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The article in recent years the research progress of disease of oral cavity of TP prevention and cure makes one overview. The compositive TP of the basic research 1.1 TP of 1 TP is the floorboard that phenolic apperception of a kind of many hydroxyl closes matter, 25% what hold tea dry weight about, its are main component includes to express gallnut of gallnut catechu element gallnut of element of catechu of gallnut of acerbity ester, watch, watch catechu element is acerbity element of catechu of ester, watch, express gallnut of gallnut catechu element among them acerbity ester content is highest, occupy the 80%[1] of catechu element about, fighting oxidation with its unique element structure, fight the position with fight the respect such as tumor to have choppy, significant. The 1.2 TP absorption in oral cavity and metabolization Lee [2] is measured normally inside a hour after healthy person is chewing green tea Xie Huo contains juice of gargle green tea, content of the TP in saliva is very high, after observing green tea passes salivary enzymatic hydrolyze, TP is slow release and in oral cavity;Yang of local play action [the salivary level after 3] checked 6 volunteers to drink tea, chroma of the TP in making clear the saliva after drinking tea as a result is serous TP pH indicator 2 times, and the salivary TP concentration that contains gargle tea solution a few minutes to be able to produce higher level, and TP can be absorbed through oral cavity mucous membrane.

本文就近年来TP防治口腔疾病的探究进展作一综述。1 TP的基础探究1.1 TP的组成TP是一类多羟基酚类化合物的总称,约占茶叶干重的25%,其主要成份包括表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯、表没食子儿茶素、表儿茶素没食子酸酯、表儿茶素等,其中表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯含量最高,约占儿茶素的80%[1],并以其独特的分子结构在抗氧化、抗突变、抗肿瘤等方面占有重要的地位。1.2 TP在口腔中的吸收和代谢Lee等[2]测得正常健康人在咀嚼绿茶叶或含漱绿茶液后的一个小时内,唾液中TP含量很高,并观察到绿茶通过唾液酶水解后,TP缓慢释放并在口腔局部发挥功能;Yang等[3]检查了6位志愿者饮茶后的唾液水平,结果表明饮茶后唾液中TP浓度是血浆TP浓度的2倍,而含漱茶溶液几分钟即可产生更高水平的唾液TP浓度,且TP可通过口腔黏膜吸收。

The varieties of Pu'er Tea are divided into bulk tea and pressed tea. Bulk tea is divided into top grade, the 1st -10th grade and off-grade. The pressed tea is usually in the form of cake, brick, prism, pillar, melon, human head, etc. No matter what kind of tea, as long as it is up to the four specifications above mentioned. It is real Pu'er Tea.


Chapter 3 Enjoyment of Pu'er Tea 第三章普洱茶的品鉴 The varieties of Pu'er Tea are divided into bulk tea and pressed tea. Bulk tea is divided into top grade, the 1st -10th grade and off-grade. The pressed tea is usually in the form of cake, brick, prism, pillar, melon, human head, etc. No matter what kind of tea, as long as it is up to the four specifications above mentioned.

Generally there are following methods:普洱茶从品种上分为散茶和紧压茶,散茶分特级和一到十级及级外茶,紧压茶有饼、砖、砣、柱、金瓜、人头等形状,不管是什么类型的茶,只要它符合上文所述四条标准,它就是真正的普洱茶。

The weather on tea-picking day is one of the essential elements, which influence the outdoor tea wilting. After tea-picking, other steps are outdoor tea wilting, indoor tea wilting, waving, kill-green, shaping, drying, and baking. To manufacture good tea leaves, the tea-makers need to control every step to a nicety.


Besides jasmine tea,there are magnolia tea,pomelo tea,chulan tea,daidai_flower tea,orchid tea,osmanthus tea,etc.


Kunming, Yunnan Oriental Tea House professional wholesale and retail all kinds of products in Yunnan Province: Yunnan Pu'er Series: old Pu'er tea, Pu'er tea palace, seven sub-cake tea, brick tea, Tuo, loose tea, tea process; Yunnan specialty gourmet series: all kinds preserved fruit Tamarindus±ù, plum, mango pudding ......


It is reported that the tenet of the "International Tea Federation" is to concentrate the strengths of the tea industry undertakers in the world, promote the global tea industry, establish extensive communication and cooperation platform with relevant institutions and organizations in major tea-producing countries, accelerate the quality increase of world famous teas and to stimulate the development and progress of international tea industry by emphasizing the publicity of top quality tea products and the healthy consumption of tea.


Through several year, Tea City is one of the special wholesale markets designated by the Tea Circulation Association of China, the pivot tea market in China, the five star tea market, the tea market of receive the collective tour, the famous brand corporation in China, the "AA" levels frank corporation in Shanghai, the Shanghai perfect corporation. The famous brand in Shanghai.Top Tea Corporation in China. Shanghai Famous brand. Shanghai perfect service brand. Famous business brand in China. Famous service brand in China. AA credits corporation in Shanghai. Five stars civilized market and labor guarantee credits corporation. Be designated tour commend market and international tea culture meeting place, Succeeded to conduct " the first ?national tea match".

经过多年的精心经营,作为&国家茶叶专业批发市场&和&全国重点茶市&的大不同天山茶城,如今已成为中国茶叶行业百强企业,上海市先进企业,创出享誉全国的&大不同&品牌,获&上海市著名商标&和&上海优秀服务商标&、&中国商业名牌&和&中国商业服务名牌&、 AA 级&上海市守合同重信用企业&等称号,连续多年被评为上海&五星级文明市场&和&劳动保障诚信创建单位&,被指定为上海市接待旅游团体推荐单位和上海国际茶文化节分会场,成功举办了首届&全国茶道表演大赛&。

Through several year, Tea City is one of the special wholesale markets designated by the Tea Circulation Association of China, the pivot tea market in China, the five star tea market, the tea market of receive the collective tour, the famous brand corporation in China, the "AAA" levels frank corporation in Shanghai. The famous brand in Shanghai.Top Tea Corporation in China. Shanghai Famous brand. Shanghai perfect service brand. Famous business brand in China. Famous service brand in China. AA credits corporation in Shanghai. Five stars civilized market and labor guarantee credits corporation. Be designated tour commend market and international tea culture meeting place, Succeeded to conduct " the first ?national tea match".


Through several year, Tea City is one of the special wholesale markets designated by the Tea Circulation Association of China, the pivot tea market in China, the five star tea market, the tea market of receive the collective tour, the famous brand corporation in China, the "AA" levels frank corporation in Shanghai. The famous brand in Shanghai.Top Tea Corporation in China. Shanghai Famous brand. Shanghai perfect service brand. Famous business brand in China. Famous service brand in China. AA credits corporation in Shanghai. Five stars civilized market and labor guarantee credits corporation. Be designated tour commend market and international tea culture meeting place, Succeeded to conduct " the first ?national tea match".


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