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与 three-hour 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Through the study on the character of hydrokinetics and heat transfer and combustion and dynamic of CFBB, three kind of single fuzzy controllers and a kind of synthetically fuzzy controller are designed, and control system is analyzed in some one power plant, and the three kind of control scheme are simulated on deferent objec...


Preparation of ZnO micro-nano composite hydrophobia film via three-step method ;2. In this paper basic steps of structural dynamic damage detection are discussed and a three-step method for structure damage diagnosisis proposed.


We discover that under a general configuration the twist system of this mechanism belongs to the seventh special three-system, and all the twist axes are distributed on a hyperbolic paraboloid that is special and unusual and rarely studied. Under original configuration it belongs to the fourth special three-system.


The results indicated that the three extracts from the M.maudiae leaves had inhibited the seed germination rate, the root length, seedling height and fresh weight of three plants to some extent, and the protein content and the activity of perxidase and hyperoxide mutase in the seedlings were also decreased. However, the content of malondiadehyde was increased.


At first, with the low-frequency data measured, three of the LRE fault detection systems for the real-time condition are proposed using the nonlinear identification technology of the BP neural network, the state estimation technology of the dynamic neural network, and the pattern recognition technology of the fuzzy hypersphere neural network. The learning algorithms of the BP and dynamic neural network are researched at the same time. Furthermore, while the engine operation is divided into the start and steady-state processes, the real time ability, the response time, the accuracy, the robustness, the sensitivity and the monitoring parameter optimization are studied. In the test data analyses of the YF-75 engine, the detection system correctly carried out for all normal tests, and in the three abnormal tests the engine faults were accurately forecasted.


Resultsthe iop of 19 eyes (20.7%) were higher than 2.8 kpa (21 mmhg), of which, 14 eyes returned to normal seven days after 0.5% timolol administration, two eyes returned to normal after two months. three eyes showed high iop two months after injection. after combination therapy, the iop of one eye was still at 3.47-4.67 kpa (26-35 mmhg), eight eyes showed aqueous flare one day after ta injection, but the symptom disappeared the next day. two eyes showed hypopyon and vitreous opacity. with systemic and local antibiotic, the inflammation disappeared after one week. three eyes showed retinal hemorrhage.

结果 92只眼中,术后眼压高者19只眼,给予5 g/l噻吗洛尔眼液点眼,7 d后14只眼眼压恢复正常;2只眼控制在4 kpa以下,持续用药2个月后降至正常;3只眼眼压在注药后2个月才出现高眼压,联合用药后1只眼眼压仍在3.47~4.67 kpa.8只眼术后第1天出现前房闪辉,第2天消失。2只眼术后第1天出现前房积脓,玻璃体腔混浊,经局部及全身抗炎治疗,局部应用复方托吡卡安散瞳,1周后炎症消退。3只眼术后第1天发现视网膜局部小片状出血。

Double Calculate reserves by using volumetric method. And then classify that to three grades- high grade reserves, common reserves and hard producing reserves, compile distribution ichnography of the three reserves of every member.


Based on a brief review on developments of number system, a new developed pattern is proposed. The quaternion is extended to a matrix form aI+bA+cB+dC, in which the identity matrix I and three special matrices A, B, C correspond to number 1 and three units of imaginary number i, j, k, respectively.


It specializes in the three-basic-color energy-saving lamps (3-150w), LED landscape lamps and engineering illuminating lights in three large series of early 100 varieties.

建湖县近湖节能灯具厂是集设计、制造、销售、研发于一体的中型生产企业,主要产品有三基色 3 ~ 150W 节能灯、 LED 景观灯、工程照明灯具共三大系列近百个品种。

Taking the undergraduates as participants, the research, through six successive experiments, has inquired into the influence of the three attention levels of information (focused attention, divided attention and non-attention) upon the heuristic social decision making in the three types of tasks (choice, memory, estimate of quantity and frequency) in decision making. And, by taking account of the different effects, such as mere exposure, priming of experience, illusory correlation, self-relevance, the research has taken a further step and made a quite comprehensive study on the effect and existing biases in using heuristic decision making at different attention levels.


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Three Times A Lady
Black Mamba (Three In The Morning Party Mix)
I Saw Three Ships
We Three Kings
Three Mile Smile
Three Mile Smile / Reefer Head Woman
Three Reasons
Three Second Notice
Story At Three
Three Strikes

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
