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与 the positive 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results Osseous metastasis was found in 22 cases out of the 107 cases with the positive rate of 20.6%: osseous metastasis occurred in 4 cases with no osteodynia, single metastasis in 9 cases and multi-metastasis in 13 cases; the location of osseous metastasis ranged as follows: 61 metastasis in thoracic cage, 41 in pelvis, 39 in vertebral column, 8 in four limbs and 4 in skull; along with the prolongation of the follow-up, the positive rate of osseous metastasis increased.

结果 107例中发现骨转移22例,阳性率20.6%。其中无骨痛患者发生骨转移4例,单发转移9例,多发转移13例。发现骨转移灶的部位依次为胸廓(61处)、骨盆(41处)、脊柱(39处)、四肢(8处)及头颅(4处)。随乳腺癌术后回访年限的增加,骨转移阳性率增加。

Results The positive cases of TTV-DNA were twenty-one in one hundred and thirty five aged viral hepatitis patients and the positive ratio was 15.6%; The TTV genic model was chief Ⅰ model (76.2%), The TTV singleness infection cases were two (9.5%) yet the superposable infection ratio was 90.5%, the difference had prominence.

结果 135例老年病毒性肝炎患者中TTV-DNA阳性者21例,阳性率为15.6%;TTV基因型主要为Ⅰ型(76.2%),TTV单独感染仅2例(9.5%),重叠感染率达90.5%,两者差异具显著性(P〈0.01)。

A new trick using Trichogramma brassicae asvectors to transmit Dendrolimus punctatus cypovirus was developed (called"Biological missiles Dp-Ⅰ") to control the Dendrolimus punctatus in the field. Sincethen, we collect the single caterpillar from both areas used Dp-Ⅰand controlled areasevery year, and A nested-PCR-based assay for the detection of those samples wasdeveloped, The results showed that the positive reaction rate of the first year is 40~70%; and second year is 30~80%, on the other hand, the positive reaction rate of thecontrolled areas are 10~40%and 10~20%.


The relationships of VEGF with the indices of renal damage, including renal/body weight, urinary protein excretion, glomerular volume and glomerular area, were analyzed. Results The expression of VEGF mRNA in diabetic kidney was significantly up-regulated after operation from 2 weeks to 24 weeks with the peak level at 20weeks, when compared with control at the same time- points. The positive results of VEGF staining in diabetic glomeruli was increasingly observed after operation from 2 weeks to 24 weeks, with the peak at 20 weeks. The positive results of VEGF staining in diabetic tubuli was increasingly seen from 2 weeks to 24 weeks, with the peak at 8 weeks.

结果 VEGF mRNA在糖尿病模型组大鼠肾脏中持续高表达,各时点与对照组相比差异均有统计学意义(P.05);糖尿病组2~24周肾小球VEGF蛋白表达强于对照组(P.05),24周时有所减弱,但仍强于对照组;糖尿病组各时点肾小管VEGF蛋白表达均强于对照组(p.05), 8周后表达明显增强;VEGF表达变化与肾质量/体质量(r=0.518, P=0.001)、尿蛋白(r=0.409, p=0.001)、肾小球面积(r=0.499, P-0.000)和体积(r=0.499, P-0.000)呈正相关。

Results 336strains of pathogenic bacteria were separated from the urine sample of2865cases and the detectable rate was11.73%of the336separated strains the number of strains of gram negative bacilli was226,the gram positive cocci is92and the fungi is18.the positive rate of escherichia coli was the highest followed by co-agulase negative staphylococci,klebsiella pneumoniae and blue verditer pseudomonas.highest resistance to penicillins and cephalosporins was obsered.

结果 从2865份尿标本中分离出336株病原菌,检出率为11.73%。其中革兰阴性杆菌226株,革兰阳性球菌92株,真菌18株。阳性率最高的是大肠埃希菌,其次是凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌、克雷伯菌、铜绿假单胞菌。药敏结果对青霉素类、头孢类抗生素的耐药率较高。

Result:①out of 25 patients,17 exhibited myeloma-related bone lesions on radionuclide imaging,the positive rate was 68.0%,ribs and spine were involved most frequently,162 lesions showed high uptake of radionuclide,the lesions lied in ribs appeared as strings of pearls,and those in sternums and vertebrae showed linear high uptake,the other 4 showed decreased radionuclide uptake.②the positive rate on radiography was 68.0%(17/25),which was the same as that on radionuclide imaging,the patterns were osteoporosis,pathological fracture,osteolysis or two or two and above of these appearances, radiography detected more abnormalities than radionuclide imaging in identical sites(162 versus 144),but radionuclide imaging detected more lesions than radiography in ribs and sternums.


Special localized cutting communication with the customer; 2.5 If not available notched hole diameter less than 60 mm hole, can be used to be relatively enlarger for the opening; After opening 2.6 backplane approach, starting with the opening negative, positive exposed bit sharp, nated from the positive control (both sides maintain collapse teeth); 3 connected corner of the corner of the 3.1 connection method, identify three Kok code on the middle and lower (50 mm poured from top to bottom. Another try a) 3:00 even in the corner of the counter and cross wooden cabinet on the sideboard; 3.2 corner of the Outer Limits with a shutter-ping; 3.3 In accordance with the drawings corner of the size, will have a fixed angle of the black reinforce the lower corner with 3:00 counters even

特殊局部地方的切割必须与客户沟通; 2.5如割口不大可用圆孔、直径小于60mm孔,可用相对应的扩孔器进行开孔; 2.6后背板开孔方法,先从反面开孔,正面露出钻头尖时,再从正面往里操作; 3 转角条的连接 3.1转角条的连接方法是,找出三个角码,上中下(上下50毫米往里,另居中一个)三点连在与转角柜交叉柜体的侧板上; 3.2转角条的外沿与门板一平; 3.3按照图纸转角条尺寸,将已固定的转角条用黑钉上中下三点与转角柜连

The southwest vortex restricted the development of the plateau vortex in some way at the early stage when it appeared in the lower atmosphere. When they were coupled longitudinally, the vertical difference caused by the different vorticity advections between the upper and lower levels excitated the updrafts under 500 hPa and strengthened cyclone vorticity, and then the positive vorticity at 500 hPa and 700 hPa increased by two times The change rate of positive vorticity facilitated the plateau vortex to move eastward.

分析表明:高原涡与西南涡涡心之间的纬向距离在5个纬度的时候,两者上升气流都在500 hPa以下,当两者继续东移,在经向上耦合的时候,二者同时得到发展,西南涡中心的上升气流达到300 hPa,而高原涡中心的上升气流突破200 hPa;西南涡在低层出现初期,在一定程度上制约了高原涡的发展,随着两者在经向方向发生耦合,上下涡度平流不同造成垂直差动,将激发500 hPa以下的上升运动与气旋性涡度加强,使得500 hPa与700 hPa涡心正涡度值的增大近 1倍。

Compared with the control, the lungs of 3-day-hyperxia-exposure group developed into edema, hemorrhage and inflammatory infiltration and this condition aggravated at the 7th day. The pulmonary septum was significantly widened at the 14th day, the interstitial fibrocytes as well as alveolar epithelial cells proliferated obviously, and the tendency of lung fibrosis was also presented. The results mentioned above showed that the modle of hyperoxia lung injury was successfully established, and the acute inflamationm was its early symptom while the fibrosis was its late manifistation. There was no positive cytes of IFN-γ in the lung of nomal rats, The positive cytes of the groups under hyperxia-exposure for 3, 7, 14 day, which climbed to the climax at the 7th day and began to decline from the 14th day, were found in alveolus epithlia,pulmonary interstitial, bronchoepithlia and macrophage.


Just because the difference quality of the two has determined the necessity studying too;OP has flex point which can be used to judge AT in the course of sport ,and research proves that the means is more accurate;Research proves that no positive pertinency is between OP and HR,but the author believe it only accounts for lack of the quizzees;The better the enginery of human is,the higher the positive pertinency among VO2、OP and HR is.


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Accentuate The Positive
Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive
The Positive Aspects Of Negative Thinking
Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive
Accentuate The Positive
Accentuate The Positive
Accentuate The Positive
Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive
Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive
Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


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