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Our products with high technological content and by a number of national patent, product quality strictly implement the relevant national standards, electrical products certified by the national Electrotechnical Commission certification issued by the Great Wall.


After the People's Republic of China coming into existence, 1952 year, Guomoruo associate premier suggested rehab the Great Wall to welcome the visitor that come from domestic and fremdness.

在形成的中华人民共和国之后, 1952 年, Guomoruo 伙伴总理建议修复的房子长城欢迎来自佣人和 fremdness 的访客。

AREN BARLOW: German public television and rights holder for the Olympic Games, ZDF, was broadcasting on the Great Wall last week and Johannes Hano had just started talking to an American expert on the man-made marvel when the police moved in.

aren Barlow :具有奥运报道权的德国公共电视频道 ZDF上周在长城进行了报道,当 Johannes Hano 刚刚开始对一名美国专家就这个人工奇迹进行采访时,警察跑过来了。

The Great Wall of China is aChinese fortification built from the 5th century BC until the beginning of the 17th century,in order to protect the various dynasties from raids by Hunnic,Mongol,Turkic,and other nomadic tribes coming from areas in modern-day Mongolia and Manchuria.


From Karlsson's formula and the polar effect, we realize that the half periodic parameter of redshift is 0.206, in theory, we finally explain why the great wall is at redshift Z=0.079 in redshift space; We have defined quasar as the early star nearby the position poles and opposite poles, and given the answer for two difficult problems of theirs; Based on the course of explanation for redshift space, we have reason to think that our universe might be the linear expansion hyperspherical universe.

从Karlsson公式及极点效应,我们认识到红移的半周期参数为0.206,最终从理论上解释了为什么红移长城在红移空间的位置为 Z=0.079;我们定义类星体为在位置极点和异极点附近的早期恒星,进而给出与其相关的两个难题的答案;基于对红移空间的解释过程,我们有理由认为我们的宇宙是线性膨胀超球面宇宙。

The Great Wall is the spiritual symbol of China; the Ding vessel incarnates the grand and imperatorial cultural character and the spirit of "harmony" in tradition; porcelain Jun is the original creation of the Chinese people which thought to be the highest representation of the ceramics art.


With the Athens Olympic Games torch extinguished, pentacyclic flag from the Aegean Sea to the Great Wall at the foot of the world focus their attention turn from Athens shifted Beijing, and on this Eastern civilization of life.


The outstanding examples are the Great Wall, Qufu Confucian Temple, and some religionary buildings, which are still the cultural and emotional embodiments of country, education and religion, and worshiped by people in mentality or action.


I plant has a professional staff of the Dian Retan research and development, and improvement of the quality management system, the industry is the first batch through the Great Wall, one certified electrician.


Badaling is the best place to see the Great Wall snaking across the mountain ridges.


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The Great Wall Of China
The Great Wall
The Great Wall

The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
