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- 与 terra 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Herbert Ponting, Looking like fraternity brothers in a dormitory, members of Scott's Terra Nova Expedition savor various creature comforts in their snug pre-fabricated winter quarters at Antarctica's Ross Island, as they await spring and their final assault on the South Pole.
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Land & Freedom (Terra E Liberta)
- Terra Tombada
- Canto Della Terra
- Consagração / Louvor Ao Rei
- Canto Della Terra
- A Colheita
- Luce (Tramonti A Nord Est)
- Luce (Tramonti A Nord Est)
- Canto Della Terra
- Perché Sei Bella
- 推荐网络例句
Customers of Intertek include some of the wld''s leading brs, maj global local companies.
The annual Ice Sculpture Festival in this town attracted all manner of people from all over the country.
This kind of description is in lack ofstrick classification and definition and is not indepth enough in delimitati-on.