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the authorities相关的网络例句

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与 the authorities 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Patient Insurance Association may require local authorities, county authorities and other parties concerned, including hospitals, institutions, attending physicians, etc., and the injured person to disclose any information, including hospital files, casebook entries, etc., that the association judges to be of relevance to the consideration of claims under the Act.

第1条 患者保险协会得要求地方机构、县政府及包括医院、私人机构、主治医师等在内的相关当事人以及受害人披露包括医院文档,病历记录等在内的协会认为与依照本法就赔偿请求所作的考虑相关的任何信息。

When allocating costs to related parties, an enterprise shall follow the principle of commensurability between cost and predicted proceeds, and shall submit relevant materials as required by the tax authorities within the time limit set by the tax authorities.


The departments of communications, fishery and other competent authorities with supervisory and administrative power may authorize the units undertaking annual test of motor-vessels whose qualifications have been recognized by the relevant authorities to conduct annual test of pollution by motor-vessels exhaust fume in accordance with the relevant regulations.


The departments of communications, fishery and other competent authorities with supervisory and administrative power may authorize the units undertaking annual test of motor-vessels whose qualifications have been recognized by the relevant authorities to conduct annual test of pollution by motor-vessel's exhaust fume in accordance with the relevant regulations.


In the fourth century it was applied to the ordinances of the councils, and thus contrasted with the Greek word nomoi, the ordinances of the civil authorities; the compound word "Nomocanon" was given to those collections of regulations in which the laws formulated by the two authorities on ecclesiastical matters were to be found side by side.

在第四世纪,它被应用到条例的议会,因此,对比同希腊字nomoi ,该条例的有关民事当局;复合词" nomocanon ",是考虑到这些藏品的法规,其中制定的法律所两个当局对教会的事宜被发现并排。

Authorities at all levels of rent arrears in the collection, the enterprises should fill in the "unemployment insurance premium arrears overdue returns", concrete steps are as follows: first, to its insured institution or the competent tax authorities collect the "unemployment insurance in back delinquent returns,"a type 4 Alliance, one by one, after completing the unit s stamp and unemployment insurance agencies Zhang, and retain an unemployment insurance agencies; second, holding the" unemployment insurance overdue returns "to the its competent authority to declare in back rent, to pay land tax authority in charge of two, payment of a unit of self-retention.

十、 各级地税机关在征缴欠费时,企业应填报《失业保险费补缴欠费申报表》,具体步骤如下:第一、到其参保机构或主管税务机关领取《失业保险费补缴欠费申报表》一式四联,逐项填写后加盖本单位章及失业保险经办机构章,并留存失业保险经办机构一份;第二、持《失业保险费补缴申报表》到其主管地税机关申报补缴,交主管地税机关两份,缴费单位自已留存一份。

Ostensibly, the clauses of the Outline of the Regius Constitution were ordaining the emperor's authorities. Acctually, every clause regarded emperor as one of many authorities, besides him, there were other agents and personnels.


Today many public facilities exist not because they are provided by the public authorities, nor indeed because of any notion of public spiritedness on the part of the private sector,but rather as part of a bargaining process whereby the public authorities extract economic rent from land-use and other developers in the form of the latter providing citizens with a range of facilities that they would not provide if standard commercially criteria were applied.


Article 31 Should a taxpayer or withholding agent fail to pay tax or underpay tax as a result of the responsibilities of the tax authorities, the tax authorities may, within three years, require the taxpayer or withholding agent to pay the tax in arrears, but they shall not impose any fine on the tax in arrears


At the beginning of 80's Andrzej Kostynowicz vel Andre Kostynowitz runs away from Poland, as he was involved in the conflict with polish authorities. He gets a French nationality and starts to work for state authorities as a secret executioner. After a wealthy Polish businessman irrationally deceives a group of French executives during a high-stakes business transaction, the executives waste no time in recruiting Kostynowitz to kill Muran. But when the Polish Secret Police get wind of their plan, they go against orders to protect the endangered man, whose life, as well as their own, could be taken at any moment. At the same time Kostynowitz finds out he is terminally ill and decides to come back to Poland in order to find his old love Anna. He realizes that if he accepts contract and executes Muran in Poland it will be his last mission

在上世纪八十年代出,Kostynowicz逃离出波兰,他被卷入到一场政治风云中,他得到了法国国籍并且开始为法国政府工作,他从事的秘密杀手的工作,一位波兰商人Muran 骗取了这些法国行政官员,之后这些法国行政官员派遣Kostynowitz去暗杀Muran,,但是波兰秘密警察听到风声之后,立即去保护Muran,日夜守护Muran,在此同时,Kostynowitz 发现自己已患重病,他决定回波兰去找他的爱人,这时他意识到如果自己接受暗杀Muran,这将是他的最后的使命

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I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
