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It comprises of trans-Himalayan agro-pastoral system of the Dokpas in the alpine plateaus, traditional agroforestry such as alder-cardamom and farm-based systems in the temperate zones, and terraced/valley rice systems in the lower warm temperate to sub-tropical agroclimatic zones.
The Wild Cat landslide, long at rest beneath the terraced maize fields, orange-tree groves and earth-brick houses perched on the steep slope, was stirring.
Bhutan is located in the extraordinary Himalayan region. To the south lies India, with Tibet to the north. The topography is dramatically varied, featuring pine-clad valleys, terraced hills and towering, snow-tipped ranges with impenetrable heights. Monasteries cling to cliffsides and rivers snake through valleys. Orchards line their banks. Villages and towns are unspoilt, and the economy almost exclusively rural.
Historical sites: the southern slope of Kawamura Red-billed Hill, since the beginning of the spring of 1964, the provincial model workers Guo Shan, 23 after the Spring and Autumn Period, the practice of repeatedly and continuously explore, to create a land-for-drought level terrace renovation sik Tree technology, in order to move fortitude striking more than 42,000 cubic meters of earth, iron mill bald Catalpa low post and the first 17, 753 to renovate into a high-standard terraced fields, planting 125 acres, planted fruit, pears, peaches, apricots and other economic and elm trees, Chun, Huai Yang, pine and cypress trees, and other ecological 10,000 a total of more than 3.84, in the past so that the bald ridge of barren hills into a tree, pear fragrance of the landscape, Guo Shan as the "Red-billed the new hill-yu Public,"Red-billed Hill will be listed as one of the eight new Ning.
This stairway is created by fracturing the existing 5 meter stone embankments into a series of broad terraced steps of one meter height.
The house is sited on a terraced, south-facing slope in a dense housing neighborhood, overlooking orange groves and a spectacular view of Kumamoto Castle and surrounding hills.
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Customers of Intertek include some of the wld''s leading brs, maj global local companies.
The annual Ice Sculpture Festival in this town attracted all manner of people from all over the country.
This kind of description is in lack ofstrick classification and definition and is not indepth enough in delimitati-on.