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terra incognita australis相关的网络例句

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与 terra incognita australis 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

High above the Indian Ocean, astronauts captured these four images of the Aurora Australis and surrounding airglow in the Earth's atmosphere as the ISS orbits quickly past.


The many photochemical reactions of mercury are a result of the metastable state of mercury atoms, and radiation from metastable oxygen atoms accounts for the characteristic green colour of the aurora borealis and aurora australis


These dazzling patterns in nature, called aurora australis in the Southern Hemisphere, are created when charged particles outside the Earth's atmosphere collide with atoms in the upper atmosphere, producing a glowing display of curtains, arcs, and bands stretching across the sky.


The AAD is also responsible for the supply ship Aurora Australis, which carries people and supplies between Hobart and the remote stations.

南极司也同时负责 Aurora Australis 补给船,在 Hobart 与远端工作站之间运送人员和补给品。

The farm raises barramundi, a new fish farmed as a replacement for grouper, according to the Web site for Australis Aquaculture, an Australia-based company.


White close-grained wood of a tree of the genus Agathis especially Agathis australis .


This composite of both X-ray and Infrared images shows the Coronet Australis region, one of the nearest and most active regions of ongoing star formation.


Australia has few deciduous native trees (the Toona australis or so called Red Cedar is one).


Off South Africa, a southern right whale Eubalaena australis takes a peek above water before heading back down to the depths.


Australis salt marsh. S. alterniflora salt marsh had a high value of ecosystem services.


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The annual Ice Sculpture Festival in this town attracted all manner of people from all over the country.


This kind of description is in lack ofstrick classification and definition and is not indepth enough in delimitati-on.
