英语人>网络例句>the current of time 相关的网络例句
the current of time相关的网络例句

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与 the current of time 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The plug-in has three advantages: First, each packet is authenticated by a One-time Signature, so there is no need for both sender and receiver maintain a buffer and there is no delay for signing and verifying and authentication failure of current packets do not effect the authentication of other packet. Second, we design a mechanism to regenerate Merkle Trees, so just only one normal digital signature signing operation is required to provide unlimited number of One-time Signature for signing unlimited length of


He told reporters that his current treatment is very good, but needto go back to work for a period of time, and said with a smile, because the reasons for chemotherapy, he Diaoguang hair, longhair and so on have to do better,"Long hair It also takes a long time do."


Design of CSD Code FIR Digital Filter Based on Time Division Multiplex;2. The current integrated well log instrument with multiple bus data transfer is improved by using pulse-code modulation and time division multiplex .


The current best algorithm for image matching, image fusion algorithm used in practice, with high-performance digital signal processing to combine the development of real-time or quasi real-time image fusion system function and even to China s military technology areas of civilian technology of great significance.


Among them, oil supply module focuses their studies on the oil recipient, transportation, technical replenishment and quality control, measurement monitoring and other related managements between working units; through optimizing and reducing the time consumed for turnover, it takes out non-essential mid-connections, smoothens and simplifies current technical process of oil supply, consecutively increases operation efficiency, reduces costs and releases extra assets for development usage at the same time. The optimization of work unit production emphasizes the research on aviation oil station, oil service depots, silo and other storage units. Through work flow and work time analysis, the company could redesign the personnel formation and corporation structure, practically determine the labor structure and carry out reformation management and risk assessment.


Candidate application form Date To apply for positions: Name: Date of birth: photos Sex: Marital Status: Place of residence: ID number: Graduated from colleges and professional time: Whether on-the-job: salary expectations: The experience of the project (each project in order to please one or two brief general statement)---------------------------------- The following evaluation by the staff to fill ---------------------------------- The level of work skills and values Role of communication to express BEI knowledge Personal characteristics of the panel discussion Other incentives point Evaluation Officer signature: the project manager signature: Staff cards Labor contracts: Date of birth names of the sex photos Account the political outlook of origin Marital history of the disease situation of children The social security situation in the case file Contact Current address E-mail Education and professional experience of time the name of the school Name time work experience job description of duties Family background (a principal member of the family) name of the workplace relations telephone address is I solemnly promise: more than fill in the project are real, if not actual projects, according to the labor contract the twenty-second paragraph I and labor contracts, the company does not require compensation.

应聘申请表年月日申请职位:姓名:出生年月:照片性别:婚否:居住地:身份证号码:毕业院校及时间专业:目前是否在职:期望薪资税后):项目经验(每一项目请以一至两句话简要概括)----------------------------------以下由测评人员填写----------------------------------价值观工作技能水平角色定位沟通表达知识 BEI 个人特征小组讨论激励点其他测评官签字:项目经理签字:员工资料卡劳动合同号:姓名性别出生年月照片政治面貌籍贯户口婚否子女情况疾病史社保情况档案情况联系方式现住址电子邮箱教育经历时间学校名称专业工作经历单位名称时间职位职责描述家庭背景名称关系工作单位联系电话现住址本人郑重承诺:以上填写项目均属实,如有不实项目,请按照劳动合同第二十二条与我解除劳动合同,不要求公司赔偿。

As each section of the triangle strip is extruded, it is given an alpha value based upon how much time has elapsed between the time represented by this section of the strip and the current time (the triangle in the middle of the forwards and backwards strip).

在三角条带的每一段都被抽取出来后,它被赋予一个 Alpha 值,该值由这个条带代表的时间和当前时间的时间(处于过去条带和将来条带之间的三角形代表的时间)差来决定。

The experiment shows that:(1) In certain light intensity and electric field ranges (145~305V/cm) the material Si∶ with a resistivity of 1E4Ω·cm exhibits a current oscillation phenomenon at liquid nitrogen temperature;(2) At a certain electric field,the waveform of the current oscillation is stable and does not change with time;(3) The dependence relation between the oscillation frequency and light-intensity can be expressed by f=f0(L/L0)α where L0 is the minimum light-intensity needed to stimulate oscillation,f0 is the frequency under L0,L is the intensity of the light,and α is a coefficient that increase with electric field;(4) The modulating coefficient K K=(Imax-Imin/Imax decreases as the light increases;(5) The maximum value of the oscillation Imax decreases with the increase of the light-intensity while the minimum value of oscillation Imin increases slowly.

结果表明:在一定光照和电场范围内(276~305V/cm ,电阻率为10.4Ω·cm的材料在液氮温度下显示出电流振荡特性;在一定的电场下,电流振荡波形是固定的,不随时间变化;振荡频率随光照强度的增大而线性增大;调制系数随着光强的增强而减弱;振荡的最大值随着光照强度增大而减小,最小值随着光强增大而缓慢增大。

When scanning, from light transmitter beams shines on the bar code on the basis of the photoelectric detector from bar code on the binvalidation of the reflected light intensity to respond to that, when scanning a white spot sweep to the surface or in two in the space between the black line, the reflection of light intensity, high current output a detector; when the scan-to-black lines, reflected light, detector output UN-effectual, on the basis of narrow-striped width or length of time made in response to changes in light and shade with bar code and converted to a little different current signal, after a post to the bezze codec.


Based on the data analysis and numerical simulation, the Arctic sea ice climate variability was researched, the result were as following:(1) The analysis on the seasonal cycle of the Arctic Ocean and atmosphere showed that: The seasonal surface wind is somewhat trade wind like in some regions in the Arctic. The surface air temperature is robustly determined from the underlying environments such as sea ice and Greenland glaciers. In the sea ice region the precipitation rate is larger than that of evaporation. Furthermore, the Arctic Ocean hydrology is profoundly influenced by the surrounding rivers discharge. These are the decisive factors on the ocean salinity pattern. Sea ice flux through the Fram Strait is larger in winter than in summer. From the 40s in the 20th century on, the ice volume flux has an increasing trend. The Arctic rivers flood season is about the melt period, the winter rivers discharge has a significant increasing. Correlation analysis shows that 7 to 10 years is a characteristic time scale that rivers discharge leads Fram Strait ice volume export.(2) Considering 9 major arctic rivers, the Arctic Ocean circulation was simulated through BOM. The result shows that: The BOM can reproduce the main Arctic Ocean circulation pattern. The"Islandization"which is commonly used in OGCMs to treat the North Pole, not only influences the ocean current near the pole, but also influences the current in the Northern Atlantic Ocean, thus the bogus island might influence global climate through thermohaline circulation in the Atlantic Ocean.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
