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与 the Great Wall 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to actual condition, a model of wall thickness of rotary kiln is established. The constant coefficients in the model, including thermal conductivity, heat transfer coefficient, Fourier coefficient and contact resistance, are closely calculated. A formula of contact resistance is draw from a great deal of data of surface and inner temperature of rotary kiln. The wall thickness of rotary kiln is simulated by MATLAB. The simulation result is transmitted from MATLAB to DELPHI through a group of interface functions compiled by VC++. The basic graphs-circle and line are analyzed by the means of the technique of Visualization in Scientific Computing and the Bresenham arithmetic, and are realized the visualization of the wall thickness. The contents of communication between master computer and slaver computer are designed and the error control technique, the idea of multi-thread and the embedded assembly language are applied to realize the temperature data transmission and graph transmission, which largely improved the speed of transmission and the reliability and stability of system.


So, the research of cracks in infill wall is of great theory and actual meaning.First we discuss the investigation and study of infill wall in frame.


People always eradicate and polish old wall during the reconstructing of old houses, and they often use angle grinding machine to polish old metope manually , labor intensity is very great and the wall is not even after polishing .this paper designs a metope-polishing robot, it can polish old metope automatically ,it substitutes order polishing of machine for out-of-order polishing of manpower ,so it can improve labor circumstance and prevent from polluting environment, and it can improve the efficiency remarkably and alleviate labor intensity of manpower.


The idea that there is a public safety net to catch the Princes when they all fall off the tightrope at once–that they are not actually rugged Randite individualists running great risks–that they are people in the right place at the right time with enough low animal cunning to cover themselves with glue and then step outside at 57th and Park or on Canary Wharf as the money blows by so that a bunch of the money sticks to them–well, this strikes those who speak for the Princes of Wall Street on the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal or in Investors' Business Daily as a betrayal of the moral order.


Now many people begin trying to thumbtack the candle to the wall. Doesn't work. Somebody, some people, and I saw somebody kind of make the motion over here. Some people have a great idea where they light the match, melt the side of the candle, try to adhere it to the wall.


The Trojans led by him and by Iamenus, Orestes, Adamas the son of Asius, Thoon and Oenomaus, raised a loud cry of battle and made straight for the wall, holding their shields of dry ox-hide above their heads; for a while the two defenders remained inside and cheered the Achaeans on to stand firm in the defence of their ships; when, however, they saw that the Trojans were attacking the wall, while the Danaans were crying out for help and being routed, they rushed outside and fought in front of the gates like two wild boars upon the mountains that abide the attack of men and dogs, and charging on either side break down the wood all round them tearing it up by the roots, and one can hear the clattering of their tusks, till some one hits them and makes an end of them- even so did the gleaming bronze rattle about their breasts, as the weapons fell upon them; for they fought with great fury, trusting to their own prowess and to those who were on the wall above them.


RESULTS :① The left anterior descending branchwas most likely to be damaged;②The specificity between the wall-motion abnormality in A,AS,Apex an d single LAD disease was great (P.05);LAD and left circumflex artery infarcts could lead to AL and I regional wall-motion abnormalities respective l y;contractile function hypokinetic of the single I segment was mostly connected with LCX and right coronary artery injuries;patients with whole left ventricul ar contraction function hypokinetic always suffered from the three-vessel disea se .


In designing the earth rock dam with clay core wall, the exit height of side phreatic line at the downstream of core wall is of great importance to the designers.


Menestheus son of Peteos was dismayed when he saw them, for it was against his part of the wall that they came- bringing destruction with them; he looked along the wall for some chieftain to support his comrades and saw the two Ajaxes, men ever eager for the fray, and Teucer, who had just come from his tent, standing near them; but he could not make his voice heard by shouting to them, so great an uproar was there from crashing shields and helmets and the battering of gates with a din which reached the skies.


Finally, it's great to welcome the Champions League back into my life - although my other half isn't such a fan of wall to wall footie!


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The Great Wall Of China
The Great Wall
The Great Wall

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
