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与 than before 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I had also arriv'd to some little Diversions and Amusements, which made the Time pass more pleasantly with me a great deal, than it did before; as First, I had taught my Poll, as I noted before, to speak; and he did it so familiarly, and talk'd so articulately and plain, that it was very pleasant to me; and he liv'd with me no less than six and twenty Years: How long he might live afterwards, I know not; though I know they have a Notion in the Brasils, that they live a hundred Years; perhaps poor Poll may be alive there still, calling after Poor Robin Crusoe to this Day.


Because the weather of this year is anomaly and it get warm a month earlier than ever before(according to some experts say,not me ), depending on growth conditions, the growth of grapes are showing some particularity, for an example, this year the bourgeon of grape come out much earlier than ever before, so my family are discussing about the plans and arrangement to grow grapes .


Changes of erosion and accumulation of the seabed before and after the project The general characteristics of the pattern of erosion and accumulation of the seabed near the scheduled project both before and after the scheduled project are as the following: accumulation occurs at the areas lower than–10 isobath; some suspended sediment is deposited near the coast due to the relatively small tidal current with a monthly accumulation rate of 2-6 mm; while a slight erosion occurs in the areas deeper than–10 isobath with a monthly accumulation rate of .2 mm.


It thrills with its light-footed agility. It impresses with its graceful presence. It performs better than ever before, and it work longer than ever before. Inside, the typical cup bottom has been swept aside, and in its place is an elegance and ergonomic harmony that will forever change the way we drink. Welcome the tea set for the new millennium. Please come in.


Blocked by the scheduled project, the tidal current near the coast will move around the project. 4. Changes of SSC before and after the project The general characteristics of the SSC both before and after the scheduled project are as the following: the SSC is lower in the waters of the project ranging from 11 mg/L to 19 mg/L; the SSC isolines are generally parallel to the isobaths, decreasing towards the coast; the SSC in flood tide is higher than that in ebb tide, so are high tide and spring tide than low tide and neap tide, respectively.


Of the group entered the emergency room in 6 hours after injured;(2) In the group, there 21 persons (16.7%) whose AUDIT score were more than 7 and risks were more pronounced for male. 6.3% scored 16 or more. Teetotaller is 36.5% in the group and female is more;(3)In the 126 cases, 15 (11.9%) used alcohol in 6 hours before trauma and 40% of those were binge drinking. Those AUDIT score 7 or more and 16 or more in alcohol-used group were obviously more than those in non-alcohol-used group;(4) In the group, 9 (7.1%) were HED drinkers and 44.4% of those were binge drinking before trauma.

入组病人中92.9%的人能在受伤后6小时内就诊;(2) AUDIT量表总分在7分及以上的21人(16.7%),男性是高危因素,AUDIT量表分≥16分的有8人(6.3%);AUDIT量表分=0的占总数的36.5%,在女性中所占比例较大;(3)入组的病人中有15人(11.9%)在受伤前6小时内有饮酒行为,其中有6人(40%)有狂饮行为,AUDIT量表分≥7分的和≥16分的在有饮酒行为组的比例明显高于无饮酒行为组。

Result After addition of wood vinegar, the fermentation temperature of sawdust was obviously increased, and the highest temperature reached 67.0℃,being 3.5℃ higher than that of CK, and the days when fermentation temperature was above 55℃ reached 57 d, being 40 d more than that of CK. After addition of wood vinegars, the bulk density, water-holding voidage and total voidage of sawdust before and after maturity were all higher than that of CK, pH value and EC value were all lower than that of CK, and the proportion of sawdust whose particle size was smaller than 0.5 mm was higher than that of CK, and that of sawdust whose particle size was 0.5-1.0 mm and bigger than 1.0 mm were lower than that of CK.

结果]添加木醋后,木屑的发酵温度明显提高,最高温度为67.0℃,比对照高3.5℃,发酵温度大于55℃的天数达到57 d,比对照多40 d;添加木醋后,木屑的容重、持水空隙度和总空隙度腐熟前后均高于对照,pH值和EC值均低于对照,粒径<0.5 mm的木屑所占比重高于对照,粒径为0.5~1.0 mm和>1.0 mm的木屑所占比重均低于对照。

When the aphids were feeding on Ww2730 seedlings, the time to 1st probing was delayed compared to those on Xiaoyan22 and Batis, searching was interrupted before 1st probing, and 1st probing was shorter than that on Xiaoyan22 and Batis significantly. Duration of pd Ⅱ-1 on Ww2730 and Xiaoyan22 was much longer than that on Batis. Duration of pd in C waveforms on Ww2730 was longer than that on Xiaoyan22 and Batis remarkedly. Times and duration of G waveform on Ww2730 were more and longer. Times of spot G waveform on Batis were more than on Ww2730 significantly, but the duration was shorter than those on Xiaoyan22 and Ww2730. Total time of E1 waveform, max longest duration of E1 fractions and mean duration time of E1 fractions following E2 wavefrom on Xiaoyan22 and Batis were all longer than on Ww2730 statistically. There were no differenences among mean durations of 1st E1 wavefrom on three varieties, but mean durations of other E1 waveforms on Ww2730 and Xiaoyan22 were shorter than those on Batis. The other waveform parameters, include times and durations of F and E2 were all not different on three wheat varieties.It is suggested that the resistance mechanism of wheat variety Ww2730 to S.


Results showed:(1) The airway responsiveness of smoke control group was higher than that of normal control group, the airway responsiveness of smoke + exercise group was lower than that of smoke control group;(2) Plasma level of cortisol determined immediately after exercise was higher than that determined before exercise, no significant difference occurs between that determined next day morning after all exercise finished in contrast to that determined before exercise;(3) HE staining showed, there was severe chronic pulmonary inflammatory response in smoke control group, which was reduced in the smoke + exercise group;(4) chronic cigarette smoke downregulated the protein and mRNA expression of BKca in smooth muscles of bronchi and bronchioli, exercise increased the mRNA expression of BKca;(5) chronic cigarette smoke downregulated the protein and mRNA expression of Kv1. 5 in smooth muscles of bronchi and bronchioli, exercise increased both the protein and mRNA expression of Kv1. 5 in contrast to smoke control group in bronchioli and did not effect the expression of Kv1. 5 in bronchi;(6) chronic cigarette smoke induced upregulation of FIZZ1/RELMα in bronchial smooth muscle cells, exercise decreased these effect.

结果:(1)吸烟对照组的气道反应性明显增高,吸烟加运动应激可明显降低大鼠的气道反应性;(2)吸烟运动组运动后血浆皮质醇浓度明显高于运动前,但全部运动结束后次日晨测定的血浆皮质醇浓度与运动前无明显差异;(3)HE染色显示,吸烟对照组肺组织出现明显的慢性炎症反应,吸烟加运动应激组比吸烟对照组炎症反应轻;(4)慢性吸烟可降低大鼠大气道和小气道BKca mRNA和蛋白表达,而吸烟加运动应激可使BKca mRNA表达上调,但对小气道的蛋白表达无影响;(5)慢性吸烟可降低大鼠大气道和小气道Kv1.5蛋白和mRNA表达,在小气道吸烟加运动应激可减轻这种作用,大气道则无作用;(6)吸烟使支气管平滑肌的FIZZ1/RELMα蛋白表达明显增强,而吸烟加运动组的RELMα蛋白及mRNA均明显减弱。

The instrument appointing a proxy and the power of attorney or other authority , if any , under which it is signed or a notarially certified copy of that power or authority shall be deposited at the registered office of the company , or at such other place in Singapore as is specified for that purpose in the notice convening the meeting, not less than 48 hours before the time for holding the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the person named in the instrument proposes to vote , or , in the case of a poll , not less than 24 hours before the time appointed for the taking of the poll , and in default the instrument of proxy shall not be treated as valid .

六十、委托代理文书和授权委托书或其他授权文书,如果有,一经签字或业经公证的授权文书副本应当在代理投票人参加的大会或延期会议召开 48 小时之前,或,如果是投票表决,在规定的投票时间 24 小时之前呈送到公司的注册登记处,或呈送到会议通知书中专门规定的新加坡的其他某个地方,如不送达,委托代理文书应视为无效。

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Speaking Louder Than Before
Stronger Than Before
Stronger Than Before
Stronger Than Before
Stronger Than Before

You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。