查询词典 their eyes were watching god
- 与 their eyes were watching god 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Results (1)In the group (109 eyes) with preoperative intraocular pressure≤21mmHg,sixty-four eyes were treated with trabeculectomy,and 31 eyes with slerectoiridectomy of which there were 9(14.1%) and 7(20.6%) eyes had undergone PAC respectively.There was no PAC in 11 eyes treated with iridencleisis;(2)In the group(175 eyes)with PIOP from 22 to 35 mmHg,there were 26 eyes(25.2%) and 15 eyes(32.6%) developing PAC of 103 eyes treated with trabeculectomy,and 46 eyes with slerectoiridectomy respectively,of 26 eyes with iridencleisis,there were 5 eyes(19.2%) developing PAC;(3)In the group(106 eyes)with PIOP>35mmHg,there were 13 eyes(31%) developing PAC of 23 eyes with trabeculectomy,5 eyes(21.7%) developing PAC of 23 eyes with slerectoiridectomy.
结果 (1)术前眼压≤21mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa)者109只眼,小梁切除术64只眼,术后浅前房9只眼,占14.1%,巩膜咬切术31只眼,术后浅前房7只眼,占20.6%,虹膜嵌顿术11只眼,术后无浅前房发生;(2)术前眼压22-35mmHg者175只眼,小梁切除术103只眼,术后浅前房26只眼,占25.2%,巩膜咬切术46只眼,术后浅前房15只眼,占32.6%,虹膜嵌顿术26只眼,术后浅前房5只眼,占19.2%;(3)术前眼压>35mmHg者106只眼,小梁切除术42只眼,术后浅前房13只眼,占31%,巩膜咬切术23只眼,术后浅前房5只眼,占21.7%,虹膜嵌顿术41只眼,术后浅前房5只眼,占12.2%。
Results Totally 550 eyes' the best corrected visual acuity was more than 0.51-3 months after surgery, accounting for 94.83%; 30 eyes (5.17%) had iris prolapse and intraoperative complications; 4 eyes (0.69%) had iridodialysis; 6 eyes 1.03% had posterior capsule rupture; 30 eyes (5.17%) had hyphema; 30 eyes had (5.17%); 109 eyes (18.79%) had postoperative complications, including corneal edema in 50 eyes (8.62%, of which endothelial-like opacity in 40 eyes); 40 eyes (6.90%) had inflammation of anterior chamber; 10 eyes (1.72%) had transient high intraocular hypertension; 5 eyes (0.86%) had hyphema, 4 eyes had pupillary capture.
结果 术后1~3月最佳矫正视力大于等于0.5的有550只眼(94.83%),术中并发症,虹膜脱出30只眼(5.17%),虹膜根部离断4只眼(0.69%),晶状体后囊破裂6只眼(1.03%),前房出血30只眼(5.17%),后弹力层脱离30只眼(5.17%)。术后并发症109只眼(18.79%)包括角膜水肿50只眼(8.62%,其中内皮条样混浊40只眼),前房纤维渗出40只眼(6.90%),短暂性高眼压10只眼(1.72%),前房积血5只眼(0.86%)瞳孔夹持4只眼(0.70%)。
Results In 950 patients with successful cataractous operations,187 eyes(18.4%)had the vision of super-1.0,395 eyes(39.5%)had the Vision of 1.0-0.5,292 eyes(29.2%)had the vision of 0.5-0.3,106 eyes(10.4%)had the vision of 0.1-0.3,25 eyes(2.5)had the vislon of below-0.1.In 950 patients,242 eyes(24.2%)had diabetic retinopathy,15l eyes(15.1%)had aged-related macular degeneration,27 eyes(2.7%)had ischemic optic neuropathy,7 eyes(0.07%)had choroiditis,15 eyes(1.5%)had retinal vein occlusion,12 eyes(1.2%)had cystoid macular edema,5 eyes(0.2%)had traumatic retinopathy.
结果 950例患者的l 005只眼中,187只眼(18.4%)视力达1.0以上,395只眼(39.5%)视力在1.0-0.5,292只眼(29.2%)视力在0.5-0.3,106只眼(10.4%)视力在0.3-0.1,25只眼(2.5%)视力低于0.1.950例患者的1005只眼中,242只眼(24.2%)息有糖尿病视网膜病变,151只眼(15.1%)息有老年性黄班变性,27只眼(2.7%)息有缺血性视神经病变,7只眼(0.07%)息有陈旧性脉络膜炎,15只眼(1.5%)患有视网膜静脉闭塞,12只眼患有黄斑囊样水肿(1.2%),5只眼(0.05%)患有外伤性视网膜病变。
RESULTS: Out of 149 eyes, 90 eyes were atrophic AMD (60.4%), 59 eyes were exudative AMD (39.6%) which were further divided, according to the composition and location of lesion, into subfoveal choroidal neovasculari-zation7 eyes of classic type, 26 eyes of occult type, 9 eyes with disciform cicatrices, juxtafoveal CNV(2 eyes of classic type, 12 eyes of occult type, and extrafoveal CNV(3 eyes of occult type).
结果:在149眼中,萎缩型90眼(60.4%),渗出型59眼(39.6%),依据CNV造影特点和CNV与黄斑中心凹的距离分为中心凹下CNV包括经典型7眼,隐匿型26眼,盘状瘢痕化9眼,旁中心凹CNV包括经典型2眼,隐匿型12眼,中心凹外CNV 3眼均为隐匿型。
Results 15 eyes of peripheral retinal dry hole and peripheral retinal degeneration were treated only by laser treatment and successful rate was 100%;10 eyes with local rhegmatogenous retinal detachment,were initially treated with herbal dehydrant,followed by laser treatment and successful rate was 80%;2 eyes failed due to the traction of vitrous were successfully treated with the aids of local pad;141 eyes with retinal detachment were treated by scleral buckling combined with krypton laser and success rate was 96.5%,5 eyes failed due to the traction of vitrous were successfully treated with the aids of vetroretional operation;27 eyes with complicated retinal detachment were treated by vetroretional operation,followed by intro????and post????
结果 视网膜周边干性裂孔和视网膜周边变性单纯用氪多波长激光治疗15眼,成功100%;局限性孔源性视网膜浅脱离10眼,先使用脱水剂、卧床休息、单眼加压包扎等措施,而后行激光治疗,成功率80%,2眼因玻璃体有牵引结合局部垫压术后成功;巩膜外扣带术后激光封孔141眼,成功率96.5%。5眼因玻璃体有牵引行玻璃体手术后眼内激光封闭裂孔成功;复杂性视网膜脱离经玻璃体切割手术,术中及术后激光封闭裂孔27眼,成功100%。
Results 15 eyes of peripheral retinal dry hole and peripheral retinal degeneration were treated only by laser treatment and successful rate was 100%;10 eyes with local rhegmatogenous retinal detachment,were initially treated with herbal dehydrant,followed by laser treatment and successful rate was 80%;2 eyes failed due to the traction of vitrous were successfully treated with the aids of local pad;141 eyes with retinal detachment were treated by scleral buckling combined with krypton laser and success rate was 96.5%,5 eyes failed due to the traction of vitrous were successfully treated with the aids of vetroretional operation;27 eyes with complicated retinal detachment were treated by vetroretional operation,followed by intro-and post-operation,and success rate 100%.
结果 视网膜周边干性裂孔和视网膜周边变性单纯用氪多波长激光治疗15眼,成功100%;局限性孔源性视网膜浅脱离10眼,先使用脱水剂、卧床休息、单眼加压包扎等措施,而后行激光治疗,成功率80%,2眼因玻璃体有牵引结合局部垫压术后成功;巩膜外扣带术后激光封孔141眼,成功率96.5%。5眼因玻璃体有牵引行玻璃体手术后眼内激光封闭裂孔成功;复杂性视网膜脱离经玻璃体切割手术,术中及术后激光封闭裂孔27眼,成功100%。
Answer: The sins forbidden in the first commandment are, atheism, in denying or not having a God; idolatry, in having or worshiping more gods than one, or any with or instead of the true God; the not having and avouching him for God, and our God; the omission or neglect of anything due to him, required in this commandment; ignorance, forgetfulness, misapprehensions, false opinions, unworthy and wicked thoughts of him; bold and curious searching into his secrets; all profaneness, hatred of God; self-love, self-seeking, and all other inordinate and immoderate setting of our mind, will, or affections upon other things, and taking them off from him in whole or in part; vain credulity, unbelief, heresy, misbelief, distrust, despair, incorrigibleness, and insensibleness under judgments, hardness of heart, pride, presumption, carnal security, tempting of God; using unlawful means, and trusting in lawful means; carnal delights and joys; corrupt, blind, and indiscreet zeal; lukewarmness, and deadness in the things of God; estranging ourselves, and apostatizing from God; praying, or giving any religious worship, to saints, angels, or any other creatures; all compacts and consulting with the devil, and hearkening to his suggestions; making men the lords of our faith and conscience; slighting and despising God and his commands; resisting and grieving of his Spirit, discontent and impatience at his dispensations, charging him foolishly for the evils he inflicts on us; and ascribing the praise of any good we either are, have, or can do, to fortune, idols, ourselves, or any other creature.
Violet Flame Reiki's atonements include: the Peace of God being upon a household, having the light of God in your soul, the wisdom of God in your minds, virtue and purity of God in your feelings, strength and vitality of God among members of your household, health and well-being of God through your bodies, grace of God in worship, talent and genius of God through your senses, victory of God in this earth life.
Theos {theh'-os} of uncertain affinity; a deity, especially (with 3588) the supreme Divinity; TDNT - 3:65,322; n m AV - God 1320, god 13, godly 3, God-ward + 4214 2, misc 5; 1343 1 a god or goddess, a general name of deities or divinities 2 the Godhead, trinity 2a God the Father, the first person in the trinity 2b Christ, the second person of the trinity 2c Holy Spirit, the third person in the trinity 3 spoken of the only and true God 3a refers to the things of God 3b his counsels, interests, things due to him 4 whatever can in any respect be likened unto God, or resemble him in any way 4a God's representative or viceregent 4a1 of magistrates and judges
相关经文回前一页 2316 theos {theh'-os}不确定相似的字源;神,(与 3588 一起)特别是至高无上的神; TDNT - 3:65,322;阳性名词钦定本- God 1320, God 13, godly 3, God-ward + 4214 2, misc 5; 1343 1 神或女神,神或神格的统称 2 神性,三位一体 2a 上帝天父,三位一体的第一位 2b 基督,三位一体的第二位 2c 圣灵,三位一体的第三位 3 论及唯一真神 3a 与上帝有关的事 3b 祂的劝告,关注,因祂而产生的事 4 任何可以关连於神的,或比拟於神的 4a 上帝的代表或副手 4a1 地方行政官与士师审判官
Resultsthe iop of 19 eyes (20.7%) were higher than 2.8 kpa (21 mmhg), of which, 14 eyes returned to normal seven days after 0.5% timolol administration, two eyes returned to normal after two months. three eyes showed high iop two months after injection. after combination therapy, the iop of one eye was still at 3.47-4.67 kpa (26-35 mmhg), eight eyes showed aqueous flare one day after ta injection, but the symptom disappeared the next day. two eyes showed hypopyon and vitreous opacity. with systemic and local antibiotic, the inflammation disappeared after one week. three eyes showed retinal hemorrhage.
结果 92只眼中,术后眼压高者19只眼,给予5 g/l噻吗洛尔眼液点眼,7 d后14只眼眼压恢复正常;2只眼控制在4 kpa以下,持续用药2个月后降至正常;3只眼眼压在注药后2个月才出现高眼压,联合用药后1只眼眼压仍在3.47~4.67 kpa.8只眼术后第1天出现前房闪辉,第2天消失。2只眼术后第1天出现前房积脓,玻璃体腔混浊,经局部及全身抗炎治疗,局部应用复方托吡卡安散瞳,1周后炎症消退。3只眼术后第1天发现视网膜局部小片状出血。
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But this is impossible, as long as it is engaging in a market economy, there are risks in any operation.
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The temperature is usually between 300 and 675 degrees Celsius.