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与 that is 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That tells us a truth that the hierarchy is a kind of objective existence, whether in eastern or western society. If a society forms its management system, the inequality is absolute and the equality is relative. That is, hierarchy is absolute and democracy and equality only is relative.


The proportion of freedom to necessity is decreased or increased, according to the point of view from which the act is regarded; but there always remains an inverse ratio between them. A drowning man clutching at another and drowning him, or a hungry mother starved by suckling her baby and stealing food, or a man trained to discipline who at the word of command kills a defenceless man, all seem less guilty—that is, less free and more subject to the law of necessity to one who knows the circumstances in which they are placed, and more free to one who did not know that the man was himself drowning, that the mother was starving, that the soldier was on duty, and so on.


Click graphic for enlargement About four items down from the top of the Fast Color Corrector, you'll see a little white square with an eye dropper next to it with a label to the left called White Balance. All you need to do to correct the shot that's not pro perly white balanced is to sample something in the shot that is, or is supposed to be, white. What you're doing is telling the software that this is white, correct everything else based on this.

,从上到下基本上由四个方面组成Fast Color Corrector调色器,你会看到一个白色的方块,边上还有一个吸管工具,在左边有一个标签,上面写着White Balance,所有你需要做的就是纠正视频里不恰当的白平衡,只要用吸管工具选择视频画面中的某一点,这一点在你认为原来应该是白色的(或是灰色的,即不偏色区域),这个举动就告诉调色工具你选择的这个区域应该是白色的,对于其他一切的校色都是基于这一步开始的。

Grass of willow leaf horsewhip because plant is lofty, plant the question on potted management is very much, lofty cauline wind is blown or collide to fold caustic easily artificially for example, after blossomming, carry wait not easily, before not quite the farmer is willing to be planted commodity is trafficced, in recent years the farm be current because of sightseeing condition, this kind grows the grass of willow leaf horsewhip that exuberant amount jumps over the United States more more just is able to come forward, additional also outside constant somebody thinks grass of Liu Xie horsewhip by accident is edible flavor plant, that is the concern that because of grass of as citric as flavor plant horsewhip the name approachs very much, should reminding Liu Xie horsewhip is careless here is not flavor plant without edible value, be to view and admire crop purely!


If Baidu is right of your website friendly degree not tall, how to accelerate the odds that is collected, through research, it is OK that I discover a website page to collect a few nets to pick greatly shorten the time that your website is collected, spent 9 hours re-edit today then cast the net pick code, each coping that had put this station page now!


One Show" that is, floral art exhibition, the "oriental charm, graceful bearing age" as the theme to display the traditional Chinese art of flower arrangement, and life in modern society the use of floral art, such as the affairs of state with flowers, flower arrangements at home, festive floral arrangements , wedding flower arrangements and so on;"one speech" that is, flower arranging performances at home and abroad will be able to enjoy the art of flower arranging live performances;"a race" that is, the Chinese flower arrangement floral Open and encourage the public to register for;"a scene that is, The first flower arrangement Flower Forum, aimed at summing up the theory of our flower arrangements and new techniques to explore the future of Chinese flower arrangement floral development.


The difference between them lies in that"Shen Du"in"Zhong Yong"is"effort of limiting nature",that is to say,it is an self-effort without supervising outside,without others' hearing and seeing,which is obviously an effort after ideas starting up,so is in the need ofthe domination of Mind;Starting from the root of meaning,"Da Xue"means an effert before ideas starting up,therefore,its"Shen Du"isevolved down"Cheng Yi",which integrates the connotations ofOriginal Substance and Effort,that is,"Du"is original substance,and"Shen Du"is effort.


It is also believed that it could be related to a sleep pattern that is so deep that they are unaware that their brain is trying to tell them that they must wake themselves up, go to the bathroom and empty their bladder.


In addition, the blank holding force that is required to avoid wrinkle and rupture during conical part deep drawing is researched. The necessity of reasonable blank holding force in pressing is expounded. From the view of mechanical analysis, the wrinkle critical condition of side-wall is derived for the first time by the stress state of side-wall, the main deformation region on blank. According to the critical condition of plastic instability for flange, side--wall, corner of punch on blank, The blank holding force in conical part deep drawing is divided into four different regions within its forming figure. The basic principle of reasonable blank holding force during stamping is summarized and provided. The mathematical model of reasonable blank holding force that avoids the wrinkle and rupture is established and verified by the finite element numerical simulation and the grid experiment method. The result shows that it is accurate and reliable.


We beliee that, based on our analysis, the inclusion of a polymyxin in the initial, empirical antimicrobial regimen of an ICU patient with feer that is thought to be due to infection is justified in a hospital where P4 is approximately 0.5; that is, the probability that A.


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Grace That Is Greater
This And That Is Life
Above All That Is Random
Above All That Is Random 2
Above All That Is Random 3
Above All That Is Random 4
Above All That Is Random 5
Above All That Is Random 6
All That Is Real Is You
That, That Is

Fancy gold-plated dangling earrings with facetted White Opal crystals.


This essay chooses the study aim from biology teachers in middle school in Shi Jiazhuang which tells us that most of the middle school biology teachers in Shi Jiazhuang have the"burnout", lower successfulness, individualize.


In measurements of a day,generallyspeaking,the photosynthesis of birch in mesophytic habitat is better than that in xerophytichabitat(peak values are 12.8,10.33μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively);that of sexual birch inmesophytic habitat is better than that of clone birch(peak values are 9.87,6.71μmolCO2m-2s-1respectively);that of young tree is better than that of seedling(peak values are12.37,10.05μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively).
