查询词典 terraced
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Six different residential areas with detached houses, semi-detached houses, houses for several families and terraced houses as well as the conception of public parks and traffic areas were planned.
So, in addition to Thames Town in Songjiang, which is 30km to the south-west of the city centre, there is a Scandinavian development at Luodian, 28km north of downtown, where the main square is surrounded by narrow streets of terraced houses with clean lines and tall windows, all painted in subdued pastel and grey colours.
To the elderly people in the early senior age, the scales of the staircases in terraced houses nowadays are still acceptable. In terms of the aged in the late senior age, however, they harbor a sense of insecure and worry about having an accident when they are using the stairs for anxiety and the retrogression of their physical functions.
We used to live in a terraced house
This paper deals with textures of terraced fields and features of frequency images.
In a large pit there are many steps just like terraced field, what are these steps for?
Then he took us for a long walk through the terraced hills.
My father told me in his letter that our brigade was building terraced fields.
The green family live in a small ,terraced house .
Green 一家人住在一个小的,梯形的房子。
As we drive deeper into the terraced mountains the following day, it is easy to identify the region's main social problems.
- 推荐网络例句
Customers of Intertek include some of the wld''s leading brs, maj global local companies.
The annual Ice Sculpture Festival in this town attracted all manner of people from all over the country.
This kind of description is in lack ofstrick classification and definition and is not indepth enough in delimitati-on.