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to clear相关的网络例句

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与 to clear 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to the study of Britains domestic and home political policies as well as some political events from 1855 to 1865, the text try to show a different but real Palmerston, revealing him how to manage British affairs according to liberalism ideology, how to make great efforts on establishing a fair and tolerant government . Through his political actions, the text would make clear of the relationship between British liberal theory and the reality operation in the 19~ century. Between 1855 and 1865, British liberalism was in a relatively stable period to accumulate forces, and an ascendant transition period.


It has been clear for some time that the groundwater level at Giza is rising. Pools were forming in front of the Valley Temple of Khafre, and people were worried that this might endanger the Sphinx and its temples as well. In early 2008, the SCA, in cooperation with Cairo University's Engineering Center for Archaeology and Environment, drilled four boreholes, each 4 inches in diameter and about 20 meters deep, into the bedrock at the base of the Sphinx. A camera lowered into each borehole allowed the engineers to examine the geological configuration of the plateau beneath the Sphinx. In addition, a small well called a piezometer was inserted into each borehole to monitor the underground water level. The investigation revealed that the water came up to about 15.6 meters above sea level, not an immediate threat to the statue, but cause for concern in the long term. I decided that it would be best to go ahead and address this threat before it could become more acute.

吉萨的地下水位呈上升趋势已不是一天两天的事了山谷中哈夫拉庙的前面正在形成一个个水塘,人们担心这样下去会危及狮身人面像和庙宇 2008年初,在开罗大学工程中心的合作下,最高文物委员会着手处理考古和环境方面的问题他们在狮身人面像基座的基岩上钻了四个直径4英寸,深约20米的孔,每个深孔中放入一个摄相机,让工程师们可以检查到狮身人面像下方的高原地质结构此外,把一个称为测压表的管子插入到每个钻孔中,监测地下水位调查显示,目前水位已达海拔15.6米以上,虽还未直接威胁到雕像,但提醒我们要长期关注我决定,最好防患于未然,在问题变得更尖锐之前采取一些措施应对这一威胁

The content of the parental rights and minor children's rights of privacy has all aimed to the private life of minor children's study and entertainment, which has created the condition of the conflicts between the two parties. Neither the law of our country has detailed stipulated for the content of parental rights, nor stipulated restrictedly to minor children's rights of privacy. The legitimate right is the basis to realize the right and ensure the right is legal. Because of the unperfected law, both two parties haven't got a clear confine in using their rights. So it also becomes one important reason of the conflict. In the past, parents use their guardianship as the hegemony which including some long-history autocratic tradition. It is the cultural factor of disregarding and excluding the individual privacy. With the development of democracy and legal system, citizen including minor children have realized their rights to privacy which has also become one reason to raise the right conflict.


"Today the absence of efforts to work tomorrow, we should strive to find a job," This is the work of self-existence and environmental sense, as well as for self-development, to be responsible, we must keep a clear self-existence and environmental awareness, if you are planning an effort to Or are working, then you are eligible to ask myself,"self-existence and death is how I choose to."


We must manage to create the class relation that responds as we want, the rest of the code will flow from this point. This clear separation between the relation class and the rest of the library, is going to help to us to separate the problems and to attack them better.

我们必须设法创建我们想要的 relation 类,剩余的代码将由此产生。relation 类与库的其余部分间的明确划分,有助于我们将问题区分开来,更好地解决。

Mao Wei of researcher of Chinese Academy of Sciences thinks, the strategy that our country IPv4 transfers to IPv6 still is faced with number to weigh a challenge: The sequential estimation of the pressing sex of extinct to IPv4 address problem and generation is not worth whole society badly; Compare with IPv4 network photograph, at present IPv6 network still is in inchoate phase in the development of our country, had not entered extensive deploy to carry out level; IPv6 industry catenary is not perfect still, still be in what the industry grows to form level; Did not form centralized national address management to allocate a mechanism; In national level lack answers IPv4 address extinct and transfer to IPv6 the constituent mechanism with significant aspect, relevant system and measure, also do not have clear schedule.


Li Wei believes that the provision has a "clear discrimination", this is the thinking for themselves and for their families to buy a copy of ease, but such rights do not belong to him. May 2008, Li Wei, Yunnan commissioned汤荣on justice and law firm lawyers周大勇to insurance companies to court, asking the court to order that the exemption clause is invalid; and delete the discriminatory nature of the corresponding terms of the contract of insurance, and the spirit of the claims 10 solatium damages. August 28, 2008, Kunming五华区Court is not a public hearing on the HIV case against the insurance company.


They not only have to be crystal clear, but also have to withstand extreme stressing throughout the branded product's useful life - particularly on squeezable containers such as those used for shower gel, shampoo, dishwashing detergent and styling products, the made-to-measure brand label has to sit tight to the last drop.

他们不仅要清晰,而且还能够在极端恶劣的,强调在整个品牌的产品的使用寿命-尤其是对s queezable容器,如用于沐浴露,洗发水,餐具洗涤剂和风格的产品,取得对衡量品牌的标签,以稳坐的最后一滴。

The third part elaborates the strategy of selectivity attention and the factors which affect it, then combining with the design of web-based course "The Design of Active Sever Page" which was designed by the writer, elaborates how to apply the strategy of selectivity attention in the the web-based course: 1 design clear navigator; 2 ascertain the target of instruction; 3 take problem as the direction to cause the student's attention;4 the preceding analysises: the analysis of the need of study, the analysis of learner and the analysise of study content; 5 combining muultiual sensorial passages to present the stimulability to course the attention of the learner; 6 enhance the characteristic of the main body to cause the student's attention;7 emphasize the student's position as main body.

第三部分详细介绍选择性注意策略及影响选择性注意策略的因素,之后结合笔者设计的《 ASP 动态网页设计》网络课程具体阐述网络课程中选择性注意策略的应用:1设计清晰的导航;2确定可观察可测量的教学目标;3以问题为导向引起学生的注意;4前端分析:学习需求分析、学习者分析和学习内容分析;5多通道结合呈现刺激,引起学习者的注意;6强化主体的特征引起学生的注意;7强调学生的主体地位。

At the same time, it produced a series of imaginings that became deeper and deeper – it was like a hypothetical point that allowed me to be completely immersed in the actual cultural background. Various human weaknesses have certain solemn and stirringly dramatic elements. In order to adapt to the basic visual experience, in order to allow the audience to easily accept and enjoy the underlying elements of the work, I intentionally left white spaces, they looked like hints in a guessing game. The viewer who understands would have a good laugh after becoming suddenly enlightened. This enables the viewer and me to have a sort of conspiratorial relationship, its meaning does not reside in the painting itself, but in the shared cultural background of myself and the audience as well as the shared attitude of such a cultural background. This makes it believable, a hidden bridge, often in a somewhat clear yet somewhat mysterious moment, two strangers who have never met are able to achieve a profound understanding, like that happiness of suddenly catching someone when playing hide and seek as a child ...


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A Clear Invitation To Party
Still Trying To Clear My Name
Trying To Clear My Head
When It's All Over We Still Have To Clear Up

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
