英语人>网络例句>think of ... as 相关的网络例句
think of ... as相关的网络例句

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与 think of ... as 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While readers accustomed to identifying poetry with Dante, Goethe, Mickiewicz and Rumi may think of it as being written in rhyming lines and regular meter, there are traditions, such as those of Du Fu and Beowulf, that use other approaches to achieve rhythm and euphony.


Care Internet only Guest of a rich ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is Laozhou below the comment to this article and oneself view 1, the ignorance to adversary, this has been mentioned above big head, look down on adversary, the product that perhaps does not understand adversary, dynamic; The idea with a lot of new as a result flatter oneself, actually others had been done early 2, the ignorance to the industry, this also is above had mentioned; Nevertheless besides newest trends, academic, product, a lot of people lack his analysis and judgement to the industry of the place, the result can resemble myna be being become euqally only a microphone, meet only in products plan respect blindly imitate 3, the ignorance to oneself, in the specific details that the person often is immersed in him place easily to do, see very local thing only, edit to wait not to understand to technology, design normally for example, and the thing that the technology puts the view in program, code only; And if do not know structure of catenary of oneself product characteristic, target, job,wait more the thing of global sex, the problem is done not have in traditional automation line job, greater value cannot be produced in the job that gives priority to with mental work in Internet, cannot obtain progress 4, the spokesman that likes to do people, no less than is big say, the individual the habit serves as the habit of broad user, arrive deep really rarely however in the user, listen the think of a way of themselves, like to use affirmation very much, of course, certain, natural such positive statement, support without real data at all however 5, nearsightedness, impatient.

只关心互联网梁铁欣的一篇博客----------------------------------------------------------------------------以下是老周对此篇文章的评论和自己的看法 1、对对手的无知,这是大头上面提到过的,看不起对手,或者不了解对手的产品、动态;结果很多自以为新奇的点子,其实别人早就做过了 2、对行业的无知,这也是上面提到过的;不过除了最新动态、理论、产品外,很多人对所在的行业缺乏自己的分析和判定,结果就只会像八哥一样当个传声筒,在产品设计方面则只会一味的模拟 3、对自己的无知,人往往轻易陷入自己所做的具体细节里,只看到非常局部的东西,例如编辑通常对技术、设计等不了解,而技术则只把目光放在程序、代码的东西;而假如不了解自己的产品特色、目标、工作链结构等更全局性的东西,在传统的流水线工作中没有问题,在互联网以脑力劳动为主的工作中则无法发挥出更大的价值,无法取得进步 4、喜欢做人民的代言人,正如大头说的,将个人习惯作为广大用户的习惯,却很少真的深入到用户中去,倾听他们自己的想法,很喜欢用肯定、当然、一定、自然这样的肯定词,却根本没有实际的数据支持 5、短视,急躁。

"If he's as much stunned with the lick and fuddled with the rum as he had the look of being, he won't think of the knife till he's gone so far he'll be afraid to come back after it to such a place by himself-chicken-heart!"


While not as good as yours, I'd like to know what you think of my photo's of Mt Fuji.


The whole process is discontinous and can be thought of as finding the grid points on a specified region of the X-Y plane (Think of marking all integer interception points on a paper). Convert each grid point's X and Y coordinate to exponential values (like 2^x, 2^y) then we can use them as value of cost and gamme for cross validation.

这个过程是不连续的成长,所以可以想成我们在一个 X-Y 平面上指定的范围内找一群格子点(grid,如果你不太明白,想成方格纸或我们把平面上所有整数交点都打个点,就是那样),每个格子点的 X 跟 Y 经过换算(如 2^x, 2^y)就拿去当 cost 跟 gamma 的值来 cross validation。

The whole process is discontinous and can be imagined as finding grid points on a specified region of X-Y plane (Think of marking all interger interception points on a paper). Convert each grid point's X and Y coordinate to expontntial values (like 2^x, 2^y) then we can use them as value of cost and gamme for cross validation.

这个过程是不连续的成长,所以可以想成我们在一个 X-Y 平面上指定的范围内找一群格子点(grid,如果你不太明白,想成方格纸或我们把平面上所有整数交点都打个点,就是那样),每个格子点的 X 跟 Y 经过换算(如 2^x, 2^y)就拿去当 cost 跟 gamma 的值来 cross validation。

General now enterprise website asks or we should offer the element that website of a few SEO optimizes to be inside, although the client does not have a requirement,come, oneself also should be done, appear oneself made great efforts to the client, oneself also can drill hand; 2 come oneself can bring commercial latent capacity to the client as far as possible, bring business chance, the client can think of you in the future, we can raise more service kind with this when collection add is expended.


For network security, people will naturally think of offensive and defensive – of the behavior of hackers showdown, while the network of step with the development of safe behavior gradually become a popular focus of attention, while the so-called hackers – using intelligence to challenge the limits of the crowd, as the protagonist and the interpretation of the Internet revolution, but most of the so-called hacker was just that the sense of the word hacker, but rather the punishment not the impulsive and play, hackers, and perhaps the same as Honker, or do not, it is also the behavioral characteristics of attitudes and ideas!


For since they tend to think of their whiteness as an evenizer, I'm certain that I would have had to hear her spoken to commonly as Bertha, and my image of her would have been shattered like the unmendable Humpty-Dumpty.


Hint: think of y as the altitude of a triangle with hypotenuse as base.

并提示说:把y 看做是以直角三角形斜边上的高。

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Think Of Me As Your Soldier

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
