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If you recall, Larrabee was demonstrated in SC09 Supercomputing conference last month and with its result of one teraflop, it is not on par with what can be achieved by ATI Radeon solution that is claimed to have already reached up to five teraflop at similar price range.
如果你还记得,Larrabee的是表明了SC09超级计算会议上月,凭借1万亿次浮点运算的结果,它是基于什么标准杆不可以实现的ATI Radeon解决方案是声称已经达成了类似的价格范围在5万亿次浮点运算。
Approximately 200 such chips aresufficient in order to repeat the performance record of the most powerful super-computer (in 1996 it was made by 4,5 thousand Pentium pro processorsto reach theperformance of1 teraflop).
Graphic processor video card geForce 8800 GTX can reach peak performance in 520 gigaflop (GFLOPS, billion of operations with floating point in second) thus SLI- system can cross mark in teraflop.
图形处理器,视频卡的GeForce 8800 GTX的可以达到峰值性能在520千兆( GFLOPS ,亿美元的业务,浮点第二),从而SLI的系统可以跨大关万亿次浮点运算。
Graphic processor video card geForce 8800 GTX can reach peak performance in 520 gigaflop (GFLOPS, billion of operations with floating point in second) thus SLI- system can cross mark in teraflop.
By October 2009 that figure will be upgraded to 250 teraflop per second.
For instance, Intel has already announced an 80 core processor capable of TeraFlop performance.
First academic machine to break the 10 teraflop barrier.
Teraflop . It is assumed that two RV670 on one card r680 will possess one teraflopspeed .
Unfortunately, nothing was communicatedabout the operating speed of this system in games, but here in the specialized calculations this system must subjugate mark in one teraflop.
Last week Intelrepresentatives described to public that Larrabee will be the first processor, capable of ensuring speed more than one teraflop.
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This kind of description is in lack ofstrick classification and definition and is not indepth enough in delimitati-on.