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与 theories 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective:To study the diaphoretic function of MHT and its mechanisms in animals,and to illuminate compatible theories of MHT.


The dichotomization of freedom and no freedom for the former Soviet Union was no longer applicable. In addition, the contemporary media theories could not wholly explain the state of current Russian media system and the characteristics.


The heart of his theories was the dictatorship of the proletariat.


The noumenal problem of teaching-learning is an essential part of the study of the fundamental theories of didactics.


This thesis suggests some ways for middle school English teachers with the background of the new curriculum according to relevant theories on teacher professional development, linguistics,second language acquisition and didactics in English language. The ultimate purpose of this thesis is to improve teaching quality through the improvement of teacher's quality and acceleration of teacher's professional development course.


The dissertation applies the theories of educational, psychology and didactics to analyze the problems in higher normal colleges: Some teachers are conservative and low in self-quality and teaching level, and they have not a complete knowing about the teachers? duty; Many students lack the ability and motivation to deal with 2 the everyday learning; The teaching contents appear to be empty and too general; The teaching methods are dull and monotonous; The teaching management is not in perfect condition.


In order to enrich this technique,from the mechanisms of dielectric polarization and loss, several aspects about dielectrometry technique to detect moisture content in pressboard are researched in this thesis, including the dielectrometry theories and development of the moisture one-line measurement system.


According to this theory, the origin of return voltage in oil-paper insulation system is analyzed. Then two equivalent extended Debye models, a simplified one as well as a complicated one, are established. Based on the dielectric polarization theories, the parameters in the Debye models are analyzed, and its influence to the curve of return voltage are also discussed.


The two theories differ from each other in many ways.


Based on the theories of the first two chapters, chapter 5 introduces the theoretical foundation and method of the software design of the license plate recognition system in detail. In this system, a license plate is fixed in a position and cut apart by verge examination based on the differential operator and threshold algorithm. Then outline method and projection method are used as methods of characteristic extracting, lastly neural network is used as a method to recognition the single character.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
