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time allowance相关的网络例句

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与 time allowance 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When we estimate the arrival time, we must make an allowance for rush-hour traffic.


They were not time subtracted from my life, but so much over and above my usual allowance.


The difference of opinion arises because, where events occur in separated locations, both sets of observers have to make calculations before they can decide on the simultaneity or otherwise of separated events; they have to make allowance for the time it has taken for the light signals to travel from the distant locations, and both insist that the speed of light is a constant in all directions relative to them.


In short, I went on thus for a long time, faithfully minding my business, till it became more and more evident that my townsmen would not after all admit me into the list of town officers, nor make my place a sinecure with a moderate allowance.


Not to inherit by right of primogeniture, gavelkind or borough English, or possess in perpetuity an extensive demesne of a sufficient number of acres, roods and perches, statute land measure (valuation 42 pounds), of grazing turbary surrounding a baronial hall with gatelodge and carriage drive nor, on the other hand, a terracehouse or semidetached villa, described as Rus in Urbe or Qui si sana , but to purchase by private treaty in fee simple a thatched bungalowshaped 2 storey dwellinghouse of southerly aspect, surmounted by vane and lightning conductor, connected with the earth, with porch covered by parasitic plants, halldoor, olive green, with smart carriage finish and neat doorbrasses, stucco front with gilt tracery at eaves and gable, rising, if possible, upon a gentle eminence with agreeable prospect from balcony with stone pillar parapet over unoccupied and unoccupyable interjacent pastures and standing in 5 or 6 acres of its own ground, at such a distance from the nearest public thoroughfare as to render its houselights visible at night above and through a quickset hornbeam hedge of topiary cutting, situate at a given point not less than 1 statute mile from the periphery of the metropolis, within a time limit of not more than 15 minutes from tram or train line (e.g., Dundrum, south, or Sutton, north, both localities equally reported by trial to resemble the terrestrial poles in being favourable climates for phthisical subjects), the premises to be held under feefarm grant, lease 999 years, the messuage to consist of 1 drawingroom with baywindow (2 lancets), thermometer affixed, 1 sittingroom, 4 bedrooms, 2 servants' rooms, tiled kitchen with close range and scullery, lounge hall fitted with linen wallpresses, fumed oak sectional bookcase containing the Encyclopaedia Britannica and New Century Dictionary, transverse obsolete medieval and oriental weapons, dinner gong, alabaster lamp, bowl pendant, vulcanite automatic telephone receiver with adjacent directory, handtufted Axminster carpet with cream ground and trellis border, loo table with pillar and claw legs, hearth with massive firebrasses and ormolu mantel chronometer clock, guaranteed timekeeper with cathedral chime, barometer with hygrographic chart, comfortable lounge settees and corner fitments, upholstered in ruby plush with good springing and sunk centre, three banner Japanese screen and cuspidors (club style, rich winecoloured leather, gloss renewable with a minimum of labour by use of linseed oil and vinegar) and pyramidically prismatic central chandelier lustre, bentwood perch with fingertame parrot, embossed mural paper at 10/- per dozen with transverse swags of carmine floral design and top crown frieze, staircase, three continuous flights at successive right angles, of varnished cleargrained oak, treads and risers, newel, balusters and handrail, with steppedup panel dado, dressed with camphorated wax: bathroom, hot and cold supply, reclining and shower: water closet on mezzanine provided with opaque singlepane oblong window, tipup seat, bracket lamp, brass tierod and brace, armrests, footstool and artistic oleograph on inner face of door: ditto, plain: servants' apartments with separate sanitary and hygienic necessaries for cook, general and betweenmaid salary, rising by biennial unearned increments of 2 pounds, with comprehensive fidelity insurance, annual bonus (1 pound and retiring allowance (based on the 65 system) after 30 years' service, pantry, buttery, larder, refrigerator, outoffices, coal and wood cellarage with winebin for distinguished guests, if entertained to dinner, carbon monoxide gas supply throughout.


XMU has 744 full time teachers, 815 teachers specialized in medicine, among which there are 286 professors and associate professors, 73 tutors of doctoral graduate, 525 tutors of postgraduate candidate, 63 scholars and specialists who enjoy special government allowance, eighteen regional outstanding specialists, two young and middle-aged specialists who were awarded by the national Ministry of Health for their immensive contribution, four specialists have been selected for " Project of Numerous Talents", five specialists have been elected "Famous Regional Teacher".


University of Jinan has 2,150 full-time faculty and staff with 150 professors, and 560 associate professors. 17 have been granted the government allowance by the State Council, 14 have been honored "Excellent Teacher" nationally, provincially and by the ministry.

学校在职教职工具有正高级职称的189人,副高级职称的632人;具有博士学位的227人,具有硕士学位的892人;有省、市级专业技术拔尖人才24人,省部级有突出贡献的中青年专家7名,享受政府特殊津贴人员18名,国家和省部级优秀教师 16名,荣获曾宪梓教育基金奖教师14名。

It's time you jacked up my allowance .


It's time you jacked up my allowance . save


Now the Condition of the above-written Guarantee is such that if the Contractor shall duly perform and observe all the terms provisions conditions and stipulations of the said Contract on the Contractor's part to be performed and observed in accordance with the true purport intent and meaning thereof or if on default by the Contractor the Guarantor shall satisfy and discharge the damages sustained by the Employer thereby up to the amount of the above-written Guarantee then this obligation shall be null and void but otherwise shall be and remain in full force and effect but no alteration in terms of the said Contractor or in the extent or nature of the Works to be executed, completed and defects in the Works remedied thereunder and no allowance of time by the Employer of the Engineer under the said Contract nor any forbearance or forgiveness in or respect of any matter or thing concerning the said Contract of the part of the Employer or the said Engineer shall in any way release the Guarantor from any liability under the above-written Guarantee.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
