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teaching and research group相关的网络例句

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与 teaching and research group 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After 50 years of building, our school has become a main line so ceramics, ceramic art and design and culture, and ceramic materials and mechanical engineering, economics and management group of the coordinated development of the three disciplines of the multidisciplinary universities, become one of the nation and the world in the ceramic Ceramic Art and Design and engineering teaching, research and an important base for cultural exchange, of which the design of ceramic art, ceramic engineering ceramics industry in the country enjoy a high reputation.


In the Univ., he assumed academic committeeman, academic cochairman of machine-electrical college, and director of automation teaching and research section; besides, he was committeeman of both CAA-EA and CES-ES, vice-leader of their Control Theory Group, board member of CBEIA, member of the experts committee attached to the Construction Ministry of China.

校外被聘为中国自动化学会 EA 和中国电工技术学会 CS 委员兼控制理论与应用学组副组长,全国建筑电气情报网理事,建设部专家组成员。

This research tests that if it is efficient to use learning-theory in teaching and learning of table tennis. The research adopts the way that makes comparison between a tested boy group and a collated boy group, as well as a comparison between a tested girl group and a collated girl group. It compares the skill level between tested group and collated group, as well as the difference between interest in table tennis class and learning methods, with which it analyses the effects on students given by the using of learning-theory.


Competition culture is one kind of teaching and research group culture. It is a double-edged sword.


School covers an area of 20066.6 square meters, 15,000 square meters of construction area, Sam Tung buildings, two dormitory, a laboratory building, two multi-purpose teaching the Office, two large computer room, Health Physics and Chemistry Laboratory equipment The two rooms, all equipped with the Office of Teaching and Research Group and a microcomputer to realize the broadband Internet access to a network of teachers to prepare lessons, curriculum resources, information technology, modern teaching methods.


Noted by www.SSEweb.net 】 Yon CHUNG (1964-), Male; Member, Experts Group on Social System Engineering; Chief Expert on Social System Engineering, Realizer Beijing Institute of Social System Engineering; Research Fellow, Research Center of Intellectual Property, China University of Politics and Law; Attorney at law, Attorney at law, Realizer Beijing Law Firm; Director, The International Research Project on "Systems Thinking of Chinese Leadership"; Former Director, Center of Legal System Engineering, Central Leadership Institute of Politics and Law, and Former Superintendent, Comprehensive Teaching Department of Social System Engineering School, China University of Politics and Law. He has been exploring the Legal System Engineering, Somatic Science, etc. under the support and instruction of H.S.TSIEN (the progenitor of Engineering Cybernetics and Chinese rocketry, missilery, spaceflight and System Engineering) from early 1980s.

常远(1964-),男,社会系统工程专家组成员,北京实现者社会系统工程研究院首席社会系统工程专家,中国政法大学知识产权研究中心研究员,北京实现者律师事务所律师,"中国领导层系统思维"国际研究计划(The International Research Project for Systems Thinking of Chinese Leadership)主持人。20世纪80年代初开始在钱学森(工程控制论奠基者,中国火箭、导弹、航天、系统工程之父)支持和指导下从事法治系统工程和人体科学等领域探索;曾任国家教育委员会北京教授讲学团法治系统工程研究所所长、中央政法管理干部学院法治系统工程中心主任、中国政法大学社会工程学院综合教学部负责人;1993被联合国区域间犯罪与司法研究院列入专家名册,1996年被授予"司法部优秀青年"称号。

These irrationalities incorporates on the following : the unbalance of sex and age in the technical post, the unbalance of sex and technical post in educational level, the unbalance of sex and teach age in teaching and research group ,the unbalance of zone in school and teaching and research group.


Among the team of Wuhan, a eldest one political teaching and research group leader's lao Ma, Wuchang of 9 district, 46 years old, keen-witted and capable and precise and thin.


Noted by www.SSEweb.net 】 Yon CHUNG (1964-), Male; Member, Experts Group on Social System Engineering; Chief Expert on Social System Engineering, Realizer Beijing Institute of Social System Engineering; Research Fellow, Research Center of Intellectual Property, China University of Politics and Law; Attorney at law, Attorney at law, Realizer Beijing Law Firm; Director, The International Research Project on "Systems Thinking of Chinese Leadership"; Former Director, Center of Legal System Engineering, Central Leadership Institute of Politics and Law, and Former Superintendent, Comprehensive Teaching Department of Social System Engineering School, China University of Politics and Law. He has been exploring the Legal System Engineering, Somatic Science, etc. under the support and instruction of H.S.TSIEN (the progenitor of Engineering Cybernetics and Chinese rocketry, missilery, spaceflight and System Engineering) from early 1980s.

常远(1964-),男,社会系统工程专家组成员,北京实现者社会系统工程研究院首席社会系统工程专家,中国政法大学知识产权研究中心研究员,北京实现者律师事务所律师,&中国领导层系统思维&国际研究计划(The International Research Project for Systems Thinking of Chinese Leadership)主持人。20世纪80年代初开始在钱学森(工程控制论奠基者,中国火箭、导弹、航天、系统工程之父)支持和指导下从事法治系统工程和人体科学等领域探索;曾任国家教育委员会北京教授讲学团法治系统工程研究所所长、中央政法管理干部学院法治系统工程中心主任、中国政法大学社会工程学院综合教学部负责人;1993被联合国区域间犯罪与司法研究院列入专家名册,1996年被授予&司法部优秀青年&称号。

Through observation and study by participating in the interactiveness of teaching research, the paper finds that in the activities, there are great differences in teachers' participation, their own judgment and following the majority, agreement and criticism; and concludes that different forms of the teaching research interactiveness have different effects upon teachers' professional knowledge and skills in different aspects, such as sitting in on a class and appraising a class play the most important role in teachers' profession improvement; preparing lessons together lays particular emphasis on the general methods and skills of class teaching; communicating freely lays particular emphasis on the knowledge of teaching practice and skills; the study together of a teaching research group lays particular emphasis on the discussion of the teaching theory.


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I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


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