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与 team 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He told us,"When Friday night rolls around there is more than just a football team playing. There is a band performing and the drill team and the twirlers and the cheerleaders and all the auxiliary units that make up the fine art side of competition."


And thirdly, with the help of organization learning theory, thees learning problems above all can be solved easily by setting up the learning coach's team in national sports team.


Main objectives of job : Selling services and products to libraries in China market Main duties and responsibilities : Understand fully the services and products that the Company can provide to library customers Actively build connections with potential customers and understand their needs, and promote and sell products or services accordingly Maintain and develop active sales channels with subagents Keep well-informed of the market trends and feedback timely to the Management Work closely with internal team in streamlining customer service and developing new product/service Requirement At least 2 years sales experience Good communications skills Reasonable English level Self-motivated hard worker Team player Location: Beijing

Frequent travel within China and infrequent travel internationally 工作任务:向中国地区的图书馆销售产品及服务主要职责:充分了解公司能为图书馆客户提供的产品和服务积极与潜在客户建立联系,了解客户需求,并按照客户的需求向其推销适合的产品或服务积极开发并维护与代理合作的销售渠道密切关注市场发展趋势,并及时向上级反馈和提供建议紧密配合内部团队完善服务质量以及开发新产品和服务职位要求:两年以上销售工作经验良好的沟通技巧良好的英语基础工作积极、主动、刻苦,富有进取心具备团队精神工作地点:北京或上海

Second stringers: team sports-second class members of the team, idiom-less important workers


They can be solo men or women; duos of either sex; solo single speeders–either one man or one woman; a women's team of between two and four women; and an open team of two to four riders of either sex.


If you're managing a team of 40 people on our trading desk, you want world-class soloists who can play as a team, Mr Hardie says.


The Team That Slays Together...:Win 30 matches in Team Slayers.


It is a significant project facing the public security organ how to strengthen team building, continuously improve the whole qualification of the team and fighting force to adjust to the requirement of designing socialism harmonious society.


Coincidentally, Hiruma Youichi and Kurita Ryukan are looking for a fast running back for their American Football team and want to put Sena in the team.

巧合的是,比留间 Youichi和栗田Ryukan正在寻找一种快速跑的美式橄榄球队,并希望把塞纳的团队。

Thought suddenly once was riding high the small tiger team the small tiger team was the Taiwan 1980 at the end of ages to a 1990 age intermediate stage male association. in 1988 by Wu Qilong, Chen Zhipeng and the Su Youpeng three people was composed, and in promoted Shan Qu in the same year "Blue Apple Paradise", because its youth sunlight's contour, the vigor four shot the dance and the melody exquisite song were lucky rapidly, subsequently became at that time the entire Asian Chinese popular musical world most influential man association.


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The A Team
Team A
Team Canada Song
I Love You (Team Breezy)
On My Team
Team COB
Demo Team
Expansion Team Theme
Team Player
Wu-Tang Cream Team Line Up (a.k.a. 'American Cream Team')

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
