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与 the man in the street 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So I told the third man on our team to center the ball, let the rusher come after me, and go block the tall man defending the backfield to the right.


The man with the sword to the far left is Bahrām's vizier Papak, recognizable by the flower on his cap, and the second man from the left is Kartir, with the scissor-like badge.

该名男子用剑的最左边是巴赫拉姆的总督Papak ,可辨认的花帽子,第二个男子从左边的是Kartir ,随著剪刀样徽章。

On the other hand, as it evades coercion, lends itself to practical application at every step in man's life, and favours man's inclination to evil by rendering a so-called "conversion" ludicrously easy, its baneful influence on morals is manifest.


Therefore, the basie feature of Zhuangzhou's philosophy is the two-fold-in-one of the living outlook and ecological Outlook,such feature is mainly embodied in : expressing man's free nature by use of large ecological Outlook; the crux of such large ecological outlook is the protection and exploration of man's spirit ecology. This two...


The sun, making all living things to grow, exerts its happiest influence in cheering the mind of man and making his heart glad, and if a man has sunshine in his soul he will go on his way rejoicing; content to look forward if under a cloud, not bating one jot of heart or hope if for a moment cast down; honoring his occupation, whatever it be; rendering even rags respectable by the way he wears them; and not only happy himself,but giving happiness to others.


A short, stout man of about thirty in white breeches, high boots, and in a batiste shirt, apparently only just put on, was standing in this room. A valet was buttoning behind him some fine-looking, new, silk-embroidered braces, which for some reason attracted Rostov's notice. The stout man was conversing with some one in the adjoining room.


That now, [ 5 ] While time was, our first-Parents had bin warnd The coming of thir secret foe, and scap'd Haply so scap'd his mortal snare; for now Satan, now first inflam'd with rage, came down, The Tempter ere th' Accuser of man-kind, [ 10 ] To wreck on innocent frail man his loss Of that first Battel, and his flight to Hell: Yet not rejoycing in his speed, though bold, Far off and fearless, nor with cause to boast, Begins his dire attempt, which nigh the birth [ 15 ] Now rowling, boiles in his tumultuous brest, And like a devillish Engine back recoiles Upon himself; horror and doubt distract His troubl'd thoughts, and from the bottom stirr The Hell within him, for within him Hell [ 20 ] He brings, and round about him, nor from Hell One step no more then from himself can fly By change of place: Now conscience wakes despair That slumberd, wakes the bitter memorie Of what he was, what is, and what must be [ 25 ] Worse; of worse deeds worse sufferings must ensue.


The conquerd also, and enslav'd by Warr Shall with thir freedom lost all vertu loose And fear of God, from whom thir pietie feign'd In sharp contest of Battel found no aide [ 800 ] Against invaders; therefore coold in zeale Thenceforth shall practice how to live secure, Worldlie or dissolute, on what thir Lords Shall leave them to enjoy; for th' Earth shall bear More then anough, that temperance may be tri'd: [ 805 ] So all shall turn degenerate, all deprav'd, Justice and Temperance, Truth and Faith forgot; One Man except, the onely Son of light In a dark Age, against example good, Against allurement, custom, and a World [ 810 ] Offended; fearless of reproach and scorn, Or violence, hee of wicked wayes Shall them admonish, and before them set The paths of righteousness, how much more safe, And full of peace, denouncing wrauth to come [ 815 ] On thir impenitence; and shall returne Of them derided, but of God observd The one just Man alive; by his command Shall build a wondrous Ark, as thou beheldst, To save himself and houshold from amidst [ 820 ] A World devote to universal rack.


As it invariably happens, history and memory can prove helpful: Leonardo's Vitruvian man is "the measure of all things", while the Renaissance man expands the static point of view of the project anticipating the crucial theme of individual well-being (as Leon Battista Alberti put it in his De re aedificatoria ,"In the choice of the environment it is best to mind that it is welcome by its inhabitants from every point of view").


Woman always be critical of man, so there is no perfect man.


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