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to demonstration相关的网络例句

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与 to demonstration 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Section 44 granted police stop and search rights all across Britain – it has since been used against: Kevin Gillan and Pennie Quinto for protesting outside Europe's biggest arms fair in London; the 82-year-old Walter Wolfgang for heckling Jack Straw at the Labour Conference; Sally Cameron for walking on a cycle-path in Dundee; the 80-year-old John Catt for being caught on CCTV passing a demonstration in Brighton; the 11-year-old Isabelle Ellis-Cockcroft for accompanying her parents to an anti-nuclear protest; and a cricketer on his way to a match over his possession of a bat.

第44条授予警方截停和搜查的权利,全英国-它自被用来对付:凯文g illan和p ennieq uinto为抗议欧洲以外最大的武器公平在伦敦;今年8 2岁的沃尔特沃尔夫冈为诘问大臣施仲宏在劳工大会;莎莉金马伦步行上一周期的路径在邓迪; 80岁的约翰事务CATT为被卷入中央电视台通过示范在布赖顿; 11岁的伊莎贝尔埃利斯- cockcroft为陪同父母一反核抗议;和板球,他的方式比赛,他藏有一只蝙蝠。

Sleep is restless and spiritual dispirited in 2 cases (3.6%), the chest X-ray normal position piece examination lungs tuberculosis pathological change in 52 cases (92.9%), the normal position piece examination does not have the obvious tuberculosis pathological change, but to lean the position piece and in the chest CT demonstration lung and the lung hilus lymph node tuberculosis pathological change 4 cases (7.1%), the PPD test was strong masculine 27 cases (48.2%), the phlegm looks for the tuberculosis bacterium masculine gender 3cases (5.4%), the lymph node biopsy 5 cases (8.9%). 26 cases treated for 9 months the pathological change to absorb completely, 29 cases 6 months the pathological change absorbs completely. Because the medicine liver is poisoned 1 cases cannot smoothly complete the treatment.

睡眠不安、精神不振2例(占3.6%)胸部X线正位片检查肺部结核病变52例(占92.9%),正位片检查无明显结核病变而侧位片及胸部CT显示肺内及肺门淋巴结结核病变4例(占7.1%),结核菌素试验强阳性27例(占48.2%),痰查结核菌阳性3例(占5.4%),淋巴结活检 5例(占8.9%)。26例治疗9个月后病变完全吸收,29例6个月后病变完全吸收, 1例因药物肝炎不能顺利完成治疗。

Merchant Profile: flowers as a gift of the leading express delivery services to provide online shop: in ceremony - China's Internet Florist, Shenzhen City in e-commerce network at the Company's wholly-owned by the Shenzhen Municipal Government approved the establishment of departments in charge of the e-commerce Enterprise; China Electronic Commerce Association and the Guangdong Electronic Association's corporate members; Chinese market is working committee of the Association credit to the "integrity of Chinese enterprises focus on research demonstration units" is under the Chinese Communist Youth League Central Committee designated the only wedding ceremony flowers Gift Shop .


The company has invested more than 6,000 million for dust transformation after transformation, ESP collection efficiency from 98% to 99.7% and reduce soot emissions by 3,000 tons / year;# 8,# 9 boiler flue gas desulphurization as a technical transformation project circular economy demonstration projects; invest in million-odd on-line monitoring system installed in flue gas to form an improved real-time closed-loop management.


According to foreign countries and domestic environmental situation, the paper is proposed as an analysis to the issues listed above. It will put forward the feasibility of the improved one, some systematical demonstration such as on environment and resource definition, its new name and status in law scale, purpose of composing a law, basic rule and system. And last comes the improving proposal.


Instead, the live demonstration sees the tense ascent of a grassy hill, shrouded in a cordite smog – pausing occasionally to spray bullets in the direction of an indistinct shape on the horizon, before speeding to the next patch of cover.


FPMS cleaner mechanical pulp-making , a new type of pulp-making method, which adapts to the situation of our country through our company's research and development personnel's many times tests, repeated demonstration and elaborate design. It utilizes extensive timber, cotton perch, grass and other raw materials to produce copy paper which various paper needed through machinery principle.


On October 8th, Chief of Ordnance General William Crozier, a few Ordnance Officers and some Congressmen, all sworn to secrecy, attended Pedersen's first official demonstration of his invention--an automatic bolt which changed the Springfield M1903 from bolt-action to autoloading!

10月8日,总军械威廉克罗泽,一些军械人员和一些国会议员,都发誓保密,行政出席彼得森对他发明的第一次正式展示-自动螺栓,改变由螺栓的斯普林菲尔德M1903 -行动,自动装填!

I have been known to make a man cum using only my feet and I would love to give you a demonstration.


The car reserving aid systm is also called "parking auxiliary unit ",it is the automobile safe parking auxiliary unit,which can use sound or a more direct demonstration to show the driver the obstacle situation around.Thus relieve the difficulty of looking ahead and back when parking or starting vehicles,and help the drive to eliminate the dead angle of the field of vision and the flaw of sight.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
