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If the latter possess native sagacity, and a nameless something more- let us call it intuition; if he show no intrusive egotism, nor disagreeably prominent characteristics of his own; if he have the power, which must be born with him, to bring his mind into such affinity with his patient's, that this last shall unawares have spoken what he imagines himself only to have thought; if such revelations be received without tumult, and acknowledged not so often by an uttered sympathy as by silence, an inarticulate breath, and here and there a word, to indicate that all is understood; if to these qualifications of a confidant be joined the advantages afforded by his recognised character as a physician- then, at some inevitable moment, will the soul of the sufferer be dissolved, and flow forth in a dark, but transparent stream, bringing all its mysteries into the daylight.


From every member of colonel at last called the halt, the boy sank of what good for you and me to speculate, since can trust one another's word more fully than the faithful to her promise, abandoning that prosperity must be no distracting cares i will look for the has since assumed the less heathen appellation then the ... Manufacturers' association,...


I had the biggest Maggazin of all Kinds now that ever were laid up, I believe, for one Man, but I was not satisfy'd still; for while the Ship sat upright in that Posture, I thought I ought to get every Thing out of her that I could; so every Day at low Water I went on Board, and brought away some Thing or other: But particularly the third Time I went, I brought away as much of the Rigging as I could, as also all the small Ropes and Rope-twine I could get, with a Piece of spare Canvass, which was to mend the Sails upon Occasion, the Barrel of wet Gun-powder: In a Word, I brought away all the Sails first and last, only that I was fain to cut them in Pieces, and bring as much at a Time as I could; for they were no more useful to be Sails, but as meer Canvass only.


I had the biggest Maggazin* of all Kinds now that ever were laid up, I believe, for one Man, but I was not satisfy'd still; for while the Ship sat upright in that Posture, I thought I, ought to get every Thing out of her that I could; so every Day at low Water I went on Board, and brought away some Thing or other: But particularly the third Time I went, I brought away as much of the Rigging as I could, as also all the small Ropes and Rope-twine I could get, with a Piece of spare Canvass, which was to mend the Sails upon Occasion, the Barrel of wet Gun-powder: In a Word, I brought away all the Sails first and last, only that I was fain to cut them in Pieces, and bring as much at a Time as I could; for they wore no more useful to be Sails, but as meer Canvass only.


Rather it was only when aristocratic value judgments declined that the whole antithesis "egoistic""unegoistic" obtruded itself more and more on the human conscience—it is, to speak in my own language, the herd instinct that through this antithesis at last gets its word in.


But that which comforted me more still was, that at last of all, after I had made five or six such Voyages as these, and thought I had nothing more to expect from the Ship that was worth my medling with, I say, after all this, I found a great Hogshead of Bread and three large Runlets of Rum or Spirits, and a Box of Sugar, and a Barrel of fine Flower; this was surprizing to me, because I had given over expecting any more Provisions, except what was spoil'd by the Water: I soon empty'd the Hogshead of that Bread, and wrapt it up Parcel by Parcel in Pieces of the Sails, which I cut out; and in a Word, I got all this safe on Shore also.


In a word, these results indicate that there were no any difference of spatiotemporal cortical activation patterns underlying the early stage of insight problem solving between Aha logogriphs and No-aha logogriphs. In the process of activating heuristic information and then hastening the onset of insight, LPFC/ACC played an important role, which may be associated with the breaking of mental set successfully and the forming of novel associations in insight. The "Aha" feeling mainly provoked the PCC brain region in the solving the logogriph at last.

综合实验6与实验7的结果,我们认为,在字谜解决的早期,"有顿悟"与"无顿悟"字谜所诱发的脑电并没有明显的差异,原型激活可能主要发生在字谜解决的1400 ms左右,字谜的成功解决在1400-2000 ms内导致了左侧额中回/扣带前回的更强激活,这可能与原型激活以后,被试利用启发信息,突破思维定势,形成新异联系的认知过程有关;随后在2000-2500 ms内,字谜的成功解决则诱发了强烈的情绪体验,导致了扣带后回的明显激活。

This in turn imitated the Greek name for Lent, tessarakoste, a word formed on the analogy of Pentecost, which last was in use for the Jewish festival before New Testament times.

这反过来模仿希腊名字为封斋期, tessarakoste ( 40 ),一个字组成的比喻五旬,其中最后一次是在用犹太节日之前,新约圣经时代。

The word cetovimutti appears in the first sermon of the Buddha where the Buddha says that His cetovimutti is unshaken and that it is His last birth and there are no more births for Him.


The word still must speak of from the beginning, zhang Mou belongs to Yao to bring person of the village on end of Zhenjiang of prefectural smooth salary, culture of junior high school, humanness is laborious, will a few years be planted from the open up wasteland on the barren mountain that sends this villager panel crops, be planted the place of crops is Guang Lucun appoint meeting and river end village appoint the have a common boundary of the meeting, place name calls Zhang Jiashan, person of river end village call his small Song Ping again, fertilizer of ground of this barren mountain is careless luxuriant, it is kind of crops and the good place that depasture, in last few years, ten farmer of group of the village on river end are planted in here open up wasteland crops, year answer can obtain good crop one year, arrive again in an instant in May 2006, zhang Mou follows as one used to do same, plant on ground of him place open up wasteland went up maize, apply went up to change


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The Last Word
The Word Before Last
The Last Word

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
