英语人>网络例句>think of ... as 相关的网络例句
think of ... as相关的网络例句

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与 think of ... as 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Some people think of the storage battery as a sort of condenser where electricity is stored.


Experiment and surely shows that our primary awareness of our own actions is not that of a physiologist: it does not include a knowledge of the muscular movements required, and a fortiori does not include a desire for them What happens in normal action is that if we decide to do something we think of it in the ordinary terminology of action (as hitting someone, or writing something) and given that we have learnt to do these things and our faculties are unimpaired, our muscular movements normally follow smoothly on our decision.


One of the reasons I like this concept is that I do think of it as a sort of fund or bank.


One helpful way is to think of the national information infrastructure as a network of highways,much like the INTERSTATES of the 1950s.


But you mustn't think of it as a "sea of sand".


You can think of it as a set of languages.


Think of your life as a blank sheet of manuscript paper.


Definitions such as that of ohm,"a unit of electrical resistance equal to that of a conductor in which a current of one ampere is produced by a potential of one volt across its terminals," take on more human connotations when we think of how human contributions to the study of electricity are memorialized in them.


All the possibilities Things you can pick up and look beneath Just watch your step, Don't fall between the blanks in your memory There's an anchor sinking in the sound of a sense of lack that follows you around Years went by but I know it don't matter what you think of me I'm awake; don't let me go back to sleep Like a fugitive who just quit running Who found out there's no where to escape Some mistakes can't be undone It will never be like it was Wishing for it only makes it worse There's some demons waiting down south Some kind of confederate ghost It holds me close shows me the way to go Until I'm sure I'm lost I built a workshop to find myself Where I can dig in the corners climbing spider webs It's a polaroid cemetery of every look you're ever given me I'm awake; don't let me go back to sleep Like a fugitive who just quit running Who found out there's no where to escape Some mistakes can't be undone It will never be like it was Wishing for it only makes it worse Keep on riding capture feeling It's an outline of a real connection Treat your desires as what they are Imposters and lonely invitations Some mistakes can't be undone It will never be like it was Wishing for it only makes it worse

歌名:red dragon wishes 找机器翻得凑合着看吧所有的可能性您可以拿起看看下面只是看你的第一步,不属于之间的空白记忆有一个锚沉没的声音,一种缺乏下面你周围几年过去了,但我知道它不会不管你觉得我我很清醒,不要让我回去睡觉像一个逃犯谁刚刚退出运行谁发现了就没有地方逃走一些错误无法复原它绝不会像希望它不仅使情况变得更糟这里也有一些恶魔等待南下某种形式的邦联鬼它认为,我要表明我的路要走在此之前我相信我迷路了我建立了一个讲习班,里找到自己的如果我能挖在弯道爬蜘蛛网这是一个宝丽来墓地每期待你给我任何时候都我很清醒,不要让我回去睡觉像一个逃犯谁刚刚退出运行谁发现了就没有地方逃走一些错误无法复原它绝不会像希望它不仅使情况变得更糟继续骑马捕捉感觉这是一个真正的提纲连接对待你的愿望是什么骗子和寂寞邀请一些错误无法复原它绝不会像希望它不仅使情况变得更糟

A survey analysis shows that in Shanghai, Beijing and some other economically developed cities, there are a number of local elderly population accounted for a total of nearly 6 percent more than in high-income elderly group, these older people now think of the old-age environment, whether from the living conditions or pension level of service and so on, can not meet their increasing needs of the living endowment, so the elderly hope the market can produce some high standards of old-age homes and apartments, such as the elderly.


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Think Of Me As Your Soldier

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
