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think of ... as相关的网络例句

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与 think of ... as 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

His experience of living in the west and his decision to defect seemed in someways quite selfish but so understandable, but as an artist he had an overwhelming desire to be free to express himself which I think was as much to do with his decision as the desire to live a 'western' way of life...


His experience of living in the west and his decision to defect seemed in someways quite selfish but so understandable, but as an artist he had an overwhelming desire to be free to express himself which I think was as much to do with his decision as the desire to live a 'western ' way of life...


This is not as stupid as it sounds. Most people think of an autogyro as "stable" or "unstable", but there is moreto it than that.


One has only to think of the reputation of Chopin, whose nocturnes and ballades provide as much substance and originality as many a celebrated symphony; yet Chopin is not held in such high esteem as the great orchestral composers.


One has only to think of the reputation of Chopin, whose nocturne s and ballades provide as much substance and originality as many a celebrated symphony; yet Chopin is not held in such high esteem as the great orchestral composers.


Many people, most of whom would not regard themselves as dualists, think of the brain as being like a computer, and the mind as being like a piece of software that runs on that computer.


I still think of how foolish I must have looked, as I gazed at you, that first time. I remember watching you intently, as you took off your hat and loosely s hook your short dark hair with your fingers. I felt myself becoming immersed in your every detail, as you placed your hat on the table and cupped your hands around the hot cup of tea, gently blowing the steam away with your pouted lips.


After their return to Assisi, the Friars Minor -- for thus Francis had named his brethren, either after the minores, or lower classes, as some think, or as others believe, with reference to the Gospel (Matthew 25:40-45), and as a perpetual reminder of their humility -- found shelter in a deserted hut at Rivo Torto in the plain below the city, but were forced to abandon this poor abode by a rough peasant who drove in his ass upon them.

回国后到阿西西, friars小-因此,弗朗西斯已命名他的弟兄们,无论是后m inores,或下层,有些人认为,或作为其他相信,在参考福音(马太2 5:40-45),并作为永久的提醒他们谦卑-发现住房的一个被遗弃的小屋在r ivot orto在平原低于城市,但被迫放弃这个穷人居留权一个粗略的农民谁开车在他的驴他们。

After their return to Assisi, the Friars Minor -- for thus Francis had named his brethren, either after the minores, or lower classes, as some think, or as others believe, with reference to the Gospel (Matthew 25:40-45), and as a perpetual reminder of their humility -- found shelter in a deserted hut at Rivo Torto in the plain below the city, but were forced to abandon this poor abode by a rough peasant who drove in his ass upon them.

后他们返回阿西西,在天主教方济会-为使弗朗西斯已任命他的兄弟,无论是在m inores,或下层阶级,因为有些人认为,或作为另一些则认为,关於福音(马太25:40-45 ),并作为永久的提醒他们谦卑-找到了栖身在一个遗弃的小屋在R ivoT orto平原低於城市,但被迫放弃这个可怜的居留权的一个粗略的农民谁开车在他的屁股给他们。

But, as they think of taegu, as well as the war fluff was no rest here, and it is more terrible, south Korean President has issued orders, and all the ZhenTai muster, tin and two brothers were forced into so the move to the front of the military.


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Think Of Me As Your Soldier

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
