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think of ... as相关的网络例句

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与 think of ... as 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Between this point and the high at present unlit warehouses of Beresford place Stephen thought to think of Ibsen, associated with Baird's the stonecutter's in his mind somehow in Talbot place, first turning on the right, while the other who was acting as his fidus Achates inhaled with internal satisfaction the smell of James Rourke's city bakery, situated quite close to where they were, the very palatable odour indeed of our daily bread, of all commodities of the public the primary and most indispensable.


Before the end of the world, whether we can Zheng Kaiyan So that we can move forward together is not afraid of the brave recovery If in the first, let me have you Look inside the world, we strongly enough In a transparent fish tank inside, to outbound travel to the Who is In low-temperature inside the love of love is not enough strong Who can love anyone, not to give up In the gentle bubbles inside, we still firmly enough Huamao miss that day, hidden inside a little bit Niunai Ping Free to smile lonely existence of the moment I am not going to have you in tears complained to melt all cold Gentle that you miss is my oath I have been sensible, as you disappear at the end of the world Do not want to think of you, you Taokong I will be good, you all remain in my heart first Deeply buried you, you moved That day will not miss the end of the century, the advent of whom have left Dangerous moment there do not want to give up I have you all are dim memories of sad tragedy Gentle that you miss is my oath Huamao miss that day, hidden inside a little bit Niunai Ping Free to smile lonely existence of the moment I am not going to have you in tears complained to melt all cold Gentle that you miss is my oath Gentle that you miss is my oath


To improve performance of Chinese processing applications, we must change this situation, thoroughly think of the linguistics foundation of Chinese processing, and work over linear-grammar that suits to process word neighbor-ship in Chinese by computers. We have gotten many original research results as follows: We introduced the concept of simple-phrase and the method to identify them; We also introduced a smoothing method, which greatly relaxes the sparseness problem in statistic method, based on the similarity of words according to linear dependence of them, and introduced a person-name recognition method based on reliability and a method to recognize new word based on multi-features.


How then will it be when I think of the powerful good things which you have showered on me while I am not able to thank you enough for any one of them, so may the words of your feather be praised according to your knowledge and the judgments you have made and so much of your grace has encompassed your creatures and so much as your power has encompassed and a multiple that you are due from your creatures, oh Lord, I testify to my good deeds towards you, so add to your goodness to me for the rest of my life, greater, more complete, and even better than in the past with your mercy and you are the most merciful Lord, I implore you and beseech you by calling you the ONLY ONE, by glorifying you, praising you and acclaiming you, calling you the greatest, praising your completeness, by your leadership, by calling you the mightiest, by sanctifying you, by your glory, your mercy, your grace, your wisdom, your gentleness, your high position, you're your respect, your goodness, your exaltedness, your generosity, your perfection, your pride, by your rule, your might, your good acts, your thankfulness, your beauty, your grandeur, your proof, by your forgiveness, by your prophet and those close to you, his family and companions that you bless our Lord Mohammed and all other prophets and messengers and that you do not refuse me you care, nor your good deeds,… nor your beauty, nor your grandeur, nor the benefits of your honor, for you have given me so many gifts that you can never be hindered by miserliness, neither will neglect to thank you for your goodness reduce your generosity nor will your countless, exalted…… beautiful, noble gifts limit your overwhelming generosity, nor will you fear poverty and the river of your good deeds does not reduce your generosity, nor will you fear poverty and then become stingy.


When I think of that island, and all of Indonesia, I'm haunted by memories—the feel of packed mud under bare feet as I wander through paddy fields; the sight of day breaking behind volcanic peaks; the muezzin's call at night and the smell of wood smoke; the dickering at the fruit stands alongside the road; the frenzied sound of a gamelan orchestra, the musicians' faces lit by fire.


If our country and France, as we hope, may go on in the enlargement and advancement of a glorious civilization, we may feel sure that if our descendants shall overtop us in wealth, in strength, in art, and equal us in love of liberty, they will not say that this was not a worthy triumph for the age in which we live, and if, unhappily, malign influences shall degrade our ivilization and our fame, and travellers and dwellers here shall find their power has waned, and their love of liberty declined, if they shall have become a poverty-stricken and debased people, what will they think of this remaining monument of a past and lost age, but that it was a creation of the godsand that no men ever lived.


However, it was not Religion that kept me rom going there for the present; and as I had made no Scruple of being openly of the Religion of the Country, all the while I was among them, so neither did I yet; only that now and then having of late thought more of it, when I began to think of living and dying among them, I began to regret my having profess'd my self a Papist, and thought it might not be the best Religion to die with.


The authors have presented a fascinating portrait of who these young pilots were and why they willingly went to their deaths in the service of Emperor Hirohito, near the close of a war which was long past winning'– Frank Gibney, US lecturer and Japan expert, author of Japan 'Not being an admirer of zealotry, I find it hard to think of the Kamikaze as anything other than misguided young men.


Daring to innovate is the problem of the platitude in IT industry already, when the problem that understands limited company of science and technology very easily to develop a tendency about the professional and wireless communication such as prospective lash-up communication in answer Shenzhen, liu academician expresses, often can produce the train of thought of a few innovation below special environment, combine the communication issue during earthquake of plain of short of Wenshui River, he put forward to build the think of a way that the machine in sky stands, specific for station of the machine in adopting aeroboat general air namely and area network join, make communication signal restores inside short time, and ferial use mobile phone even if is to close the condition of machine to fall to also can locate through GPS the system makes a kind of rescuing tool, the rescuer searchs the position of the personnel that be stranded quickly, and carry such kind, can achieve different land site dispatching direct, pass video, in the Beijing, situation that can in time understand scene providing disaster relief in Shenzhen.


Abroad of punk although the earlier period be also a kind of depravity of underground culture, publicize be original meaning anti- oppress and to reality of disaffection, with as for think change this kind of present condition.To now be gradual development to become a kind of young, have imagination dint, creative power, there is vitality, drive not tradition restrain of of culture, even is to life of fine look forward to, although some part still incline toward violence and gray, this kind of violence what to say youngly dare to play to dare to do, not local of dozen dozen kill, dying live come what of.


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Think Of Me As Your Soldier

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
