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to demonstration相关的网络例句

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与 to demonstration 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The item proceeded on the original factory premises, traditional craft foundation 6000 square meter 扩s permits to reform, ushering in, development excoriation machine, the machine of lian 4450 set set, increase the colorful spraying draw, sketch the new craft, researching to manufacture to develop the zhuci thousand new product in lian in grass, exquisite article in birds, five planetses, demonstration, expand 5000 door, arouse around ten thousand a farmers hurl body lian production.


The social consciousness of honesty which ever valued mutual honesty, mutual respect and promise-keeping was distorted, and the concept of social honesty became hazy because it no longer had the efficacy in *** people "know to believe" intrinsically, and "speak to act" extrinsically. So it led to the mental disorder of the social honesty among the common people who suffered from mentality of doubt, group following-like-sheep mentality, and mentality of dual personality. Therefore they abandoned the expectation of social honesty, stayed away from social honesty mentally and behaviorally and had a cold complex towards social honesty in mind. The social honesty in the whole society became fragile as empty sermon, mendacious demonstration and open lies turned into the fashion of the society.


Hence, take the Coal-resource Oriented City—Jincheng of Shanxi province for example, this paper uses demonstration analysis to indagate the sustainable development of resource oriented cities, and to provide theoretics and advices to Shanxi"s, country"s as well as the worlds sustainable development of resource oriented cities.


Eleventh Five-Year" plan to support the National Science and Technology key project of "regional agro-ecosystems of biological control of pests and demonstration of key technologies issue 3: Insecticidal microbial agents and their coordination to improve the application of key technologies for China's fruit and vegetable rice in southern China, North China cotton-wheat corn, East China tea rice dishes regional agricultural ecosystems Noctuidae pests, pest钻蛀, borers and other important pests, recommend the use of Bacillus thuringiensis to improve the preparation and recovery agent.


This is a volume provide all-round, method of system, science health of life movie and TV encyclopaedia, 365 incorporates movie altogether having contained each daily healthy aspect of life completely , it complies with daily meals , doctor of traditional Chinese medicine traditional Chinese medicine , family massage waits to have been in progress explaining profound theories in simple language , vivid explanation of image composes in reply demonstration; Be that the domestic head part carries out oneself opsonize according to the season , health-care heavy section has the classical amusing ana story , a mode of life pressing close to life , the medical treatment proved recipe that the expert approves , simple health care method easy to learn in movie and TV fine piece of writing br.


Here, we took demonstration study of the ecological impacts of disconnection from the river on fish recources in Zhangdu Lake. Our results showed that:(1) Fishery mode changed and the rate of wild fishery production changed from 95% in 1949 to less than 5% in 2002.(2) Fish species have decreased from 80 in 1950s to 52 at present, and the rate of migrant and potamic species decreased from 50% in 1950s to 30% at present.


Here, we took demonstration study of the ecological impacts of disconnection from the river on fish recources in Zhangdu Lake. Our results showed that:(1) Fishery mode changed and the rate of wild fishery production changed from 95% in 1949 to less than 5% in 2002.(2) Fish species have decreased from 80 in 1950s to 52 at present, and the rate of migrant and potamic species decreased from 50% in 1950s to 30% at present.(3) Comparing with the linking lake, Zhangdu Lake had higher fishing production, larger individual size, fewer species number and lower diversity index of "mihunzheng" fishery, a universal fishing tool in Yangtze.

我们以涨渡湖为例开展江湖阻隔后对单个湖泊鱼类资源所产生的生态影响进行研究,结果表明:江湖阻隔导致湖泊生产经营方式改变,使得野生渔业产量的比例由1949年的95%,降低到2002年的不足5%;江湖阻隔后湖泊鱼类种类由50年代约80种下降到现在的52种,其中,洄游性和流水型鱼类比重由50%下降至不足30%;迷魂阵渔获物在单位产量、个体大小上极显著(p 0.01)地高于通江湖泊,但在物种数和多样性指数上则要低得多(p 0.01)。

Through theoretical, comparative, demonstration study and so on and the analysis of the nature and characteristics of the credit system, The thesis has put forward the conception of the Three-credit system for vocational schools: On the basis of the credit system and according to its general principle the teaching management in vocational schools divides the original credit system into three types of credits: creditof theoretical knowledge, special techniques and integrated quality with each covering a certain proportion. Each type has its own corresponding time request and evaluation forms. In each type students are, to seme extent, allowed to do some choices on their own.


In this project , good spawns and technique of the standardized breeding and cultivation will be used and to be extended, by building the standardized demonstration base, to improve the yield and quality of Tricholoma gigantea and others rare and precious edible fungus, and to solve the problem of edible


In market aspect,MNEs have rigidity of market crowding out,can possess market rapidly and potentially,build the bulwark of market entering,while it also has absolute advantage of brands. At the same time,they also develop a pattern of value chain of vertical specialization,by which,Chinas enterprises may have a chance to get into MNEs global value chain and acquire market room. In industry aspect,while MNEs control the industry by stock property and the advantage of brands,they provide a chance of industrial transfer and industrial linkages. Chinas enterprises could strengthen industrial linkages and achieve industrial drive by technology innovation and agglomeration effect. In technology aspect,because of the nature of MNEs technology monopoly,Chinas enterprises must face the dilemma of technology dependence,technology unadaptability and technology trap. But MNEs may also transfer technology to Chinas enterprises by competition effect,demonstration effect and cooperation effect. Moreover,Chinas enterprises could make use of MNEs investment of "oligopolistic reaction"in China to accelerate technology transfer.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
