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The low yield in seed production is an important limiting factor for the development of japonica hybrid rice, and the stigma exsertion rate of male sterile lines has a key effect on seed yield of japonica hybrid rice.
The radical scavenging activity of Laminaria japonica pigments was studied by the DPPH2,2-Diphenyl~(-1-picrylhydrazylassay. The total pigments showed a strong DPPH radical scavenging activity of 65.819% with the concentration of 0.52mg.ml~(-1). The DPPH radical scavenging activity of fucoxanthin was 19.85% with the concentration of 0.27mg.ml~(-1). The antimicrobial activity of pigment in Laminaria japonica was studied by the method of round paper. The results showed that the pigment extracts have activity against Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Saricina flava and Saccharomyes cerevisia. The antibacterial activity of total pigments for Saccharomyes cerevisia was the strongest with an inhibition diameter of 18.9 mm; and the antibacterial activity of fucoxanthin for Saricina flava was also much significant with an inhibition diameter of 10.2 mm.
Sophora japonica is the flowers and buds of Sophora japonica L. mostly used in resisting inflammation, hemostasia, antivirus, and so on.
Based on the analysis, the pathogenic rate of the rice Zhe 173 to hybrid medium indicia rice, medium japonica rice and hybrid medium japonica was higher than others.
Poon Kam-yiu, also devoted a few winter Yangwei prescription, such as pepper pot Zhudu, Amomum villosum carp soup, sorghum japonica rice cooked ginger, jujube Longan burning lean meat, Bergamot japonica rice porridge.
Because divergence timing of the West Clade from the East Clade of S. japonica complex was estimated to be Aquitanian of Miocene (23 Ma), during which the mountains and plateau of Southwest China were formatted, the divergence of the West Clade from the East Clade of s. japonica complex was presumably correlated closely with the uplifting of mountains and plateau of Southwest China. The multiple variations of the West Clade of S.
Brevicaulis was lower than that of A japonica, A. mamillata and A. crispa, when they were inoculated in the same rooting medium. The effect of NAA on shoot rooting of Ardisia was limited. The influence of NAA (0.5 mg/L) on sterile shoot rooting of A japonica, A. crispa and A. brevicaulis was poor when in comparison with IAA (0.5 mg/L) and IBA (0.3 mg/L or 0.5 mg/L), but it had no significant difference between NAA and other auxins on shoot rooting of A.
相同的根诱导培养基中,血党生根情况比虎舌红、紫金牛和百两金差;而生长素当中NAA对于诱导紫金牛属植物生根的效果不是很好,0.5 mg/L的NAA对诱导紫金牛、百两金和血党无菌苗生根的效应不如0.5 mg/L的IAA,0.3 mg/L和0.5 mg/L的IBA,对诱导虎舌红生根的效应则差别不大。
The near isogenic lines containing the S5n allele from different original WCVs . and genetic background from japonica variety Balilla were crossed with 20 indica-japonica varieties representing different ecotypes, the results indicated that genetic effect of S5n from different wide compatibility varieties was not completely same, and that the compatibility power and compatibility spectrum of near isogenic lines carrying S5n from different donors were different.
The GR38,a japonica-prone rice with wide spectrum and strong restoring,was developed from the cross of Guangzhongai,a wide compatibility China indica rice,and Balilla,a Italian japonica rice without restoring ability.
The order ofpromotion is Angiopteris fokiensis>Maesa japonica>ficus simplicissima>Woodwardia japonica>Boehmeria nivea>Castanopsis fargesii>Castanopsis fissa>Dicranopteris dicotoma.
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The annual Ice Sculpture Festival in this town attracted all manner of people from all over the country.
This kind of description is in lack ofstrick classification and definition and is not indepth enough in delimitati-on.