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In their study -- titled "Mama's Boy or Lady's Man?"


Loeb, 35, who tells fans on her website that her growing Kitty collection includes leg warmers and a waffle maker, titled her last album "Hello Lisa" and plastered the cute cat on the cover.

洛普,因此Kitty对一批成年人也很有吸引力。35岁的洛普在她的网站上告诉歌迷们她的Kitty收藏品不断增加,其中包括袜套和华夫饼干机。她上一部专辑取名为"你好,莉萨",封面上还贴着可爱的Kitty。分页共1页,1/1页次 1页

One of the funniest lists I filled in was titled Fads You've Done, Bought or Worn; it walked me down memory lane as I read the items and checked off Leg Warmers, Electric Slide Dance and Jelly Shoes.

我一边阅读清单内容,自然而然地想起往事,一边就在护腿、Electric Slide舞蹈和果冻鞋前面划了勾。

It took decades to resolve the matter, in part, because of an essay Mao wrote on Aug. 18, 1949, titled "Farewell, Leighton Stuart!"


The section titled 'Trainspotting at Leith Central Station'...

"在 Leith 中心车站数火车"一节

The section titled 'Trainspotting at Leith Central Station' takes the characters to a derelict, train-less station, where one of them attacks a derelict human being who is, in fact, his father, doling out a goodly quantity of what Anthony Burgess's hoodlum Alex, in A Clockwork Orange, would call 'the old ultraviolence'.


The section titled 'Trainspotting at Leith Central Station' takes the characters to a derelict, train-less station, where one of them attacks a derelict human being who is, in fact, his father, doling out a goodly quantity of what Anthony Burgess's hoodlum Alex, in A Clockwork Orange , would call 'the old ultraviolence'.


The section titled 'Trainspotting at Leith Central Station' takes the characters to a derelict, train-less station, where one of them attacks a derelict human being who is, in fact, his father, doling out a goodly quantity of what Anthony Burgess's hoodlum Alex,..., would call 'the old ultraviolence'.

小说中的"在 Leith 中心车站认火车"一节将故事里的人物放在一个废弃的、没有火车的火车站。在那里,其中一人对一个"废弃的人类"大打出手,用 Anthony Burgess 笔下的恶棍 Alex 的话说即为"惯常的比青紫色多点"。而这个废弃的人类,却是那人的父亲。

Also titled Judge Nahar ("Judge River"), he is also one of the 'ilhm or sons of El, the name given to the Levantine pantheon.

被授予Judge-Nahar这个称号的同时,他还是' ilhm之一,而且还是埃尔的儿子,在地中海沿岸居民的传说当中也是这个名字。

Rather than show the details on Exhibit V, list them on a separate, following page, titled "Pediatrics Building Details", Exhibit VA.


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The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
