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think of ... as相关的网络例句

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与 think of ... as 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Since scientists and researchers think of data as a singular mass entity like information, it is entirely natural that they should have come to talk about it as such and that others should defer to their practice. Sixty percent of the Usage Panel accepts the use of data with a singular verb and pronoun in the sentence Once the data is in, we can begin to analyze it. A still larger number, 77 percent, accepts the sentence

既然科学家和研究工作者认为资料和信息一样是一个单一的团体,他们就应该这样地来谈论它并且其他的人应当服丛他们的说法,这是完全自然的,百分之六十的用法专题使用小组成员接受把data 和单数动词和代词连用,如在句子一旦资料来了,我们就能开始分析了中,更大的比例,即百分之七十七的成员接受了句子

You of quality in doing everything, and when you are also reflect the value of.two, dont despise myselfwhen a person is lack of confidence, despise self, think oneself as well as others, working apparently did very passive.


There is a great work for you to do, as trifling as some of you may think of it.


But it is an error to suppose that our grave forefathers- though accustomed to speak and think of human existence as a state merely of trial and warfare, and though unfeignedly prepared to sacrifice goods and life at the behest of duty- made it a matter of conscience to reject such means of comfort, or even luxury, as lay fairly within their grasp.


This article thinks that, as a criterion of liability fixation, strict liability does't think of the feasor's fault. It rests upon a factual test of causation that disregards proximate caused omissions.The defenses available in strict liability are strict limited.And finally,the unlawfulness characterizes is only the harm and not the activity producing it. As a category of tort liabilities, strict liability is a heterogeneous and multi-level continuum.


As time elapse, often consult others is the same as the website of the type, what often feel oneself do not have others is good, produced aesthetic exhaustion, so the homepage some font add thick, color in content erubescent, did not think of to be ranked the following day disappear into thin air.


Meyer: That's a very interesting question because just as... think of this geopolitically, just as the world depends heavily on the Middle East for oil; the world unfettered would depend heavily on the English speaking countries U.S, Canada, Australia particularly for the global supply of grain.


Whatever one may think of these theories when one considers them "in their own right"(as theories of modality, as theories with various perhaps objectionable ontological commitments), one must concede that they are paradigmatically metaphysical theories.


Tracing it to its cause, tourism development and harm to the environment of development can be summed up as three o' clock as follows: First of all, the tourism department justs think of the immediate interest, do the development of excessive quality, robing nature to the tourist resources; However, at scenic spot the extensive type managementses of environment, at busy season visitor the phenomena of undue concentration lack a scientific one, rational dredging or price adjusts and control etc.


Really, white doctor is at the outset in digital TV industry arduous and cultivated when, he cannot think of probably, the United States already had the family that is as high as 70% above to turn into digital TV platform entirely nowadays, now summerly Beijing Olympic Games more came true first the number of whole journey is high-definition the direct seeding of signal.


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Think Of Me As Your Soldier

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
