce inventory of each month according to the actual number of inventory assets, calculate this number, and reduce relevant account books recorded.


The instability originated in the upper R_B-like convection zone develops to larger region with the increase of Grashof number, and the number of non-axi-symmetric circulations decreases. When Grashof number exceeds another critical value, cooling air may invade the cavity and flow toward the shroud, the circulations decrease to one pair occupying the whole cavity in radial, thus these two zones are merged into one. The core structures in the cavity rotate against the disks, while the structures keep no change at the case of periodic oscillatory flow. With the Grashof number rises, the flow undergoes stable, periodic, periodic with cool air invading, quasi-periodic and ultimately to chaos.


Then she called me to her small warehouse, to give me a +-S of the Black Dragon, she said that her friend did not want to play a miracle, a miracle to go to the world, and her friend have a Black Dragon King, many people would like to to, but I just so emotional for her, he decided to give me this, so now my account number and password, to my brother's number to his friend to the reputation of this equipment, I turned to the account number and password him, then he has been connected to my account, I feel a bit wrong at the time, for its account of my other junk a dragon and a few stones for to its eternal friends, the next line after the number to the eternal look at the small warehouse, was to see the Running out of Time, Running out of Time and then disappeared, I find the whole continent can not find him.


The death rate grew by 37%. Chinese previously did not need security door. But by now, to some place, security window has been set at seventh floor. For there are too many gangster every where, no company in China would arrange with their workwomen to go home at night. No body knows what really are the food every one have everyday. Neoteny has take place on children. Then we can imagine the situation of our health in the future. There are about 20 million girls in China are pursuing sexual work. That creates 6% of GDP aggregate, which is as much as 1000 billion RMB. This kind of activity had never appeared in the history of human being except Japan. The height of Chinese people is 2.5cm lower than that of Japanese. We can no longer see them by looking down. The small Japan became big Japan. We create 0.1 billions GDP with the payment of 1 person's life, reported by reference news. The number of death in 2003 is 136 thousands. So the number of industrial injury will be 200 thousands. It is true that our GDP is bloody. Actually, this number is a small part of the true number. The numbers which can be accounted are in nationalized business or in a big accident. In personalized business or overseas-funded enterprise, the owner do not pay attention on the death of workers. So the data can not pass to the statistical department. However, the number of death there is much more than that of the first ones. If we add this in account, the number,annually can be compared with the massacre in Nanjing.


Offer for the grant of option The board is pleased to advise you that pursuant to a resolution passed at a meeting of the board held on 8th March 2007,the board has resolved to grant you the "Offer"(which is still subject to listing of committee of the stock exchange approving the granting of the listing of and permission to deal in the shares which may fall to be issued pursuant to the exercise of the options under the Pre-IPO Share Option Scheme) at a consideration of HK$1.00 an option pursuant to the Pre-IPO Share Option Scheme to subscribe for 40000 shares at an exercise price of 85% of final HK dollar price per share at which the shares are to be subscribed for /purchased and issued/ sold pursuant to the global offering of the shares in the initial public offering in or around March 2007 at any time during the six-year period commence from the expiry of twelve months from the listing dateprovided that the maximum number of shares in which you are entitled to subscribe for by exercising the option shall not exceed 25%of the total number of option shares during the period from expiry of the first anniversary of the listing date to the date immediately before the second anniversary of the listing date :and 25%of the total number of option shares during the period from expiry of the second anniversary of the listing date to the date immediately before the third anniversary of the listing date ;and 25%of the total number of option shares during the period from expiry of the third anniversary of the listing date to the date immediately before the fourth anniversary of the listing date ;and 25%of the total number of option shares during the period from expiry of the fourth anniversary of the listing date to the date immediately before the fifth anniversary of the listing date save that any of the outstanding and unexercised option at the end of each of the aforesaid vesting periods may be rolled over to the next vesting period and exercisable during the option period ,and the option shall,in any case ,lapse where you cease to be employed by the company or its subsidiaries for whatere reason or otherwise pursuant to the terms of the Pre-IPO Share Option Scheme.


Customer Ticketing: First, a customer fetches a number ticket from the ticketer machine which is been placed in the bank hall, the number ticket has such information as the number of calling out, number of waiting people at present, ticket printing time, etc, the system replaces the customer to queue automatically according to this number.


Next we load drive number into dl register, head number into dh register, track number into ch register, sector number into cl register and the number of sectors to be transferred to registeral.

载入驱动器 ID 到 dl 寄存器,磁头号到 dh ,磁道号到 ch ,扇区号到 cl ,扇区数到 al 。

The reason for that is explained hereblow (it is dur to the number of components used in the schematics).

原因是解释hereblow (这是杜尔的数目的部件中使用的图表)。

Fertilizer and irrigation programs used and banana yields obtained in the Toledo plantation, Santa Marta, Colombia from 1989 to 1992. and Fig.4 Number of harvested bunches/ha, number of exportable boxes/ha and ratio boxes/bunches in the Toledo banana plantation, Santa Marta, Colombia as an increment in the number of bunches harvested, number of hands per bunch, weight of individual bunches and total number of exportable boxes.


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Even if he can, he underwent surgery and contrasts what can rest, half of the brain?


Past study re-sults had indicated that MMC in the apomictic type could at most develop to te-trad stage.We observed that the sexual embryo sac of"Pingyi Tiancha"coulddevelop into 4-nuclei embry sac.


This was the birthplace of Indian Musical Raga and Swaras.
