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与 teaching 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I from as follows 5 go to design teaching method, effort practice, brave reform, promote student of overall development:let the student is in the reality scenario experience and comprehension mathematics, development its space idea;encouragement student independence thinking, leading student independence investigate, cooperation exchanges;in the teaching process adoption of the method should make student thoroughly from each aspect comprehension, encouragement work°out problem strategy of diversification;in the teaching process should availably usage indirect method;in the teaching process should progressively the development student's mathematics speech.


For example, different teaching stages, different types of graph of function and different making graph tools have their own merits and demerits, so only by combining advanced teaching means with effective teaching mode can it produce the best teaching result.


The language course is in the teaching process, should according to the student's actual circumstance, take classroom teaching as means, create sex geography solution and use teaching material, use flexibly various teaching strategies, guide a student in the word, phrase, sentence surmise, foster consciousness and habit of independent study in the mastication of text, article, chapter, stir up the interest that the student studies thus with subjective can move sex, attain the real exaltation of its language level.


In this papers according to Harmer's Three Elements Theory and the requirements bo teaching in navigation English teaching practice, the author puts forward the feasibility of the cooperative language teaching in classroom teaching practice. By combining with the reality on asmmetry of the knowledge structures of the teachers and students the author also analyzes the advantages of it dining the navigation English study.


In addition, combining some research and application to the art education theory in the course of making the art teaching practice applying the existing art teaching material, she has also expatiated that the hortative teaching has advanced the change of the art education idea and the reformation of the art teaching mode and students' learning from the angle of the course construction.


through the analysis of the art education standard, combining the psychology to the individual enthusiasm, the author has made a discussion on the factor, the method and the way of the art education for mobilizing students' learning enthusiasm. in addition, combining some research and application to the art education theory in the course of making the art teaching practice applying the existing art teaching material, she has also expatiated that the hortative teaching has advanced the change of the art education idea and the reformation of the art teaching mode and students' learning from the angle of the course construction.


So it does, the natural teaching field should transcend the identicalness, limitation, thinking and utility, the relationship between teachers and students in natural teaching should turn from subjectivity (including inter-subjectivity) to otherness, the art of natural teaching should transcend the aesthetic, useful, creative and explosive characters, and the language of natural teaching should transfer from the instrumental language in the sense of epistemology to the poetical language in the sense of existential-ontology.


In my opinion, in the new course reform, the roles of the- Chinese teachers are: 1. Imparter for the Chinese knowledge. 2. Promoter for study of students. 3. Developer for study motivation. 4. Constructor for class resources .5. Conductor for class teaching. 6. Organizer for teaching class. 7. Equal communicator with students. 8. Designer and carrier for teaching activity. 9. Valuator with fairness and justice. 10. Guider for psychological health. 11. Researcher for educational and teaching theory as well as practice.


Teachers reflect immediately on their teaching activities,paying attention to their teaching ideas which have been concealed in the behaviors or experiences,naming explicitly the information which only manifests in behavioral operations or practical experiences with metaphor,analogy,hypothesis, induction,etc.,and abstracting sequences of action as conception description or induction in words. All of these make possible both the teaching behavior explanation and tacit teaching idea exchanging.


The writer combines his/her own teaching practice and tries from the angle of agrestic geography teaching and put forward some throw the opinion that the brick leads jade namely a, combine physically, pay attention to the mutual contact of knowledge and permeate mutually to make the student understand country feeling and state of the nation; Two, analyze the typical model agrestic case to stir up the student's patriotic enthusiasm; Three, open the teaching activity outside the lesson that the exhibition enriches to make the student is in controling knowledge foundation and slice body to check and feel the development and variety of home town; Four, the teacher wants peacetime to much "burn joss stick" and pays attention to the backlog of knowledge, for the convenience of teaching in at random the Nian come and be used.

摘 要:开展国情教育,是中学教育界面临的一个新课题。笔者结合自己的教学实践,试图从乡土地理教学的角度,提出几点抛砖引玉的意见即一,结合实际,注重知识的互相联系与相互渗透,以使学生了解乡情和国情;二,剖析典型乡土事例,以激发学生的爱国热情;三,开展丰富的课外教学活动,以使学生在掌握知识基础上,切身体验和感受家乡的发展与变化;四,教师要平时多"烧香",注重知识的积累,以利教学中信手拈来,派上用场。

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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
