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与 tip in 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The apical bud of Celosia cristata was immersed in 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.15% and 0.2% colchicine solutions for 12 h, 24 h, 36 h, 48 h respectively and the chromosome numbers of the root tip cells in the regenerated plantlets were examined, which showed that the treatment with 0.15% colchicine solution for 36 h would be the best combination that the polyploid rate could reached 23.3%.


When the ETT-TL tip was placed inside the glottic opening, a brightest; round or oval glow could be consistently seen in the midline just below the cricothyroid junction in each cadaver.

当气管内管/ TrachlightTM 组装单位的尖端放置入声门,每一个大体老师都可见光度最大、圆形或椭圆形的亮光,而位置就正好在正中线、环状软骨甲状软骨交界处的下方。

The method works because the electrical field polarises the electric charge on water molecules in the air around the icy tip and then draws them in electrostatically.


Hepatic artery infusion chemotherapy is used primarily in patients with inoperable primary or metastatic hepatic tumors. During HAIC system implantation, the guide wire used to support the insertion of the catheter can damage the gastroepiploic artery resulting in intraperitoneal bleeding when percutaneous catheter placement and tip fixation method was used.


From 2004 to 2007, 34 cases were treated with extrapedicular screw fixation in Department of Orthopaedics, Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University. The screw entry point, angle, depth and diameter were measured and defined on the thoracic vertebrae pedicle by CT thin-slice scan in standard prone for all cases before operation. The screw entry point was located at the tip of transverse process. The average inclination angle should be 10°-20° headward and 30°-40° toward neutral line respectively. The screw was inserted and entered into the vertebral body along the external cortex of pedicle. The integrity of cortical bone around screws, the distance to segmental blood vessels and the penetration of cortex were observed after operation to evaluate the accuracy and safety of screw placement.


The results of respiratory mechanics, homodynamic mechanics,aterial blood gaS, and inflaInInatory factors [TNF- Q, IL-l fl, IL-6,IL-l0, and adrenomedulin] which detected in animal serumand bronchial alveolar lavage fluid obtained from tiP lObe,heart lobe, and diaPhragIn lobe of right lung seParate1y in the mongreldogs were measured before and after lung injury (including receivinglung protective ventilation).

本实验证明了 loS肺内/肺外不同源性 ARDS动物模型的差异性,而且AnDS的肺部病变存在不均一性和多形性的特点,对有关ARDS进行性低氧血症的发生机制提出了肺动静脉可能存在类似于右一左分流的肺内分流现象,以及因肺内分流而导致严重通气/血流比例失调的解释。发现小潮气十PEEP通气对肺内源性 ARDS疗效不佳,而俯卧位+小潮气-I- PEEP通气对肺内/肺外不同源性ARDS均有较好的疗效。。

Living in the vast southern tip of Brazil Rio · Kula Britain more Siluo Kawu repair on the Prairie, has spread to a large chunks of beef-baked in a charcoal fire on the grassland at large barbecue party Wild unrestrained barbecue practices.


Driven partly by the hope of outflanking the Islamic world, partly by the hope of trade, the Portuguess by 1446 reached Cape Verde, then the equator, and by 1482 the Congo River. In 1488 Bartholomew Diaz rounded the Cape of Good Hope at Africa's southern tip, and in 1498 Vasco da Gama went on to India.

探索的一部分原因是希望能将回教区域包围起来,另一部分原因是想在其它区域建立贸易渠道,因此到1446,葡萄牙人就已登陆了Verde角、赤道,到1482年,登陆了Congo河。1488年,Bartholomew Diaz到达了非洲南端的好望角。1498年,Vasco da Gama到达了印度。

14 Holding the body, head and neck straight, unmoving and stable, gazing upon the tip of the nose and not glancing in any direction, fixed in the vow of celibacy, with an unagitated mind, fearless, completely subduing the mind; the renunciate should sit concentrating the mind upon Me as the Ultimate Goal.


Well-known, internet is the industry of a high risk and usury embellish coexistence, successful case is very much, unsuccessful example is more, if want a cup of a thick soup that divides in intense competition, operator is about to think, where is the fixed position of the website, the profit pattern of the website is in He Fang, we must straight face reality, come when economic crisis, of each big group signing up for course of study when closing down, market black clouds presses a top, we had been pushed the tip of the risk, we must find a way out, resemble salangane, if you do not wish to bear storm, you must have deep love for it.


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Tip On In

The split between the two groups can hardly be papered over.


This approach not only encourages a greater number of responses, but minimizes the likelihood of stale groupthink.


The new PS20 solar power tower collected sunlight through mirrors known as "heliostats" to produce steam that is converted into electricity by a turbine in Sanlucar la Mayor, Spain, Wednesday.
