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与 telecommunication 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Only network blocks the intelligent crewel of double IP: Only network blocks crewel of double IP intelligence is one kind binds the new technology that decides 2 IP address on single network card, address of these two IP can belong to telecommunication and net to connect respectively, and be the IP address that telecommunication and net reduction of fractions to a common denominator match, accordingly they can enjoy the bandwidth of business of operation of this two large networks, when the user visits the webpage on the server, net card can come from according to the user allocate corresponding IP address at which circuitry to have a link, such greatly the rate that raised an user to visit businessman website.


Dispatch of new wall bulletin at the beginning of 2007, business of 4 big telegraphic operation ever experienced an IM upsurge, mobile, UniCom and net reduction of fractions to a common denominator are not rolled out " flying letter "," exceed a letter " and " sharp letter ", guess in people telecommunication prepares to abandon this one market generally when, chinese telecommunication is incompact however roll out the IM software with an expatiatory name slow --, wide happy communication.

新快报讯 2007年初,国内四大电信运营商曾经历了一场IM热潮,移动、联通和网通分别推出"飞信"、"超信"和"灵信",就在人们普遍猜测电信准备放弃这一块市场的时候,中国电信却不紧不慢地推出一款名称冗长的IM软件———宽乐通信。

The telecommunication industry is the foundation of national economic development and one of the ridgepole and beam industries in information age, each country in the world is broken to monopolize telecommunications progressively, the globalization of the telecommunication trade is fast in progress.


It is an important artery for air, sea, railway, land transportation, and telecommunication in our country. Relying on its seaport as a center, economically it connects northeast, northwest, and southeast to form its hub of transportation and telecommunication. It is not only a focal point where people come and go, but also a spring-board to the international Market.


To temporize tendency of current electronic transaction environment and development of mobile telecommunication and WAP, supposing that the electronic transaction security has achieved the certain degree under the wired environment with SSL and PKI protection and the wireless environment with WTLS and WPKI protection, I will propose a mobile e-payment system protocol let the user perform electronic transaction with mobile telecommunication in any place at any time, and also meet the requirement of micro payments and mobile payments to achieve the possibility of mobile e-commerce.


First is the digital majority of power line carrier terminal suspend telecommunication, a kind of can adjust the digital power line carrier terminal of speed voluntarily insurable hold telecommunication.


To answer this question, basing on the Economics of Regulation this paper applies path-dependence analysis of the New Institutional Economics and Game Theory, and studies thereinafter contents: 1、The extent of competition the telecommunication industry could realize in technology and practice of some countries in telecommunication deregulation.

为此,本文在规制经济学实证理论的基础上运用制度经济学的路径依赖分析框架和博弈论主要研究了如下内容: 1、电信业在技术上可实现的竞争程度以及各国规制放松的实践。

In the near future, the N that the vendibility that appreciation telecommunication business creates will be vendibility of fundamental telecommunication business times.


The comprehensive survey at present telecommunication industry market, we all know the network telephone has recently experienced the extremely astonishing change in several years, got rid of before was only in a Internet application attached status, now VoIP already has obtained the enterprise as well as the common user user's favour, the gradual substitution originally has used the traditional telephone serves, because VoIP not merely was the new correspondence service project, more importantly to traditional correspondence service vicariousness more and more high, once has opened a gap from here, when the VoIP user are more and more many, at present the traditional telecommunication system the urgent telephone possibly will be the following question which the future VoIP environment will be able to face, Pulls round to move the whole body the question although is unable in the short-term to appear, but this obviously is may foresee.

中文摘要综观目前的电信产业市场,网路电话(Voice over Internet Protocol;VoIP)在最近几年经历了非常惊人的改变,摆脱了以前只是个网际网路应用上的一个附属身份。现在VoIP已经获得了企业以及一般使用者用户的青睐,逐渐的取代了原本所使用的传统电话服务,就因为VoIP不仅仅是新的通信服务项目而已,更重要的是对传统通信服务的替代性越来越高,一旦从这里开了个缺口,当VoIP用户越来越多时,目前传统电信系统之紧急电话将可能是未来VoIP环境会面临到的后续问题,牵一发而动全身的问题虽然无法在短期间出现,但这显然是可以预见的。

The last chapter, combining with the three chapters before, offer three feasible tactics for the Telecommunication, one is the Telecommunication should drivingly mediate the whole chain of IPTV; another is giving a proposal to professional works Marketing; the third is to make suggestion for the microcosmic marketing.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
