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After Max comes across Carol's scale-model town, he decides they should build a real one, but the project stalls as Alexander and Douglas mope, Judith (Catherine O'Hara) browbeats Ira, and Carol pines for KW, who prefers the company of owls Bob and Terry.


Terry is said to be furious after finding out that Mourinho had been asking in Chelsea's treatment room whether there was a medical reason for his perceived loss of form over recent weeks. The stand-off continues until a team-mate cajoles his friend out on to the pitch.


Terry loves captaining his club and his country, and he chose David Beckham's new domain of Los Angeles to pay tribute to the former Manchester United and Real Madrid star's influence.


England, with Terry captaining and Lampard labouring in midfield, dominate Israel but cannot score.


Despite captaining his country in Capello's first match againstSwitzerland last month, it has been reported that the Italian willinstead turn to either Chelsea's John Terry or Aston Villa's GarethBarry when he names his permanent captain.


He was noticeably castigated by Terry several times during games and when Carvalho also has something to say you know he isn 't the answer .


Here they may make more progress. In December MPs debated the consequences for the country's health of cheap alcohol; much time was spent castigating supermarkets for selling booze below cost, and one MP dubbed Sir Terry Leahy, the boss of Tesco, the "godfather of British binge drinking".

这些反对者也许又将采取进一步的行动了。12月,议会下院的议员们就廉价酒精饮料对公民健康造成的影响进行辩论;这次辩论中,大部分时间都花在了谴责超市以低于市场价的价格出售酒水上,一名下院议员还送给特斯科公司的老板, Terry Leahy 爵士,一个称号——英国纵酒寻欢教父。

But when Terry's long three-pointer clanged off the front iron, the Mavericks had too little time left to overcome.


Terry was concussed and is believed to have swallowed his tongue as players from both sides frantically called for medical assistance.


The Times , Matt Dickinson : John Terry was concussed, the rest of us were just stunned by a Carling Cup final yesterday that, if it is the last showpiece match at the Millennium Stadium, will not be quickly forgotten.

泰晤士报, Matt Dickinson :昨天的一场联赛杯决赛,约翰特里被撞晕在场,剩下的我们则都被吓呆掉,如果这是加迪夫千年球场最后一场重大比赛,真可谓难以磨灭了。

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Pass In Time
Dialogue Part I
Money, Power And Fame
Punky's Whips
Bob's Your Uncle
Ant Rap
4 AM
Me & You & Terry & Julie

Customers of Intertek include some of the wld''s leading brs, maj global local companies.


The annual Ice Sculpture Festival in this town attracted all manner of people from all over the country.


This kind of description is in lack ofstrick classification and definition and is not indepth enough in delimitati-on.
