英语人>网络例句>terrain-cure 相关的网络例句

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与 terrain-cure 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A digital contour map is used for terrain representation of Computer Generated Forces in Distributed Interactive Simulation.


To read the contour map, people must understand the relationship between the terrain and the contour map, including the change of gradient and depth of space.


This type of terrain is not for beginners as it requires excellent control of the board.


In this paper, the principle and method of 3D visualization by geodesic coordinate system of ellipsoidal surface are proposed.A three-dimensional model for geographic information system visualization by ellipsoid-based digital terrain model is suggested for the first time.

虽然三维GIS在理论研究方面已经有了很大进展,但实现一个成熟完整的三维GIS系统还是相当困难的,目前在实际应用中与三维GIS相关的大多集中在三维可视化方面,如城市三维景观模型[1~ 3] 、矿区模型[4 ] 等。

This digital terrain model based on the ellipsoidal surface is essentially different from DTM based on projected plane because the Delaunay triangulation net is built based on geodesic coordinate system on regional ellipsoidal surface .


The terrain correction on heat flow value has been conducted where topography is rugged.


This terrain is very craggy, and all of that had to be sculpted.


Lifting the foot onto vague terrain and using the points differently allow one to pull with crampon rather than simply push .


It gives you the best set up of air suspension, all terrain control, creature comfort of ego metical chairs and setting position accompanied with swag of traction control, dynamic stability control, air bags etc.

我祝他们成功,因为他们的心思及投资了的金钱在路径上,我们经过了一个十分徒肖的小路段,而经理先生先要停车调整车身的高度,以至可以让 Discovery 3取得最佳的爬山路进入角度;否则任何车都不能完成这个挑战。

If it's a snow climb, there will be minor crevasse problems to deal with, or limited sections of very steep terrain.


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The Porsche Owner: But it's my car!


LOX_83}{Oh, another bunch of wackos.


It is difficult to fit a suit on him because he is so irregularly built.
