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MEDWYN and TERRY OLDFIELD have joined forces for the first time ever to perform together.

这张2007年的最新专辑是Medwyn Goodall和Terry Oldfield的第一次合作。

John Terry had treatment from the England osteopath yesterday, Sunday, who was brought down to the Chelsea training ground to help the captain recover from his back stiffness.


I've never met such an ardent pacifist as Terry.


It's a collection of shots from the World Snooker trickshot championship (1992-2006) and the entertainment value is in the personalities – Cliff Thorburn, Dennis Taylor, Terry Griffiths, John Parrott, John Virgo, you, et al – as much as the shots.


Freddie Ljungberg made a positive run into England's penalty area and his shot was blocked by John Terry, who turned it behind.


Cast ::, Nigel Terry as Aristocrat Arthur, Helen Mirren as Morgana, Nicholas Clay as Lancelot, Cherie Lunghi as Guenevere, Paul Geoffrey as Perceval, Nicol Williamson as Merlin, Robert Addie as Mordred, Gabriel Byrne ..


The John Terry affair was quite different, and was shaped by a public storm of phoney moral outrage.


Terry has a drink problem that's going to lose him his job before long, but he just laughs is off."Time to worry when I start seeing pink elephants," he says.


ENGLAND captain John Terry and his fiancee Toni Poole will be married this summer, we can reveal today.


According to Terry Cottingham, principal at Stowe, an overwhelming majority of the students, parents and staff at this prekindergarten through fifth-grade elementary school are enthusiastic disciples of the waste-free lunch movement.


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Pass In Time
Dialogue Part I
Money, Power And Fame
Punky's Whips
Bob's Your Uncle
Ant Rap
4 AM
Me & You & Terry & Julie

Customers of Intertek include some of the wld''s leading brs, maj global local companies.


The annual Ice Sculpture Festival in this town attracted all manner of people from all over the country.


This kind of description is in lack ofstrick classification and definition and is not indepth enough in delimitati-on.
