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与 theories 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is one of important parts in the system of Deng Xiaoping theories.


Deng Xiaoping's political and educational theory is an important part of his theories.


The significance of advertising,including its connotation and denotation,can be completely understood through the theories of semiotics.


With a little understanding of the theory of Gombrich, we can easily find out his criticism of expressionism theories in many of his works, but we may ignore his denouncement of the illusion that art could be created on the pure soul with the "originality", namely, this denouncement of the hereinabove "realistic painting".


Although rejecting many traditional theories , such as that punishment should be " retributive " or " denunciatory," he nevertheless seems wholly unable to envisage a system in which sentence is not automatically equated with "punishment."


Generally speaking,moral decision-making is based on two ethical theories: utilitarianism and deontology.


We should be based on some theories if we want to analyze ethically the existent issues, and in this paper, based on deontology, we will have ethical analysis to the issues which happened by HGP.


He extended the theory of Depth Psychology into the study and criticism of novels , affirmed the human significance and modern aesthetic value of psychological novel , and revealed the psychological nature of the history of Western fiction from the phenomenon of the unconsciousness . Freud s theories pounded at the novel writing principle of Western Classicism , and affected the theoretical position and the writing concept of modern Western novelists .


The thesis studies the cognitive process of organizational learning descriptively on the basis of comparative analysis of organizational learning theories .


Based on the basic theories of high-molecular physics and chemistry, colloid and surface chemistry, and from a microcosmic point of view, this ps- per provides a deep research on the major factors that affect color losing of offset ink such as ink dispersion, viscosity, desiccate and adhesiveness. The author hopes to provide theoretica1 basis for solving the prob1em of color los- ing.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
