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the current of time相关的网络例句

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与 the current of time 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Multiple trials is the basic concept of many parallel simulated annealing. It is to perform multiple trials at the same time to search acceptable solutions. The division simulated annealing with no communication and The clustering simulated annealing are two common types of parallel simulated annealing methods. The division simulated annealing with no communication makes each processor generate its own adjacent solution from its own current solution and compute the acceptance probability for a adjacent solution. Each of the processors searches solutions without communicating each other. Clustering simulated annealing makes each processor generate its own adjacent solution from a common current solution and compute the acceptance probability for each adjacent solution. Then, it decides which adjacent solution should be used to replace current solution according to a pre-specified rule.

许多平行模拟退火法之理论依据为多向试验,利用同一时间探索更多方向的试验来拓展搜寻的广度或深度,不进行沟通的分工模拟退火法(the division simulated annealing with no communication)以及丛集模拟退火法(the clustering simulated annealing)皆为平行化的模拟退火法,前者定义为各个处理器针对各自的起始解进行搜寻,产生各自的搜寻序列,在搜寻过程中处理器不进行任何沟通,各处理器仅针对自身之目前解进行搜寻;而后者定义为让所有处理器针对同一目前解进行运算搜寻各自的可能解,并各自决定其产出解之接受机率,最后根据事先决定之规则进行沟通比较,挑选其中一个可接受解取代目前解。

On the basis of the above results of detecting methods, the instruction signal calculating circuit is designed according to i〓, i〓 calculating mode. Compensation current generating circuit is also designed and implemented. Its current following circuit is designed according to the instantaneous value comparing mode that used constant time control. The source current detection based control mode and composite control mode and their implementation are firstly introduced in our country. The method and the principle of dc side capacitor voltage control are explained clearly.


Short-circuit current duration of three parts, first, the current increased to the current time setting


However, system delays (such as processing time, channel information collection time, etc) are unavoidable so that the base station can only know the delayed channel information at most. These delays make the current subchannel and power allocation scheme not optimal to the current channel condition, which decreases the channel capacity gain of dynamic resource allocation over fixed allocation.


For the purpose of real-time position inspection of components with large curved metallic surfaces by using a flat flexible eddy current sensor array,the measurement technology is investigated and the testing method based on time division multiplexing technology is introduced for the eddy current array.


The propose of the research is to insist on the view of applying to solve the various confusion in applying at present when present The Doctrine of Equivalents in China by analyzing dispute in applying of DOE; apply the research method of history analysis and compare synthetically, integrate with the case analysis and draw the conclusion: It is necessary to induct The Doctrine of Equivalents to prevent the tortious people filching the benefit of the inventor and confirm whether the infringed people imitated and copied patent on purpose, it is international tidal current to apply DOE in the processing of patent infringement cognizance, and firstly it must ensure the protecting confine by explaining the claim with compromise explain method, the difference of different extent in patent creation also effect the demarcation of equivalent extension; it should apply the rule of comparing factor one by one rather than comparing the whole equivalent in comparison of equivalents, and needs to be confirmed by increasing the assistant means in the processing of patent infringement cognizance by using Triple Identity Test of Graver; contrast and analyze whether they are equivalent depend on the level of the common technicians in relative domain and it is scientific and reasonable to confirm equivalent time standard by infringement date; in judicial practice of equivalent cognizance, it may use the experiences in Japan for reference to solve the cognizance misunderstanding area of reality in the law and the technology; The superabundance designation that may be understood as a display unfair contract because of neglect and materially misunderstanding should be conditionally applied in current time.


Through investigating the effect of glow discharge parameters such as voltage,current,preburn time and integrating time on the precision and intensity of the emission line,the parameters of analyzing stainless steel were optimized and a new method for the determination of 11 elements in stainless steel by direct current glow discharge -optical emission spectrometry was established.


The inverse time delay characteristic is adopted by the basic zero-sequence over-voltage protection. On the basis of the analysis of the transient negative current, a compensated voltage can be generated with multiplying the rms value of the negative sequence transient current of the feeder by a settable compensated reactance, then combined with the magnitude of the zero-sequence voltage to consist of the compounded compensated voltage, which can be utilized to revise the characteristics of the inverse time-delay.


Operational Tran conductance lifers and Grounded actorhas become one of the most important methods to implement integrated continuous-time filters. Operational Tran conductance Amplifierscan transfer input voltage into current to output,and control or change output current within large range by an external controlling current of amplifier. Most articles consider OTA as a voltage-mode circuit component and give voltage-to-voltage transfer function of all having been implemented filter circuits,i.e. The input signal and output signal of filter circuits are voltages .

运算跨导集成运算放大器OTA ( Operational Tran conductance Amplifier 以下简称跨导运放)的功能是将输入电压转换为电流输出,并通过外加偏置电流控制运放的工作电流,从而使它的输出电流在较大范围内变化,而在大多数文献中,器件都被作为电压模式元器件使用实现的各种滤波电路都是按传送电压比给出的,即滤波电路输入信号和输出信号均为电压信号。

Compared the calculated curve and the real assay curve we can make a conclusion that: this method can calculate the melting time of the fuse at the huge short current (more than 50 times of the current rating) with the error less than 5%; the resistor and time characteristic can also be acquired, it provided the date for overvoltage calculation of the fuse model. The research of the overvoltage during fusing process is based on short circuit test of the fuse.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


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