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At the first session of bookish assembly hosted by Secretary General Huang Chin-ying on July 7, Miss Tsai Han-chieh reported on The Unchained Memories , authored by Lenore Terr. This book had analyzed on how childhood memories of traumatic incidents were stored in the brain and on what conditions they could be taken out.
7月7日的读书会在黄晋英秘书长主持下,第一场由蔡函洁小姐报告《推开记忆囚门》,作者为精神病学临床教授Lenore Terr,本书分析童年创伤事件所造成的记忆会如何被储存於脑中,又在哪些特定条件下会被提取出来。
Parties may, without prejudice to navigational rights establishedunder international law, res trict, suspend or prohibit the operation ofINMARSAT Ship Earth Stations in ports and areas of terr itorial seaspecified by them.
It is known from this paper that the evolutions of Palaeo Protrozoic and Archaean lithospheres in Fennoscandian shield are very different.The trans European suture zone results from the reworking of Precambrian crust and also from the Caledonian and Variscan terr...
Padmé was one of these secretive idealists, along with Senators Fang Zar, Giddean Danu, Chi Eekway, Terr Taneel and Bana Breemu.
22 Terr: Finished BranchWorldNode implementation.
Indian Ocean Terr.
The original cabal that tentatively explored what few options remained included Senators Chi Eekway, Terr Taneel, Padmé Amidala, Fang Zar and Giddean Danu, but it was her and Organa who remained at the core of this nascent Rebellion.
原始且选择不多的试验性秘密计划包括了参议员Chi Eekway、Terr Taneel、佩米艾米达拉、Fang Zar和Giddean Danu,不过仍只有她和欧嘉纳是这初生反抗军的核心。
In clandestine gatherings, Senators like Giddean Danu, Padme Amidala, Terr Taneel, Chi Eekway, Bana Breemu and Fang Zar voiced their concerns.
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Customers of Intertek include some of the wld''s leading brs, maj global local companies.
The annual Ice Sculpture Festival in this town attracted all manner of people from all over the country.
This kind of description is in lack ofstrick classification and definition and is not indepth enough in delimitati-on.