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与 titled 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This year's contest comprises a Thema section (titled Customs / Costume) and a Free section.


It was found that the titled amine in which although dimethyl aniline and triethyl amine both were contained, possesses less efficiency of photoinitiation while it was composed with ketone as an initiated system.


It was found that the titled amine in which although dimethyl aniline and triethyl amine both were contained, possesses less efficiency of photoinitiation while it was composed with ketone as an initiated system.


It should be noted that the image below is an older image of Rapunzel, before they revamped (the project was originally titled Rapunzel Unbraided).


In a chapter titled "The Unflat World", Friedman admits that his analysis applies to about half the world today, but large parts, particularly Africa, rural India, rural China, and parts of Latin America, remain detached from the level playing field and largely untouched by flattening forces.

在题为&不平的世界&这一章中, Friedman 承认,他的分析适用于今天大半个世界,但大部分,特别是非洲、印度农村、中国农村和拉美部分地区仍然脱离这个公平竞争环境,并且在很大程度上未受变平力量的触动。

The Unforgetting Heart is an appropriately titled album of sensitive and moving piano melodies, complemented by the flutes of Tim Wheater and the viola of Harold Moses.

无法忘却的心灵》是一张名称拿捏的恰到好处、弥漫着感性动人钢琴旋律的专辑,由Tim Wheater的笛子以及Harold Moses的提琴合奏。

UNIO: Pais of the Serials that are titled "1" and "9", and of any of the Fanzs collectively.


Documents may be titled as called for in the credit, bear a similar title, or be untitled.


The ventromedial nucleus in the hypothalamus, wITe the so-titled satiety centre is located, says the body whetIT it is hungry or full.


This CD, titled Le Streghe 2, contains virtuosic violin works and was nominated for the FRYDERYK Phonographic Academy Award in 2001. A year later Wratislavia's next CD, Polish Music, also received a nomination for the FRYDERYK prize.

这张CD的标题是Le Streghe 2,包含小提琴大师的作品,获得2001年肖邦学院奖提名。2002年,该乐团的另一张CD&波兰音乐&也获得了肖邦学院奖提名。

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Unstookie Titled
Self Titled

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
