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tightly packed相关的网络例句

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与 tightly packed 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This product according to the human body physiology principle, through a great deal of fulfillment, adoption reasonable, the structure of the tightly packed, produce the high vibration of 频, carry out the beautification skin in order to, fructify the skin organization, the blood vessel extend, the instauration extends the dint and flexibilities muscle, and remove tired etc.


The basidioma is composed mainly of sterile tightly packed hyphae; in most species there is a distinct fertile layer, the hymenium, on the surface of the basidioma that bears the basidial hyphae which, after meiosis, give rise to the basidiospores.

担子果主要由紧密缠绕的不育菌丝组成,多数种类还有明显的可育层子实层,子实层位于担子果的表面,由菌丝形成担子,减数分裂后产生担孢子(参见 basidium

Consider the cleverly made tightly packed well with disperse heat problem the electricity conjunction of the in the interval adopts the patch cord row type conjunction attending to the beauty in addition generous make real object the design is near to in the product more!


Because the direct current steady voltage electrical source end to install in experiment box, the design and layoutses of its PBC board, power transformer...etc. consider the cleverly made tightly packed well with disperse heat problem, the electricity conjunction of the in the interval adopts the patch cord row type conjunction, attending to the beauty in addition generous, make real object the design is near to in the product more!


SEM observation of the earliest skeletal fossils from the late Sinian Dengying Formation in southern Shaanxi, China indicates that the tube wall of Sinotubulites levis is encrusted by phosphate spherical and filamentous structure, possibly reflecting microbially mediated phosphatization of tube wall. Three preservational microfabrics detected, namely mat-like structure formed by intertwining of rigid filaments, densely packed spheres with a distinctive framboidal external surface and hollow centers and tightly packed spherical bodies with extremely smooth external surface, may refer to different types of mineralized cyanopytes.

陕南晚震旦世高家山生物群中骨骼化石的电镜扫描显示,Sinotubulites levis壳壁中具有丰富的磷酸盐化球状和丝状体,可分为3种不同类型的微生物组构:1由相互缠绕的丝状体所组成的藻席状组构;2由外表面成莓球状,内部中空的球状体紧密堆叠所形成的组构类型;3由表面极为光滑的球状体堆叠所形成的组构。

Drill the machine construction tightly packed,the physical volume is small,the weight is linght,easy to disintegration and porterage,be applicable to the plain to work with the mountain area.


He was broad-shouldered and stocky, and his build was as tightly packed and powerful as Ken's.


This design has advantage of simple circuit, tightly packed structure, cheap price, superior function etc.


At first the combined defect was transformed into cavitary defect with metal mesh, then the contained acetabulum was tightly packed with deep-frozen morselized cancellous allograft chips (size 7~10mm), the anatomy of the hip was reconstructed and the cup was inserted after pressurizing the cement directly onto the graft.

采用金属网将非包容性骨缺损转变为包容性骨缺损,然后采用7~10 mm的深低温冷冻骨颗粒,使用打压植骨技术恢复骨量,重建髋关节的正常解剖形态,使用骨水泥将聚乙烯臼杯固定于理想的生物力学位置。

The HOK Architecture Studio articulated a variety of building sizes and configurations, embracing the canal with growing from small, tightly packed scales and leasable areas for innovative and trendy stores and river front cafes, to larger, multistory retail spaces at the edges of this 420,000sm recreational business district.


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I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


Only from a superior source of goats can an exceptional chevon product be made.

羊源 有优良的羊源才能生产出好品质的羊肉。

The company has international topping manufacturing technique and equipment, advanced business administration and quality control.
