查询词典 terracing
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56 Roman gardens, inspiring the whole of Europe and America, excel especially in terracing and exuberant vegetation provided generously by topography and climate.
Whilst we'd love to have licenses to use real stadiums for every club around the world, we don't, so while the stadiums won't look like the real thing, they will at least be able to fit the right amount of fans in, have the right kind of stands, terracing or seating, roofs or not, that kind of thing.
First and then the terracing.
A vast bank of terracing behind the southern goal it was to become the mecca for Chelsea' most die hard supporters and would forever be associated with Stamford Bridge.
And he waves a finger at one section of terracing where, in days gone by, a hardcore of troublemakers would bait whatever Manchester United players were representing their country.
Environment condition complications of the mountainous country terracing, How raise the quality that the tobacco leaves plant, is nasty treat to resolve currently of problem.
Tielugou small watershed, which is the implementary small watershed of the "948" project of Ministry of Water Resources, gives prominence to the project of terracing on slope which places stress on basic farmland building and the developmental comprehensive control which is characteristic of ecological landscape of soil and water conservation in the comprehensive control of which.
In order to provide a simple and convenient method of earthwork volume calculation in the work of terracing the land on hillside,a formula for earthwork volume calculation was developed using the methods of literature consultation and geometrical mathematic calculation.
Tobacco leaf; terracing; Meaning; the cultivation condition; keep on a development
Hotel offers very well-appointed guestrooms in villa style with thatch roof and private terracing area in the vertical strip of beautiful garden and/ with exotic flowers.
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Customers of Intertek include some of the wld''s leading brs, maj global local companies.
The annual Ice Sculpture Festival in this town attracted all manner of people from all over the country.
This kind of description is in lack ofstrick classification and definition and is not indepth enough in delimitati-on.