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与 teaching 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With the new idea of teaching the in-depth development, Geometer's Sketchpad in Shuxingjiege thinking of the increasingly become an important teaching tools and teaching methods.


So long as the appropriate use of "Geometer's Sketchpad," in coordination with the use of certain skills, Geometer's Sketchpad will be able to play its advantages, well-assisted teaching the new concept of mathematics teaching, promote the comprehensive development of teaching and learning.


Some experts point out that teaching interaction is more important than other aspects of Small Class teaching, and Small Class teaching can give free rein to its superiority by developing the function of the learning interaction.


This paper is the actual teaching needs,Spoke glowingly of the "language training for deaf children," teaching several reform proposals :First of all, the "language training for deaf children" in the preparation of teaching materials .


With the popularization and application of computer-making-graph technique in all trades and professions, this new technical medium is widely used in graph of function teaching as auxiliary mathematical classroom teaching at home and abroad, as strongly advances an in-depth study in graph of function teaching.


Based upon the theories of the communicative competence by Hymes ,Widdowson, Canale and Sivignon etc. and the theory about class teaching by Harmer and Littlewood, the present thesis aims at the improvement of the students' communicative competence in EFL class teaching , attempting to find the significant methods to make EFL class teaching more effective.


School covers an area of 20066.6 square meters, 15,000 square meters of construction area, Sam Tung buildings, two dormitory, a laboratory building, two multi-purpose teaching the Office, two large computer room, Health Physics and Chemistry Laboratory equipment The two rooms, all equipped with the Office of Teaching and Research Group and a microcomputer to realize the broadband Internet access to a network of teachers to prepare lessons, curriculum resources, information technology, modern teaching methods.


Although, therefore, it was decreed at the sacred general council recently held at Rome [35 ] that the teaching of John Wyclif, of cursed memory, should be condemned and the books of his containing this teaching should be burnt as heretical; although his teaching was in fact condemned and his books burnt as containing false and dangerous doctrine; and although a decree of this kind was approved by the authority of this present sacred council [36 ] ; nevertheless a certain John Hus , here present in person at this sacred council, who is a disciple not of Christ but rather of the heresiarch John Wyclif, boldly and rashly contravening the condemnation and the decree after their enactment, has taught, asserted and preached many errors and heresies of John Wyclif which have been condemned both by God's church and by other reverend fathers in Christ, lord archbishops and bishops of various kingdoms, and masters in theology at many places of study.

虽然,因此,这是命令,在神圣的总理事会最近在罗马举行的〔 35 〕认为,教学的约翰wyclif ,受诅咒的记忆,应该受到谴责和书籍,他含有这种教学应被烧为异端,虽然他的教学应该是在谴责和他的书被烧了,因为载有虚假和危险的教义虽然一项法令,这一类被当局认可的,这本神圣会〔 36 〕,但一定约翰溶血尿毒综合症,在这里亲自出席,在这片神圣的会一位弟子没有基督的,而是该heresiarch约翰wyclif ,大胆贸然违反谴责和法令后,他们制定了教,断言和鼓吹的许多错误和异端邪说的约翰wyclif已谴责了这两个上帝的教会和其他牧师的父亲在基督里,主大主教和主教的各种演义,主人在神学上,许多地方的研究。

We use Original edition books of the United States in English Language teaching, Make extensive use of "immersion" teaching philosophy ,borrow the teaching styles of the United States ----" hortative, heuristic, discussion-style",use all English class to create a good learning atmosphere and improve the students' level of communication .


At present, the tendency is very obvious that the art teaching is taken as intellectual and moral education. But even if the teachers have advanced teaching philosophy, the phenomena of hypercorrection exist in teaching art.


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Teaching Me How To Love You
Nobody's Teaching Game
Teaching Angels How To Fly

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
